MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

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  • jeffrey collins
    Not cool enough
    • Jun 2004
    • 7427

    Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

    Why is this mix only half an hour long...weird.
    Jeffrey Collins: Painter
    My Painting Blog
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    • darkmark
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jun 2004
      • 177

      Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

      Unfortunately, MSTRKRFT had the decks until 1AM in San Francisco Friday night. Pretty lame. A good friend had to leave at 1:30 and only got in 30 minutes of JD. By the time JD finally came on, a lot of the crowd had already cleared out... Oh well...


      • kingpin7714
        Fresh Peossy
        • Feb 2007
        • 27

        Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

        Originally posted by Jay Fury
        ... "Hes constantly playing new tunes, and is always trying new things....... "
        Exactly. That's why Digweed paired up with them. If he asked Jimmy Van M to warm it up, that'd be the same old same old ... hardly anything new.

        Originally posted by Jay Fury
        ... Nobody cares about MSTRKRFT on this tour.
        Not so in Los Angeles and San Diego, a LOT of people went to the LA show simply because they were playing. Digweed happened to be there as well.

        I think it's a great pairing. Yes, MSTRKRFT is over the top.Yes they ROCK the spot. Yes, they take the energy a little too high .. but if there's anyone that can handle it, it's John Digweed.

        Both the Los Angeles and San Diego shows proved that.


        • Jay Fury
          Gold Gabber
          • Jun 2004
          • 875

          Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

          Crowd clearing out at 1:30 when Diggers came on?? I think not. Were you there? If thats the case, I cant imagine the venue was very good. People are still showing up at 5-6 AM in NYC whenever Diggers Plays!
          Mind and Body crave light, because we live in Darkness.


          • D.Williams
            Platinum Poster
            • Aug 2006
            • 2063

            Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

            Originally posted by Jay Fury
            It would have been better off to have Jimmy or Sean do the warm up (because they are good at it). Im sorry, in case your not keen to the scene, I was talking about Jimmy Van M or Sean Cusick.
            I hear ya on that one... Can't wait until the 13th when diggers comes through the STL


            • sakio pod
              SALAD TOSSER
              • Jun 2004
              • 6034

              Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

              [quote=Jay Fury;457122]Digweed doesnt sound that different right now. He still plays Dark Progressive House, Still has huge breakdowns, still has HUGE build ups. Digweed has NEVER ceased to impress me whenever I see him.....

              Blades- as for this MSTRKRFT........ I guess to each his own. There are a few people on this board that might like this style, but I definitely DONT. You can compare them to the sound of a plane crash (which I also dont like). My Question originally was.......

              Why are these guys opening up for Digweed?

              It just doesnt make sense. Someone said above that digweed is sounding different nowadays..... LMFAO.... Do you people even know who John Digweed is?! Its pretty well known that Digweed constantly conforms to the times. Hes constantly playing new tunes, and is always trying new things....... But the truth remains- anyone whos seen him live can tell you that its all about the MASSIVE buildups, MASSIVE breakdowns and the MASSIVE tracks he plays. There is always a general DARK feel to his performances.
              Originally posted by Jay Fury

              What does MSTRKRFT bring to this table? Why are they opening for such a good DJ when their style is (in my opinion) WACK?! If you honestly liked the set you heard from them, then I would assume that your in the 5% of people who are into that stuff, which is totally fine.

              .......But like I said before..... THEY SUCK.... BAD! I wont be getting to the PACHA, NYC show till late (knowing that these guys are opening up). Doors open at 10, so Diggers will come on around 1:00AM, so I plan to be there @ 12:30 to see the GRAND FINALE of MSTRKRFT (which should be a mini-blinder all in itself) LOL...

              I can honestly tell you this....... Nobody cares about MSTRKRFT on this tour. Its obviously all about Digweed (Like always). It would have been better off to have Jimmy or Sean do the warm up (because they are good at it). Im sorry, in case your not keen to the scene, I was talking about Jimmy Van M or Sean Cusick.

              Is that a good enough answer, or should I go on??

              nice cum back

              JAY you nail this one
              just doesnt make sense. Someone said above that digweed is sounding different nowadays..... LMFAO.... Do you people even know who John Digweed is?! Its pretty well known that Digweed constantly conforms to the times. Hes constantly playing new tunes, and is always trying new things....... But the truth remains- anyone whos seen him live can tell you that its all about the MASSIVE buildups, MASSIVE breakdowns and the MASSIVE tracks he plays. There is always a general DARK feel to his performances.
              its all about exposure u open for digweed or sasha your bank accounts sky rocket
              looks at what sasha did for JZ......and so on

              the set was crap turned it right off...never agagain fuck we'll hear about the upcoming shows what to expect


              • Lorn
                Looking for a title!
                • Sep 2004
                • 5826

                Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

                Didn't enjoy this. I guarantee they won't finish out the tour.


                • slim shady
                  Getting Somewhere
                  • May 2006
                  • 225

                  Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

                  i downloaded one MSTRKRFT set from that web with lots of sets in direct download, listened about 10 mins and deleted it, it just SUCKED, i dont know how digweed is touring with them...


                  • darkmark
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 177

                    Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

                    Originally posted by Jay Fury
                    Crowd clearing out at 1:30 when Diggers came on?? I think not. Were you there? If thats the case, I cant imagine the venue was very good. People are still showing up at 5-6 AM in NYC whenever Diggers Plays!
                    I didn't say the crowd cleared out at 1:30. Several of my friends left by or before 1:30. They were probably over the pseudo-Chemical-Brothers-90's-sound of MSTRKRFT.

                    In general, a great deal of the crowd was gone by 2:30. Lots of space of the floor by then. In all fairness, a lot of the people there probably didn't know JD from MSTRKRFT. This ain't NYC. Amazing that JD even bothers to stop by Ruby Skye.

                    JD played until about 4:10. He should have come on 12:00 at the latest. MSTRKRFT pretty much sounded like a broken record after one hour. Enough was enough. I guess JD wanted to give them equal billing.


                    • solidify
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 207

                      Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

                      I'm sure if we continue to plow there asses like this... Its a given they won't be finsihing the tour. People will still bitch whoever it is openig up. Porter..blah blah... heard him before..jimmy blah blah....overdone.... Thing is we want what we cant't have. Start a new post... Evict MSTRKRFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Reason holds the helm, but passions are the gales.


                      • Jay Fury
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 875

                        Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

                        Originally posted by kingpin7714

                        Not so in Los Angeles and San Diego, a LOT of people went to the LA show simply because they were playing. Digweed happened to be there as well.

                        Are you seriously out of your fucking mind?! This could be the dumbest statement Ive ever heard in all my years on this board. Dude, you have alot to learn about music..
                        Mind and Body crave light, because we live in Darkness.


                        • lilsensa
                          DUDERZ get a life!!!
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 6675

                          Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

                          Originally posted by darkmark
                          Unfortunately, MSTRKRFT had the decks until 1AM in San Francisco Friday night. Pretty lame. A good friend had to leave at 1:30 and only got in 30 minutes of JD. By the time JD finally came on, a lot of the crowd had already cleared out... Oh well...
                          They cleared out because MSTRKRFT wore them out....If they "warm up" for Diggers with the full on banging style like they did in the KISS mix, I can see exatcly why it happend..

                          Warm up, means just in the world did they figure this one to work? I guess we will just have to wait and see/hear about the review. Who knows, maybe it will get rave reviews..I dont know
                          RIP ~ Steve James


                          • lilsensa
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 6675

                            Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

                            Originally posted by kingpin7714
                            Not so in Los Angeles and San Diego, a LOT of people went to the LA show simply because they were playing. Digweed happened to be there as well.
                            RIP ~ Steve James


                            • fabric8
                              200mph Club
                              • Jul 2006
                              • 2741

                              Re: MSTRKRFT - Kiss 100 Guest DJ mix 03-03-2007

                              Not so in Los Angeles and San Diego, a LOT of people went to the LA show simply because they were playing. Digweed happened to be there as well.

                              LOL, this is the BOZO statement of this entire topic, nice 1st post

