WW II less than Iraq

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  • Dzone
    Platinum Poster
    • Jul 2004
    • 1978

    Re: WW II less than Iraq

    Originally posted by davetlv
    Islam is growing religion based on the ideology of join us or we kill you. Some religion of peace you have there mate.

    For your information twat my country existed long before your sacred prophet took a child to be his wife.
    Just to to get back to you on this, Islam is the most growing Religion regardless of all the media attckes by many ppl, and to you info if the growth just stayed as this level: 25% of Europe will be muslim by 2010 !!

    Please man do no use such lengo when you speak about our prophet or other...keep them out of the discussion. Thanks
    ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


    • davetlv
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1205

      Re: WW II less than Iraq

      Originally posted by Dzone
      Just to to get back to you on this, Islam is the most growing Religion regardless of all the media attckes by many ppl, and to you info if the growth just stayed as this level: 25% of Europe will be muslim by 2010 !!

      Please man do no use such lengo when you speak about our prophet or other...keep them out of the discussion. Thanks
      I'll tell you what Dzone, when Muslims like you stand up to your fundamentalists, when you stop them killing innocent men, women and children across this planet all in the name of your religion, when you stop your violent rhetoric, when you allow people to freely practice whatever religion they like in your countries, maybe then I'll show your religion a bit more respect - but up until that time Dzone, I will see Islam as nothing more than a death cult.

      A bit harsh? Maybe, but you reap what you sow.


      • Dzone
        Platinum Poster
        • Jul 2004
        • 1978

        Re: WW II less than Iraq

        Originally posted by davetlv
        I'll tell you what Dzone, when Muslims like you stand up to your fundamentalists, when you stop them killing innocent men, women and children across this planet all in the name of your religion, when you stop your violent rhetoric, when you allow people to freely practice whatever religion they like in your countries, maybe then I'll show your religion a bit more respect - but up until that time Dzone, I will see Islam as nothing more than a death cult.

        A bit harsh? Maybe, but you reap what you sow.
        Dave, I do not Stand up for Fundamentalists, just to refresh your memory Egypt suffered form them and their attacks killing civilians for years in the 90's and even in the last couple of years.
        So 4 sure I'm not with them, here or even abroad and from day 1 i Said ( this is based on my belive and my religion as well) that no matter what Civilians should not be killed.
        What i am trying to discuss there, is how the other side ( ME, Arabs, Mulism) look at it, also i am trying to get down to the real reasons of why those Fundamentalists grow and have more room to let their ideas reach more ppl.
        Coz of many things that have been happening by US Gov, Israel's gov, UK gov..etc within the region ( Example, OBL started his
        This things are giving those Fundamentalists good reasons ( beside that fact of ignorance, Poverty, and the roll of dictators "hussnie Moubark has been rolling Egypt since 1981 FFS") who are supported by this Gov to insure that their interest in the region is looked after.

        I just want to draw your attention that, we can see things here that you guyz cant see or understand...and i get that...same on your case your POV is valid from your side ( I'm a regular visitor to Sinai and i meet allot of Israel's that stay in the same cambe and we discuss many thing over dinner, drinks or good smoke)

        And i do understand that they have a point as well we do have 1.... i am here to discuss this in civilized manner, I'm not trying to solve the ME on bloody MS or in chat with you, I'm only posting my point of view which based on the fact that i can see things here better than many other who arent in my position or in ME.

        Within this, i do not need to insult you or your believes and i would expect the same from you.

        Just do not take it personal.
        ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


        • thesightless
          Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
          • Jun 2004
          • 13567

          Re: WW II less than Iraq

          side topic : what the fuck is wrong with iran. its the typical response of a middle eastern nation over the last few years that has shown its head twice over petty shit this week. 1. they are bitching that the movie 300 is and i quote "plundering Iran's historic past and insulting this civilization". are you kidding me? for what? basing a story on a factual historical event and creating a fictional dialogue within it? get over it. and the US govt had nothing to do with a private firm producing a movie based on a script written about an event. plz, STFU.
          2. iran getting angry because a russian firm is slow to "give" them parts for thier reactors since iran didnt pay. since when do people have to give things to them? is this new news? pay and get it. it isnt your divine right to be given anything. just liek gaza, ppl dont have to give gaza a penny if they continue to elect groups who are continually provoking war with others. stop electing them, and ppl will give you money, they are not entitled to anything past the tax revenues collected. so piss off with the demanding of the foreign aid. you cant demand anything, if so, imma sue japan for not giving me a dozen hot asian virgins.

          /end minor disjointed venting.
          your life is an occasion, rise to it.

          Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
          download that. deep shit listed there

          my dick is its own superhero.


          • davetlv
            Platinum Poster
            • Jun 2004
            • 1205

            Re: WW II less than Iraq

            Dzone, whilst I appreciate some of the positions Egypt has faced with regards to its own fundamentalists, to blame everything on US/UK/Israel is absolute BS.

            I have started another thread here where I will continue to post articles about the actions of the followers of the religion of peace in areas where the above countries have no involvement.

            To blame everything on western values/zionism/Bushism is nonsense, an excuse that certainly doesn't wash.

            Maybe we should stop this hijack of this thread and continue it over here .


            • Shpira
              Angry Boy Child
              • Oct 2006
              • 4969

              Re: WW II less than Iraq

              I can't believe that someone is actually arguing that Muslims are all about join us or we'll kill you!

              You should really mind what your saying! For the sake of others...
              There was a guy simmilar to you about 60 years ago only he said some shit about the Jewish people...
              The Idiots ARE Winning.

              "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
              Mark Twain

              SOBRIETY MIX


              • thesightless
                Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                • Jun 2004
                • 13567

                Re: WW II less than Iraq

                sadly, dave is right to a degree, and im officially playing advocate from here on out.

                the fundi folk do seem to have this idea of the "destiny of islam" to dominate and rule. while the 99% of normal people understand this is an unattainable goal, and frankly, fictional, (yes, all and every religion is fiction to illustrate moral ideas of someone in power). it isnt all about the US and isreal, no matter how much you want to say it is, our involvement comes down to attmepts at peace, security and stability, not colonization and ruling with the iron fist. just look around, stop taking a stand and put yourself outside the situation. there have been un provoked attacks by fundis in countries all around the globe. sudan, somalia, pakistan, india, china, and a multitude more, are all prime examples of regions resisting the "destiny" of the religoin and are paying the price. we are just scapegoats because we have enough power and money to exert influence. what were the bali bombings about? kashimir? kosovo? etc etc. it isnt just the US, but the problem is internal within the middle eastern society. and frankly, the region better shape up in regards to the public ideas within, cuz if another 911 happens, and we have ppl dancing in the streets over 3300 deaths, i would hope a big fucking bomb drops on whatever host nation it is this time.
                your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                download that. deep shit listed there

                my dick is its own superhero.


                • thesightless
                  Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 13567

                  Re: WW II less than Iraq

                  and shpira. look. in most of the middle east, it is about "join up or die". are you aware that a non muslim is not allowed within 50 KM of mecca? wtf is about ? maybe its time for the christians to rise up and boot the muslims out of jerusalem, hey, we were there first and our religion is the right one. (sarcasm). of course you cant, but in the region, that is how they do it. think about the apostate rule in effect throughout the region, the rules regarding defacing the name of a pedopihle prophet. to think, they openly admit he took his own child as a wife, but if you mention it, you die. look at the laws thorughout the place. they make it nearly impossible to exist as a non muslim. its up tot he people to change the outsiders viewpoint. and no one is acting within the region(disregarding egypt)
                  your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                  Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                  download that. deep shit listed there

                  my dick is its own superhero.


                  • Shpira
                    Angry Boy Child
                    • Oct 2006
                    • 4969

                    Re: WW II less than Iraq

                    yeah but there ARE Muslims who function perfectly well in a western society and don't go around throwing stones and marrying kids...to say ALL Muslims are BAD is in the least stupid!
                    I probably have the same right to hate all Muslims as does dave...my country has practically been at war with Muslims for like 20 years and still in a way is...it was under Turkish rule for 500 years....so on...I even remember my late grandma saying beware of the Mujahedin...but I'm still not prejudiced.
                    p.s. im gonne for a nap
                    The Idiots ARE Winning.

                    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                    Mark Twain

                    SOBRIETY MIX


                    • davetlv
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1205

                      Re: WW II less than Iraq

                      Originally posted by Shpira
                      I can't believe that someone is actually arguing that Muslims are all about join us or we'll kill you!

                      You should really mind what your saying! For the sake of others...
                      There was a guy simmilar to you about 60 years ago only he said some shit about the Jewish people...
                      I think if you actually read my post you would see that I am talking about fundamentalist Muslims. i certainly don't believe all Muslims are fundamentalists, but I do believe that Muslims have allowed their fundamentalists to basterdise their religion which has led us to the situation we see to - namely people being killed EVERYDAY for not accepting the ideology of these fundamentalists.

                      By all means attack me, but FFS read what I'm saying first.

                      BTW have you researched the connection between a certain Muslim fundamentalist and Hitler - you should it will open your eyes; lets also not forget that one of the biggest selling books in some Arab countries is Mien Kampf - i wonder why? Maybe the connection between Islamism and Nazism should be addressed here!


                      • davetlv
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1205

                        Re: WW II less than Iraq

                        Originally posted by Shpira
                        I probably have the same right to hate all Muslims as does dave...
                        I don't hate all Muslims - what I hate is the ideology and actions of Muslim Fundamentalists.


                        • Shpira
                          Angry Boy Child
                          • Oct 2006
                          • 4969

                          Re: WW II less than Iraq

                          well Aryans originally come from Iran...thats the connection.
                          As for reading All of your posts...maybe you should change your title to fundamentalists strike again rather than religion of "peace"...even Christianity had its crusades which were much worse so ease up on the hate.
                          The Idiots ARE Winning.

                          "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                          Mark Twain

                          SOBRIETY MIX


                          • Shpira
                            Angry Boy Child
                            • Oct 2006
                            • 4969

                            Re: WW II less than Iraq

                            Originally posted by thesightless
                            and shpira. look. in most of the middle east, it is about "join up or die". are you aware that a non muslim is not allowed within 50 KM of mecca? wtf is about ? maybe its time for the christians to rise up and boot the muslims out of jerusalem, hey, we were there first and our religion is the right one. (sarcasm). of course you cant, but in the region, that is how they do it. think about the apostate rule in effect throughout the region, the rules regarding defacing the name of a pedopihle prophet. to think, they openly admit he took his own child as a wife, but if you mention it, you die. look at the laws thorughout the place. they make it nearly impossible to exist as a non muslim. its up tot he people to change the outsiders viewpoint. and no one is acting within the region(disregarding egypt)
                            Its a silly tradition...there are monastery's in my country where Muslims are not allowed and in one case legend has it that if a Muslim enters without the priests blessing he will die immediatly...so their prophet was a pedo who married his daughter...aren't you forgetting that he is a PROPHET and that Marry gave birth to Jesus as a virgin! Its all a bunch of silly shit that people take too seriously and do stupid shit...there are fuck ups period, if they choose to fuck up in the name of a specific religion its not the religion to blame but the individual...do you blame football teams for having hooligan supporters its not their fault that there are psycho's out there who wanna stab and kill one another for no good reason.
                            The Idiots ARE Winning.

                            "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                            Mark Twain

                            SOBRIETY MIX


                            • Dzone
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jul 2004
                              • 1978

                              Re: WW II less than Iraq

                              Originally posted by thesightless
                              and shpira. look. in most of the middle east, it is about "join up or die". are you aware that a non muslim is not allowed within 50 KM of mecca? wtf is about ? maybe its time for the christians to rise up and boot the muslims out of jerusalem, hey, we were there first and our religion is the right one. (sarcasm). of course you cant, but in the region, that is how they do it. think about the apostate rule in effect throughout the region, the rules regarding defacing the name of a pedopihle prophet. to think, they openly admit he took his own child as a wife, but if you mention it, you die. look at the laws thorughout the place. they make it nearly impossible to exist as a non muslim. its up tot he people to change the outsiders viewpoint. and no one is acting within the region(disregarding egypt)
                              Sorry man, I am a muslim and i know my religon...can i ask you from where did you get this quote "they openly admit he took his own child as a wife" !!!

                              That never happned and belive me i know what i am talking about ... our Prophet never took his own child as wife....this is true lies.
                              ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


                              • Bululu
                                Gold Gabber
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 810

                                Re: WW II less than Iraq

                                Married his own child , man seriously I think your god's gift to this forum. keep um coming.

