Fake or Real
Global Warming - Fake or Real
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Re: Global Warming - Fake or Real
Totally Fake. The only thing real thing about it is Al Gore invented Global Warming.dead, yet alive.Comment
Re: Global Warming - Fake or Real
I like the fact that even if its fake, it makes people aware of our environment
but for me: fakeIf the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is: infinite. - William BlakeComment
Re: Global Warming - Fake or Real
funny u should bring this up pickle, there was a program on the tv over here which was aboiut the ligitimacy of the global warming bonanza just a couple of days ago which brought up some startling thoughts on the bullshit that everyones feeding u about the facts and believe me it seems as if it is all tottally bullshit, co2, u know the thing thats allegidly the main cause of "global warming" accounts for less than an half a percent of the gasses in the earths atmosphere and according to that program it is impossible for this to be the cause of global warming....the rise in co2 is natural and the rise is due to a 800 year lag in temp changes and the main source of the rise is coming from the sea, this was prooved by showing evidence of graphs and stuff taken from records and placed on top of each other and the results were almost a perfect match, it takes year and years for the sea to heat up releasing co2 into the atmosphere this is why there is a 800 year lag, i,m probibly not explaining this well, i never do but the whole global warming scare only really took off when the goverment got hold of it and asked weather scientists to look @ climate and of course to recieve more funding they cooked up this bullshit
its the god dam sun thats heating the earth, talk about state the obviousComment
Re: Global Warming - Fake or Real
Please read below, the most important message I will ever mention to you about our society.
" The U.S. pioneered the public relations industry. Its committment was to "control the public mind," as its leaders put it. They learned a lot from the successes of the Creel Commission and the success in creating the Red Scare and its aftermath. The public relations industry underwent a huge expansion at that time. It succeeded for some time in creating almost total subordination of the public to business rule through the 1920s....
Public relations is a huge industry. They're spending by now something on the order of a billion dollars a year. All along its committment was to controlling the public mind....
...The corporate executive and the guy who cleans the floor all have the same interests. We can all work together and work for Americanism in harmony, liking each other. That was essentially the message. A huge amount of effort was put into presenting it. This is, after all, the business community, so they control the media and have massive resources... Mobilizing community opinion in favor of vapid, empty concepts like Americanism. Who can be against that? Or, to bring it up to date, "Support our troops." Who can be against that? Or yellow ribbons. Who can be against that?... The point of public relations slogans like "Support our troops" is that they don't mean anything. They mean as much as whether you support the people in Iowa. Of course, there was an issue. The issue was, Do you support our policy? But you don't want people to think about the issue. That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for, because nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything, but its crucial value is that it diverts your attention.... "
Noam Chomksydead, yet alive.Comment
Re: Global Warming - Fake or Real
WTF? why is this even up for debate? Of course global warming is real. It has been happening since the dawn of Earth. Equally, so has global cooling.
The crux of this matter is whether mankind contributes to this warming or not, or is it part of a natural cycle that has been occuring for millena....you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....
Re: Global Warming - Fake or Real
all I need to see is the haze over my city of smog to know something is fucked up... Even IF it isn't which I think it is lets stop breathing this shit in..Comment
Re: Global Warming - Fake or Real
yes its happening, is it human induced?...more than likely as there have been no other plausible explanations put forward by the nay-sayers (most of whom are funded either by hydrocarbon producers, or biased gov't depts).Comment
Re: Global Warming - Fake or Real
kicking a dead horse here. It's very much real. A trip to your local metropolitan city yielding brown skies should clue one in to the fact that we contribute highly to CO2 emissions. It doesn't take a genious to know that CO2 traps heat. In turn, high smog levels = more trapped heat from the sun = high temperatures. Once again, you guys assume that it's only temperature in this equation when really there's multitudes of factors that attribute to the growing disparities in man-made global warming.Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
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