JD's recent positive promotion of @Live may explain why some of his radio shows have been hit and miss (although, thankfully a lot more "hit" lately). He's a really nice all round good guy, but what he should really have said is "it makes doing my radio shows piss easy - I can decamp at the airport bar, find some really annoying (usually German) tracks that would never have made my sets in my progressive hey-day, plonk them all together with the minimum of effort and then edit it down to make way for the really annoying Kiss100 Condom/safe-sex/drug awareness adds .... oh and if those minimal/elecro-tinged/german tracks are really shite (well hey, Bedrock has been scaled down, and doesn't release that much quality stuff these days) I can re-edit them so they don't sound quite as bad ! Oh and keep it quiet, but I'm pretty glad Sasha uses Live ... he's gone down hill since 1997-2004, making me "numero uno, top of the world baby" - Fuckin-A for Ableton !"
What Diggers didn't say about Ableton.
Re: What Diggers didn't say about Ableton.
JD's recent positive promotion of @Live may explain why some of his radio shows have been hit and miss (although, thankfully a lot more "hit" lately). He's a really nice all round good guy, but what he should really have said is "it makes doing my radio shows piss easy - I can decamp at the airport bar, find some really annoying (usually German) tracks that would never have made my sets in my progressive hey-day, plonk them all together with the minimum of effort and then edit it down to make way for the really annoying Kiss100 Condom/safe-sex/drug awareness adds .... oh and if those minimal/elecro-tinged/german tracks are really shite (well hey, Bedrock has been scaled down, and doesn't release that much quality stuff these days) I can re-edit them so they don't sound quite as bad ! Oh and keep it quiet, but I'm pretty glad Sasha uses Live ... he's gone down hill since 1997-2004, making me "numero uno, top of the world baby" - Fuckin-A for Ableton !" -
Re: What Diggers didn't say about Ableton.
What I don?t get is what does using Ableton have to do with the tracks he?s playing.Comment
Re: What Diggers didn't say about Ableton.
My comments are very tongue-in-cheek and playful: playing out live, Digger's been bang on the money the last 3 times I've caught him (Ibiza Pacha 05 & Space 06 plus Circus_Liverpool a couple of weeks back) - this has been reflected in the awesome 2 and a bit hours of his Space set (that I specifically flew for last year and had the priveledge to see), and the recent Mumbai set. For some reason the quality productions JD plays out live seldom (if ever) hit his weekly Transitions show - which is fine, IF the music that replaces them is great (remember - JD has more access to new productions that most of the planet). Last weeks 1st hour was pretty darned good (if you discount the 1st track - the Gerber and Slacker were corkers and formed the body of his recently raved about Plattenger mix), the 30-mins of his 2nd shared hour were, frankly, shabby. I'd been playing the Beirut Forum set when I read the Ableton interview and a few thoughts sprang into my head that I thought I'd share with the [ms] crew.sigpicSimonR
This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.Comment
Re: What Diggers didn't say about Ableton.
My comments are very tongue-in-cheek and playful: playing out live, Digger's been bang on the money the last 3 times I've caught him (Ibiza Pacha 05 & Space 06 plus Circus_Liverpool a couple of weeks back) - this has been reflected in the awesome 2 and a bit hours of his Space set (that I specifically flew for last year and had the priveledge to see), and the recent Mumbai set. For some reason the quality productions JD plays out live seldom (if ever) hit his weekly Transitions show - which is fine, IF the music that replaces them is great (remember - JD has more access to new productions that most of the planet). Last weeks 1st hour was pretty darned good (if you discount the 1st track - the Gerber and Slacker were corkers and formed the body of his recently raved about Plattenger mix), the 30-mins of his 2nd shared hour were, frankly, shabby. I'd been playing the Beirut Forum set when I read the Ableton interview and a few thoughts sprang into my head that I thought I'd share with the [ms] crew.Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
Re: What Diggers didn't say about Ableton.
You don't HAVE to live with anything. Just unplug. Go listen to some old cd's you haven't listened to in a year or more.
So digweed is doing his radio mixes with ableton...big deal. He's doing his job, bringing new music to people who might not ever hear these songs anyway else...and yeah there are a lot of shit tracks on there. But theres a lot of good stuff on there too. Ya just gotta sift through it.Comment
Re: What Diggers didn't say about Ableton.
I am with simonr on this one , I am not a DJ and I don't know how to use abelton , but since Sasha started using it he lost his special touch that he had before , hence he is not my favourite DJ anymore , I don't how to explain this but you could feel when he plays his music that its not him but a machine that doesn't instead, Call me crazy but thats how I feel . Hope Digger stays the same and keep it old school , my 0.003461 cents.Comment
Re: What Diggers didn't say about Ableton.
All I have to say is Sasha destroyed SF the last time he was here in November. His set even eclipsed Digweed's last set here.
I was blown away with what he was doing with Ableton. MUUUUUUUCH better than any of Sasha's radio sets.
I hope JD starts using it.Comment
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