Not really a top story, but nevertheless funny... Can anyone tell me what "I'm gonna rip you like a wet newspaper" is like in sign language?,,2-2007130148,00.html

TV favourite Mr Tumble is greeting toddlers by saying ?I?m f****** you? in sign language. The CBeebies character says the gestures mean ?I?m happy to see you?.
But angry parents have accused the BBC of jumbling up their signals.
Dad-of-one Jamie Miller, who works for the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, was stunned when he watched Something Special with daughter Katie, five.
Jamie, 32, of Northallerton, Yorks, said: ?The signs for ?happy? and ?f******? are quite similar but it was still an awful error to make.
But angry parents have accused the BBC of jumbling up their signals.
Dad-of-one Jamie Miller, who works for the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, was stunned when he watched Something Special with daughter Katie, five.
Jamie, 32, of Northallerton, Yorks, said: ?The signs for ?happy? and ?f******? are quite similar but it was still an awful error to make.