All Charges Dropped in Duke Case

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  • superdave
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1366

    All Charges Dropped in Duke Case

    It's about time and I'm hoping that the District Attorney Nifong somehow faces prosecution or at least resigns in disgrace. I don't think the Duke players are great guys, but there really wasn't evidence to convict them. This case was based purely on race and a DA wanting to win re-election.

    What disappoints me is that Duke University and certain media people were attacking the Duke Lacrosse team for being racists before any judgment had been made. They were already convicted because they were white in some minds. And some media outlets actually enjoy reporting on stories like this. Thankfully for the Duke players some of the media kept on the pressure to bring forward the charges being dropped for lack of evidence.

    It's interesting that this case winds up in light of the recent Imus firing considering both are race related. Between the Duke Case, Imus, & Ann Coulter recently the political correct police force is out in full effect.

    North Carolina’s attorney general said an overzealous district attorney had wrongly accused lacrosse players of sexual assault.
    Last edited by picklemonkey; April 17, 2007, 06:21:06 PM.
    Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte