French Presidential candidate smacks kid that harrasses him

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  • day_for_night
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jun 2004
    • 4127

    Re: French Presidential candidate smacks kid that harrasses him

    what the hell are the police gonna do to a kid that young? NOTHING. they might scare him a bit but he knows there are no concequences. a good smack though, and he might just think twice before trying that again...

    and no, i knew when my parents kicked my ass, it was cause i did something wrong. i was a little brat, and i'm glad they did it. kids have never been so outta control as in today's society cause of parents with the 'time-out' bullshit attitude.


    • Yao
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Jun 2004
      • 8167

      Re: French Presidential candidate smacks kid that harrasses him

      Originally posted by DIDI
      OK, I think we have established two things! No1, I won't be breeding with any of you. particularly Yao, even though I've proved I'm good at it!!

      Originally posted by DIDI
      No 2 We are probably not that fair apart in our philosophies. In one instance it's different interpretations of best friend, "A best friend doesn't say 'no', doesn't send you to your room when you're bad and doesn't scold you when you've fucked up." I think all these things can be done, and should be done by a best friend.

      Maybe we see things differently, I totally agree that children shouldn't be allowed to run wild and in fact I very rarely see that happening. Though kids do have to learn appropriate behavior and sometimes they get it wrong the way we do. [Except we may be drunk at the time

      Re the smacking , I have smacked my son, but to be perfectly honest it was nearly always my anger rather than for his own good.

      The big difference here was that it was a stranger. If a stranger touched my child I'd kill them!! Actually I probably wouldn't but I'd want to.! Also he hit the child around the head which is a total no no.!! It's doesn't take much to do damage.

      day for night, you don't think a little trip to the police station just might be more appropriate than letting them think violence is the answer??? If we react violently we are teaching them that's it's ok.
      A slap should indeed never be given when you're out of control, I actually think the less you do it, the more effect it will have -it must be something 'special'. And in such a case, I do think it can be for someone's own good because it will be the ultimate denominator of your social boundaries.

      I've read that the philosophy these days is that kids should find their own ways and that society itself will teach them how far they can go, but the problem I see here is that whenever that happens, parents get angry and start justifying their kids. You get parents coming to school to beat up teachers when they punish a child, but hey...if they don't do it theirselves then who should?

      Then there is the simple basic reaction to pain or fright: people hate that, kids especially. So usually a slap should hav the effect that a kid just doesn't want it to happen again. Pain (among others like hunger) is also mother nature's way of teaching animals that what they did was the wrong thing and they should find another way of doing it to succeed. It's a basic negative feeling that any person or animal tends to avoid by nature.

      Now, that doesn't mean for me I want to use the negative way to raise a kid, not at all: I'd rather use the way of reward when my kid did something good, so it will be a lot more attractive to behave well. But my child will also be influenced by the outside world so I'll never have total control of it's development. Hence my idea that sometimes there are other options in an education to correct it besides the 'positive' way. I just hope not too often
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      There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


      • KinKyJ
        Platinum Poser
        • Jun 2004
        • 13438

        Re: French Presidential candidate smacks kid that harrasses him

        The disease

        The cure

