So I have been stressing the last couple of weeks over my work. I work for a Doctor who is the biggest CUNT in the world. Two weeks ago she gave a sworn depo and purjured herself stating that she had particular conversations with a certain lawyer that she never had. The shit she said was so bad that he was in jeopardy of loosing his license. Well now this guy is pissed so He supeona's the doctor and myself so that she would either recant her bullshit or get caught perjuring herself. I was called to testify against her as the only conversations this guy ever had with our office was with me. Anyway my Boss was asking me to perjure myself so she didn't get into trouble for saying what she had said. When I refused, she has now turned the story around and has everyone thinking that I was the one who gave her the misinformation and it was all my fault.
Time came for court today, the stupid bitch stuck to her story. Who knew attorney's kept computerized phone records and recordings of all phone conversations (LMFAO). He called her to the stand, she stated the same testimony as before or at least until the attorney entered into evidence the phone recordings. This bitch refused to even cover my attorney's cost for dragging me into this shit. Justice prevailed today though to see that CUNT escorted out of the court in silver bracelets. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day other than the fact that I am now looking for a new job. Oh well it was worth it.