so the question is, how far will the people, not the gov't, erode our own rights because we gove so many it gets silly. mind you, these companies arent doing it, just us. cant we take a joke on ourselves, and laugh at stereotypes anymore? will it steamroll to the point where any racial, religious, or stereotypical reference in a joke gets you banned from society?
UGH, AGAIN where will it end
UGH, AGAIN where will it end
your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Tags: None -
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
so the question is, how far will the people, not the gov't, erode our own rights because we gove so many it gets silly. mind you, these companies arent doing it, just us. cant we take a joke on ourselves, and laugh at stereotypes anymore? will it steamroll to the point where any racial, religious, or stereotypical reference in a joke gets you banned from society?
you're kidding right?
meanwhile you use towelheads every so often out of anger. I make a jewish joke and rubyraks freaks out and warns me not to do it again. Nobody knows what's racist and innapropriate except the people that the comments are aimed toward. This is not humor, this is a publicity stunt so that they can get the next 15 minutes to themselves in all of news. If people don't want speech limited, then maybe they should stop saying such stupid shit on public air. This isn't like the jerky boys.Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
so the question is, how far will the people, not the gov't, erode our own rights because we gove so many it gets silly. mind you, these companies arent doing it, just us. cant we take a joke on ourselves, and laugh at stereotypes anymore? will it steamroll to the point where any racial, religious, or stereotypical reference in a joke gets you banned from society? interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon BonaparteComment
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
amazing how howard stern got away with it for so long.Originally posted by MiroslavIt's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .Comment
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
First I didn't "freak out", I gave you a simple warning and edited your post to something not racist (actually poking fun at lawyers, like myself)
Second, you've been around here for some time now and I do not question your morals at all....that particular post was just not the type of informed response we'd like to see on the political forum (with some unfortunate exceptions) and since at that time, there were already a number of issues regarding prejudiced/bigoted postings, it's unfortunate that I had to call you out as well.
...Now to the issue of the thread, it really is unfortunate that as a society we've become ridiculously overconcerned with political correctness. For example, when I was trying to discuss the Imus issue, a number of people would get up in arms and tell me not to discuss it in public, even though they firmly know I'm the farthest from a racist as possible.
This concept of PC has become nothing but a witchhunt to be applied vengefully and not equally. The saddest part is that it is applied in such a hypocritical exemplified by Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson calling for the firing of Don "nappy-headed" Imus. Why is one person entitled to forgiveness and not another?
Also, what is declared inappropriate by one group is perfectly acceptable for that same group to use...if it is an offensive term call it that and stop trying to "reclaim it". Let's bury the term and move on to more appropriate and less hurtful words...otherwise it is nothing but confusing and sends out mixed signals.
Frankly, at the end of day I believe it all comes down to's the prejudiced and bigoted people who are painful, not the words they use. As the children's saying goes, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Why adults seem to forget this as they get older is beyond me...the kids are right"Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
Live like it's Heaven on Earth."Comment
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
I resent your remark and I'll explain why.
First I didn't "freak out", I gave you a simple warning and edited your post to something not racist (actually poking fun at lawyers, like myself)
Second, you've been around here for some time now and I do not question your morals at all....that particular post was just not the type of informed response we'd like to see on the political forum (with some unfortunate exceptions) and since at that time, there were already a number of issues regarding prejudiced/bigoted postings, it's unfortunate that I had to call you out as well.
...Now to the issue of the thread, it really is unfortunate that as a society we've become ridiculously overconcerned with political correctness. For example, when I was trying to discuss the Imus issue, a number of people would get up in arms and tell me not to discuss it in public, even though they firmly know I'm the farthest from a racist as possible.
This concept of PC has become nothing but a witchhunt to be applied vengefully and not equally. The saddest part is that it is applied in such a hypocritical exemplified by Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson calling for the firing of Don "nappy-headed" Imus. Why is one person entitled to forgiveness and not another?
Also, what is declared inappropriate by one group is perfectly acceptable for that same group to use...if it is an offensive term call it that and stop trying to "reclaim it". Let's bury the term and move on to more appropriate and less hurtful words...otherwise it is nothing but confusing and sends out mixed signals.
Frankly, at the end of day I believe it all comes down to's the prejudiced and bigoted people who are painful, not the words they use. As the children's saying goes, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Why adults seem to forget this as they get older is beyond me...the kids are right
The point I was trying to make was that my comment was made just as joke, much like those in the news. However, we can't consider what's offensive because we aren't the people that it's aimed at. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards that we have when I still see sightless and a few others using racial remarks out of spite.
I had a phlebotomy class this past weekend and everytime I came up to draw blood from someone he would talk to me in an indian accent. At what point is it just not funny anymore? I was sitting there and wanted to smack the guy.Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
I do see your point though, as I am arguing the same point you're trying to make. Too many hypocrites!!! and that applies to so much more than just use of racist terms unfortunately.
"Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
Live like it's Heaven on Earth."Comment
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
Oh for God's sake...sorry but I have to disagree here.
Just when was this "ideal" time, when Americans stood by and pariotically supported people cracking blatant jokes about big nosed Jews, slanty eyed gooks, dumwitted Mexicans, tree swinging Africans, etc. in the public media forums? Back when people still thought slavery was a good idea?
It's one thing to make whatever off-color jokes you want among your friends. I'm all for that. It's a very different thing to start the district-wide PTA meeting off with the joke about the woman who burned her tits on the kitchen stove. Since when was THAT a smart idea?
I don't see it as my "right" as an American to go down the street and make cheap racial references at every Asian person I come across without suffering any consequence for it. And being on the radio is no different than that. And I don't have a problem with society shunning people who choose to do shit like that. It's'd think by now people would at least be intelligent enough to recognize that if you choose to do certain things like that in public, it will cost you (and rightly so).mixes:
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
Oh for God's sake...sorry but I have to disagree here.
Just when was this "ideal" time, when Americans stood by and pariotically supported people cracking blatant jokes about big nosed Jews, slanty eyed gooks, dumwitted Mexicans, tree swinging Africans, etc. in the public media forums? Back when people still thought slavery was a good idea?
It's one thing to make whatever off-color jokes you want among your friends. I'm all for that. It's a very different thing to start the district-wide PTA meeting off with the joke about the woman who burned her tits on the kitchen stove. Since when was THAT a smart idea?
I don't see it as my "right" as an American to go down the street and make cheap racial references at every Asian person I come across without suffering any consequence for it. And being on the radio is no different than that. And I don't have a problem with society shunning people who choose to do shit like that. It's'd think by now people would at least be intelligent enough to recognize that if you choose to do certain things like that in public, it will cost you (and rightly so).Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
it will come down to the point where every little grouping of people, no matter how they are grouped, sex, religion, race, even hobbbies and interests will sue and pressure everyone to the opint where we can longer be provacative, where people like george carlin, and any comedian, scratch that, anyone, cannot say a damn thing. its sad. why cant people lighten up? this will only get worse.
in order to tell any joke, you will have to be part of the target of the joke. i.e. only jews can tell jewish jokes, only spanish people will be able to say beaner, only blacks will be able to use the n word, its sad.... fucking pussies. ease up.
imo, there are only two things i tend to avoid, but even i have cracked a joke or two about them. rape and the holocost. reasoning: two of the most severe, pointless , destructive events in our species, and simply put, it goes beyond the line of pointing out one's shortcomings, and really tries to make light of something so severe that frankly, it shouldnt be made light of. it should be taken with 1000% seriousness. but thats it. i crack off color jokes non stop and i wont be stopping soon.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
it will come down to the point where every little grouping of people, no matter how they are grouped, sex, religion, race, even hobbbies and interests will sue and pressure everyone to the opint where we can longer be provacative, where people like george carlin, and any comedian, scratch that, anyone, cannot say a damn thing. its sad. why cant people lighten up? this will only get worse.
in order to tell any joke, you will have to be part of the target of the joke. i.e. only jews can tell jewish jokes, only spanish people will be able to say beaner, only blacks will be able to use the n word, its sad.... fucking pussies. ease up.
imo, there are only two things i tend to avoid, but even i have cracked a joke or two about them. rape and the holocost. reasoning: two of the most severe, pointless , destructive events in our species, and simply put, it goes beyond the line of pointing out one's shortcomings, and really tries to make light of something so severe that frankly, it shouldnt be made light of. it should be taken with 1000% seriousness. but thats it. i crack off color jokes non stop and i wont be stopping soon.
yeah keep doing it till your get your ass kicked thats the attitude! my school of thought too.Comment
Re: UGH, AGAIN where will it end
no dude...
i mean, in all honesty, have you ever laughed at a white/black/jew/muslim joke ever? if you did, you should be able to handle me cracking a mexican joke. i dont give a shit that certain groups are capable of cracking a white trash joke, hell i crack redneck jokes all the time. some stereotypes are so true we hate to admit it. i say, admit, and laugh at life's stupid realities. just my opinion, i cant be so uptight to consider a prov oking attempt at humor offensive, and if i do, have the common sense to simply change the channel.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment