Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
    President George W. Bush vetoed legislation on Tuesday that would have required him to begin withdrawing U.S. combat troops from
    Iraq this year, setting up a new showdown with Democratic leaders over funding the war, the White House said.

    Bush's veto, only the second of his presidency, came on the four-year anniversary of a speech he delivered announcing the end of major combat operations in Iraq beneath a "Mission Accomplished" banner.
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    Well, this is obviously not really news. Everyone pretty much knew this would happen. Question, though, is who will break? If the Democrats are smart, they will continue to send the same bill back up. If I'm not mistaken, they have gained slightly more support each time the issue has come up. Eventually -- at least theoretically -- they'd have enough to override a veto.

    In reality, I doubt they would ever actually have enough to override the veto, but I do think people are smart enough to realize that "funding the war, with strings attached" is not tantamount to "putting our troops in harm's way without the supplies they need to succeed." At least, I hope so. Point is, though, at some point the Dems can probably garner enough support that it would be political suicide for GOP lawmakers to stay on board with Bush's program, and they'll quietly push Bush to cut a deal.

    Personally, though, if Bush rejects this funding just because it effectively shifts the burden to him to start showing some results immediately, I think he's the one that would be hanging the troops out to dry. Of course, my thoughts on Bush are pretty well-documented, so what else would you expect me to say, I suppose...
  • apollo_1444
    • Oct 2006
    • 485

    Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

    veto? give me a break...then whats the purpose of the damn congress?


    • superdave
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1366

      Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

      Agreed that this is no surprise as he's been saying all along he would veto this bill. However, at some point he's going to have to compromise and understand that America & Congress demands resolution in Iraq.

      Most of us agree we probably shouldn't even be in Iraq in the first place. Mission was already accomplished by making sure that there were no WMDs that could harm us. We're going above & beyond why we went to Iraq in the first place.

      Harry Reid is being irresponsible by saying we've lost with troops still in the field. But, we need Bush to work with Congress on a timetable to withdraw if the surge doesn't work.
      Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


      • Miroslav
        WHOA I can change this!1!
        • Apr 2006
        • 4122

        Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

        Originally posted by apollo_1444
        veto? give me a break...then whats the purpose of the damn congress?

        It's part of that whole checks and balances biz over here. He's the Pres and it's his administration in the White House, so he has that right. If Congress wants to get it through, they just need to override it with enough support. Simple
        mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


        • subterFUSE
          Gold Gabber
          • Nov 2006
          • 850

          Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

          Good for him. I am glad he has vetoed that bill.


          • Who?
            Getting warmed up
            • May 2007
            • 87

            Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

            At some point Bush may need to open up his eyes and see that what is currently the plan is not working. Not saying that the Dems are 100% correct on what they're are doing but we need to get back to the checks & balances of our government. There has been too much allowance to the current administration to do whatever they want that now anytime something comes up that goes against their ideal, they automatically disregard it as 'unpatriotic'. The only group that is suffering during this back and forth is the troops out in Iraq. I am not a supporter of the war but I do want my fellow Americans to at least have the protection necessary so that they can get through their tour and come back home - earlier the better.


            • apollo_1444
              • Oct 2006
              • 485

              Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

              at least the soldiers aren't ours haha


              • Who?
                Getting warmed up
                • May 2007
                • 87

                Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

                Don't be too sure about that - Bush may start pulling yours as well - I mean, you are on the same continent as us (and right next door)...


                • KinKyJ
                  Platinum Poser
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 13438

                  Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

                  Originally posted by apollo_1444
                  at least the soldiers aren't ours haha
                  Well, aren't you the king of shitty remarks? I mean c'mon, I am and always have been against the invasion of Iraq, but at least I'm showing respect for those who got royally fucked by their commander-in-mischief. Maybe you should do the same, gringo...

                  On topic: pulling back US troops from Iraq is probably the only thing that will prevent the complete crackdown of the largest military force in the world and the only barrier against even more shit on international scale.

                  But then again, the Dem's bill is just as shortsighted as the decission to get assraped in Iraq in the first place. Neither of those plans has a "what are we going to do next" clause. Or am I missing something?


                  • toasty
                    Sir Toastiness
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6585

                    Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

                    Originally posted by KinKyJ
                    But then again, the Dem's bill is just as shortsighted as the decission to get assraped in Iraq in the first place. Neither of those plans has a "what are we going to do next" clause. Or am I missing something?
                    In fairness, it would be inappropriate for the Congress to include language in a bill regarding tactical questions such as "what do we going to do next" because that, unfortunately, is the exclusive purview of the commander-in-chief, our beloved president. Really, the only thing Congress can do is to choose not to fund the war, or to put (broad) limitations on the funding of the war.

                    I was listening to CNN this morning and Roy Blunt (GOP Minority Whip) was on there talking about how there were so many Democrats who were "joining Republicans in rejecting this bill." Jackass. What Roy failed to mention is that the Democrats that would not vote for the bill did so because they wanted a bill that would stop funding the war, period, not because they agreed with him that the war ought to continue. Shameless, really shameless spinning thought ought to be obvious to anyone that pays any attention to politics whatsover.


                    • subterFUSE
                      Gold Gabber
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 850

                      Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

                      Veto override has failed.... as expected.


                      • thesightless
                        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 13567

                        Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

                        bush knows everyone wants out. he has to balance that with the utter chaos that the violent towel heads will unleash upon the place once we are out.

                        i beleive, that if they truly wanted us out, and not a side agenda, they wouldnt have put in 20 billiion in pork fat bill attachments, and also, wouldnt put a "date" on the withdrawal, but use some common sense, and base it upon the numbers game of violence, ie. a slow in bombings and murder, whatever, at least that way, all the little al queda wanna be's would chill for awhile, allow the US to leave, then rip shit up. that way, everyone gets thier goals. bush gets his i toldya so, the dems get out, insurgency gets to kill everyone in thier way, and the american citizen can stop listening to our government do NOTHING>
                        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

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                        my dick is its own superhero.


                        • apollo_1444
                          • Oct 2006
                          • 485

                          Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

                          Originally posted by KinKyJ
                          Well, aren't you the king of shitty remarks? I mean c'mon, I am and always have been against the invasion of Iraq, but at least I'm showing respect for those who got royally fucked by their commander-in-mischief. Maybe you should do the same, gringo...

                          On topic: pulling back US troops from Iraq is probably the only thing that will prevent the complete crackdown of the largest military force in the world and the only barrier against even more shit on international scale.

                          But then again, the Dem's bill is just as shortsighted as the decission to get assraped in Iraq in the first place. Neither of those plans has a "what are we going to do next" clause. Or am I missing something?
                          talk about respect? when millions are dying from both sides in this lame ass war .. it's just critical sarcasm I have a cousin who is in Iraq right now you moron.


                          • 88Mariner
                            My dick is smaller
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 7128

                            Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

                            millions? are you SURE?

                            it appears CNN is now supporting the idea that it would be a bad idea to leave Iraq at this juncture.

                            Pulling U.S. forces from Iraq could trigger catastrophe, CNN analysts and other observers warn, affecting not just Iraq but its neighbors in the Middle East, with far-reaching global implications.

                            "Sectarian violence could erupt on a scale never seen before in Iraq if coalition troops leave before Iraq's security forces are ready. Supporters of al Qaeda could develop an international hub of terror from which to threaten the West. And the likely civil war could draw countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran into a broader conflict."
                            while this war, i think, was never in the best interests of the American people, it would, in all honesty, be disastrous to leave. It's now a necessity to prevent massive-scale sectarian violence, an Al Qaeda base for terror in oil-rich Iraq, and a broader Middle East conflict....
                            you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

                            it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

                            Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....



                            • toasty
                              Sir Toastiness
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 6585

                              Re: Bush Vetoes War-Spending Bill

                              Originally posted by 88Mariner
                              while this war, i think, was never in the best interests of the American people, it would, in all honesty, be disastrous to leave. It's now a necessity to prevent massive-scale sectarian violence, an Al Qaeda base for terror in oil-rich Iraq, and a broader Middle East conflict....
                              I was on board with this idea for a long time. In the fairly recent past, though, I've begun to develop the opinion that Iraq is going to be fucked regardless of whether we stay or go. There's already a massive civil war, and I don't even know who's side we're on any more. Far as I can tell, the only thing the Shias and Sunnis can agree on is that killing us is a good idea.

                              We've been trying to rebuild the country with the assistance of the Iraqis for over 4 years now, and it simply hasn't worked. I think it's time to get the hell out of there and let them figure this out for themselves. It's going to be a complete clusterfuck either way, and I guess I prefer the clusterfuck that has less troops dying.

                              No easy answers. It's a mess regardless.

