So now our government is talking about immigration reform. We can't even show that we can control the border - we might as well just knock down the crappy fence we have now and roll out the red carpet. Forget the people who want to enter legally into our country - we don't want you. We aren't dealing with an immigration problem, we are dealing with an exodus problem. Already there are areas of Mexico around the border where the towns are empty except for women and children. All of the men are in America illegally working and sending the money back to Mexico.
In Dallas, TX, the county hospital is paying millions upon millions of taxpayers money to cover the costs of medical care for illegal immigrants. There is no benefit to Americans in having undocumented workers in the country. Big corporations enjoy large profits based off of low wages paid to these workers all the while justifying it by saying 'They work in jobs that Americans don't want to work in.' I would believe that if every single American actually had the opportunity to choose their employment. I am sure there are some Americans out there who are unemployed who are wanting work but are losing out to illegal immigrants instead of having the opportunity that was promised to them because they live here in America. I know there are exceptions to the rule, I'm not saying everyone who is unemployed wants to work. We do have leeches on the welfare system who will never want to break away from the free check (that is another rant all together).
We Americans all pay for this in the long run. We are told that having low paid workers keeps prices down - I don't see it. Inflation is still skyrocketing in food and other necessities, not going down or staying flat. All who are benefiting are the corporate directors with their large bonuses which only get larger as the years pass.
We should not be thinking of reforming the immigration policy until we can control the influx of persons into our country illegally. Amnesty only promises that illegals can come over and there is no punishment for breaking the law. Allowing businesses a free ticket to pay these workers under the table, tax-free, is absurd. They don't help our economy - they send the money back to Mexico or wherever they are from (Central/South America).
This effects the value of our dollar - the national debt is growing like cancer and if approx. 20 million people aren't paying taxes (plus companies ducking out to avoid them as well... Halliburton) pretty soon all we will have is green paper that is only good for wiping our ass. I can remember when I started buying music in the electronica music genre, I was getting vinyl from the UK and the currency exchange was approx. $1.20 to every UK pound - now it's $2 for every pound. This is been in only the last 6 years!!! I can also remember when the dollar was worth more than the Euro, again only 6 years ago. Granted we can download from places like Beatport but that's beside the point in this argument.
At some point the American public needs to take back their country from the corporations. This country was founded on the ideal, 'for the people, by the people.' We have turned the corner and now live by the 'make the highest profit' ideal. They have bought their way into the government and we no longer have a voice. There are clauses in our constitution that allow us to take back our country it's just that so many of us are too afraid or too uneducated (or don't care to make a difference) to do anything about it.
We are losing our country on a daily basis and I hate to be pessimistic but if there is not a change in the way we do things, 'superpower' will be a distant memory in our vocabulary.
In Dallas, TX, the county hospital is paying millions upon millions of taxpayers money to cover the costs of medical care for illegal immigrants. There is no benefit to Americans in having undocumented workers in the country. Big corporations enjoy large profits based off of low wages paid to these workers all the while justifying it by saying 'They work in jobs that Americans don't want to work in.' I would believe that if every single American actually had the opportunity to choose their employment. I am sure there are some Americans out there who are unemployed who are wanting work but are losing out to illegal immigrants instead of having the opportunity that was promised to them because they live here in America. I know there are exceptions to the rule, I'm not saying everyone who is unemployed wants to work. We do have leeches on the welfare system who will never want to break away from the free check (that is another rant all together).
We Americans all pay for this in the long run. We are told that having low paid workers keeps prices down - I don't see it. Inflation is still skyrocketing in food and other necessities, not going down or staying flat. All who are benefiting are the corporate directors with their large bonuses which only get larger as the years pass.
We should not be thinking of reforming the immigration policy until we can control the influx of persons into our country illegally. Amnesty only promises that illegals can come over and there is no punishment for breaking the law. Allowing businesses a free ticket to pay these workers under the table, tax-free, is absurd. They don't help our economy - they send the money back to Mexico or wherever they are from (Central/South America).
This effects the value of our dollar - the national debt is growing like cancer and if approx. 20 million people aren't paying taxes (plus companies ducking out to avoid them as well... Halliburton) pretty soon all we will have is green paper that is only good for wiping our ass. I can remember when I started buying music in the electronica music genre, I was getting vinyl from the UK and the currency exchange was approx. $1.20 to every UK pound - now it's $2 for every pound. This is been in only the last 6 years!!! I can also remember when the dollar was worth more than the Euro, again only 6 years ago. Granted we can download from places like Beatport but that's beside the point in this argument.
At some point the American public needs to take back their country from the corporations. This country was founded on the ideal, 'for the people, by the people.' We have turned the corner and now live by the 'make the highest profit' ideal. They have bought their way into the government and we no longer have a voice. There are clauses in our constitution that allow us to take back our country it's just that so many of us are too afraid or too uneducated (or don't care to make a difference) to do anything about it.
We are losing our country on a daily basis and I hate to be pessimistic but if there is not a change in the way we do things, 'superpower' will be a distant memory in our vocabulary.