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  • neur0t0xin64
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 248


    Please take a few minutes to see this short film, John Kerry has stressed previously that America doesnt know him, well here is a good look at the real John Kerry....and whats best about this, its in HIS OWN WORDS. Check the policy son!!

    "In case of doubt, attack." --- Gen. George Patton
  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    uh, did you do this yourself, neuro? No revelations here. I don't see where there was anything actually inconsistent with what has been said, or what he's saying now.

    -Kerry has indicated that Saddam was a threat
    -Kerry has indicated that he would have supported the use of force to get rid of him
    -Kerry has said that he would have gone about the whole Iraq process differently (although I will grant you that it has been less than clear as to what exactly that means, except that he would have "sought more international support")

    Honestly dude, this has been one of your all-time lamest posts. If you're going to ask us to watch something 12+ minutes long, I want to see some smoke and fire -- this doesn't even qualify as smoke and mirrors...

    I want my 12 minutes back.

    Extremely disappointed,

    PS There are loads of legitimate flip-flops out there. Why resort to this?


    • PhAntoM MeNaCe
      Getting warmed up
      • Sep 2004
      • 74

      WOW. Kerry spells out exactly why he should retire into his cape cod villa and retreat from Politics. I've heard some of these interviews before but to see it all put together makes it very clear that he cant be trusted, especially his position on Iraq BEFORE he was running for president. Thanks Neuro.
      "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


      • toasty
        Sir Toastiness
        • Jun 2004
        • 6585

        Two additions to my earlier post:

        1. One person's flip flop is another person's thoughtful deliberation in light of the state of affairs as they exist at the time.
        2. Neuro, how is this different from the "cut and paste propaganda" you assail on a regular basis? I've seen a number of those interviews and clips before myself, and some of them are clearly taken out of context or edited creatively to make them sound different than they do when you see the whole interview (or even let him finish the sentence).


        • Balanc3
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1278


          THX Neuro I'll check this once out after work... but honestly Toasty, a flip flop is a flip flop nuff said. He can't be trusted any more than Bush. You say lesser of two evils, I think not.
          JourneyDeep .into the sound


          • neur0t0xin64
            Getting Somewhere
            • Jun 2004
            • 248

            Toasty, if you want to call this cut and paste, im not going to take issue...there were times I would have liked to hear the rest of the sentence too. But this is in no way propaganda(obviously)...its John Kerry with his own words...the fact is he cant make up his mind whether he likes coffee or tea, and irritates the hell out of me. I just cant find any respect for the guy, I have a deep feeling that he cannot be trusted(as well as most of the nation). I dont agree with everything Bush says or does...but damn atleast the guys got a spine of sheet metal. He spits it from the gut. I respect that, and I admire that.

            A MESSAGE TO KERRY ABOUT A TEXAS PROVERB: Life is NOT like a box of chocolates.
            Life is like a jar of jalape?os. What you do today May burn your ass tomorrow.

            So toasty if the film didnt do it for you, allow me to put some of his words in text?

            "I said at the time I would have preferred if we had given diplomacy a greater opportunity, but I think it was the right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein. And when the president made the decision, I supported him, and I support the fact that we did disarm him."-john kerry may 3, 2003

            "Those who doubted whether Iraq or the world would be better off without Saddam Hussein, and those who believe that we are not safer with his capture, don't have the judgement to be president or the credibility to be elected president." john kerry december 16, 2003

            "Yes, I would have voted for the authority. I believe it's the right authority for a president to have. But I would have used that authority as I have said throughout this campaign, effectively." john kerry august 9, 2004

            "Iraq was "the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time." john kerry September 6, 2004

            "We should not send more troops. That would be the worst thing." john kerry September 4, 2003

            "If it requires more troops...that's what you have to do." john kerry April 18, 2004

            "I will have significant, enormous reduction in the level of troops." john kerry August 1, 2004

            "We're going to get our troops home where they belong." john kerry August 6, 2004

            "We should increase funding [for the war in Iraq] by whatever number of billions of dollars it takes to win." john kerry August 31, 2003

            "200 billion [for Iraq] that we're not investing in education and health care, and job creation here at home...that's the wrong choice." john kerry September 8, 2004

            The point is that this whole Kerry 'flip-flop' has been a humorous leitmotif of this campaign, and I cannot name 1 other candidate in the history of the United States that has fucked himself so painfully by his own words, that his own party is sitting around scratching their heads thinking *what the fuck is going on?*, *atleast Bush can't run again in 4 years*
            "In case of doubt, attack." --- Gen. George Patton


            • BeachBum
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 471

              I'm with toasty , fvck george w, bush ,Lick Bush and Dick in 2004- surely the Bush campaign couldve come up w/ something a little more substantiative less the tongue tied or should I say tongue twisted excerpts from several different stressful interviews, what the fvck eva he's a pig covering his murdering ass.Thank you very much!!!! Every dog will have his day. Freaking ass, cant believe people actually voted for his biggot , pig, retarded stank redneck white trash arse. Whew ,what a relieve!!!
              The man who has no imagination has no wings - Muhammad Ali


              • neur0t0xin64
                Getting Somewhere
                • Jun 2004
                • 248

                BeachBum, obviously you and toasty are chumming each others plums. Although I have to admit toasty has more CLASS,you of course can't even spell it. I think the rays from your tanning bed are attacking your shrill spirit, friend. Your clandestine and surreptitious bias is vindictive, and your only playing yourself, playa.
                "In case of doubt, attack." --- Gen. George Patton


                • Balanc3
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1278

                  Originally posted by neur0t0xin64";p="
                  Life is like a jar of jalape?os. What you do today May burn your ass tomorrow.
                  sounds kinda like havin a chili seed lodged in your penis, after a dirty night out with a mexican whore.

                  But seriously, not sending more troops at this point would be worse, and quickly pulling out troops is going to get more soldiers killed. Kinda like being the last one to catch a ride out of Vietnam... but changing Presidents during a time of war is just unheard of. This just isn't something that is easily passed to the next leader.. Be rational... nobody wanted the war, we didn't get the international support we asked for... but now were in it and there is no turning back. I guarantee if elected Kerry will not last more than his four year term.
                  JourneyDeep .into the sound


                  • neur0t0xin64
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 248

                    Hey anybody heard of the "induce act" S. 2560? Hollywood muthaf*@%ers trying to bogart the entertainment industry and destroy peer to peer software...waaaaay off topic but that is BULLSHIT!!! Fascist punks! Check this out:
                    "In case of doubt, attack." --- Gen. George Patton


                    • neur0t0xin64
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 248

                      "sounds kinda like havin a chili seed lodged in your penis, after a dirty night out with a mexican whore."

                      haha niice one balanc, oh hmmm heres one for you!
                      Why do midgets smile when they play football??????
                      Because when they run...the grass tickles their BALLS!!! Ohhhhhhhhh

                      Oh yeah check out this BULLSHIT!! See how kerry supporters rip up a BUSH-CHENEY sign of an adorable 3 year old girl!
                      The latest news and headlines from Yahoo News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.

                      This is the insidious nature and perilous politics of the democrats. Hey you know what i've been hearing alot of lately from my democratic constituants??? They keep saying they are honestly thinking about moving to another country...they are ashamed of the US. HIT THE STREETz GEEKz!!
                      "In case of doubt, attack." --- Gen. George Patton


                      • asdf_admin
                        i use to be important
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 12798

                        ^^^ damn. I made a topic ...

                        ps. i am not gonna write anything about John Kerry, except that his best friend is Ted Kennedy the poster boy for drunk driving murdering socialists.

                        Read More Here.
                        dead, yet alive.


                        • stuntman
                          Fresh Peossy
                          • Sep 2004
                          • 16

                          Bush will win


                          • BeachBum
                            Addiction started
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 471

                            Originally posted by neur0t0xin64";p="
                            BeachBum, obviously you and toasty are chumming each others plums. Although I have to admit toasty has more CLASS,you of course can't even spell it. I think the rays from your tanning bed are attacking your shrill spirit, friend. Your clandestine and surreptitious bias is vindictive, and your only playing yourself, playa.
                            First off...lets start out by suggesting that you do your research and actually get some true and correct knowledge of the topics at hand. I am willing to bet that you were one of the first people to bitch when Farenheit 911 came out. "Woe is me" they misquoted and took things out of context to suit a specific political agenda. Same way things are getting misquoted and taken out of context to trash Kerry. Personally I can't stand either candidate. This will be a decision of the lessor evils. All I know is that fundamentally, I am democratic. I am a hard working middle class American citizen that deserves the same tax breaks as the wealthy. (And if I were wealthy) you better be damn straight that I would vote republican. Why wouldn't I, hell with the tax breaks that I would be granted alone, I could vacation in Ibiza for 2 months. And as far as Bush's ownership of America Plan...Have you tried buying anything lately? The real estate Market has become so astronomically high that only the wealthy can afford to buy a home. My partner and I are bringing home 60K a year and we work our asses off to do it. Bush states that that over the last several months it is evident his financial plan for America is finally working, he boast's that unemployment is down, (but did you know that people are only allowed a certain number of weeks through unemployment) and when it runs out they are no longer counted in the statistics. Doesn't mean they were able to find work, just means that they are no longer counted. There have been more than 2 million jobs outsourced to other countries...Now is this really a good economical plan? Knowing this information, can President Bush really declare that his financial strategy for America is beginning to work. I say NO. I say the unemployment levels are down because the numbers of countless Americans who have lost their jobs to outsourcing are no longer being counted. Can he say his financial strategy is working when the per capita of American citizens at poverty level has risen to almost all time highs. Oh I forgot, those people don't matter because they are only pawns in the game. I just ask you, before you make any decisions on who you are going to vote for, don't listen to what others say, don't listen to what the media has to say, I ask you to get involved with the issues and find out the truth for yourself. I have no problems with people voting for whoever they feel is the best man for the job, as long as they have made an informed decision based on factual evidence and whole truths. So with that I say, Peace Bro and May the best Man win Nov 2
                            The man who has no imagination has no wings - Muhammad Ali


                            • pacific493
                              Getting warmed up
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 99

                              Originally posted by neur0t0xin64";p="
                              A MESSAGE TO KERRY ABOUT A TEXAS PROVERB: Life is NOT like a box of chocolates.
                              Life is like a jar of jalape?os. What you do today May burn your ass tomorrow.
                              Obviously that quote doesn't hold true, otherwise Bush would be getting his ass burned daily for all the crap he's peddled to us over the past four years...on second thought, I guess we have 6 weeks to see if that proverb holds true.

