i'd actually have a hard time choosing. maybe that's scary, but not having music to listen to or even voices to hear might drive me nuts. then again, not seeing things would probably drive me even battier. hard to say...
Would you rather be blind or deaf?
i picked deaf, just because i would hate to have to rely on someone to control my life. i.e. drive me around, walk me around etc etc. its a hard choice though.Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?Comment
Re: Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Easy choice...
...blind people are seperated from things/objects...
...deaf people are seperated from people (at least until thet learn how to sign, and then they can only communicate with othere signers)._________
neither or both
its all or nothing up in this bitchComment
Gonna have to say I'd rather be blind. I'd have to give up most everything else I love, video games, computers, Movies, but at least I'd be able to listen to Digweed every week. Just have to get someone else to download it for me."The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
- Thomas JeffersonComment
well i actually think that its a matter of which is the most difficult to live without in your life. ...I'd choose deaf
i really love the music but there are priorities in life... like been able to move from one place to anohter without help....enjoy every single secondComment
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