Gore for President?

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  • subterFUSE
    Gold Gabber
    • Nov 2006
    • 850

    Re: Gore for President?

    Originally posted by ddr
    yup. thats the key right there... people will want a democrat to fix the shit bush has put in place.. this is why i think a demo is going to win 2008, but then everything most likely is not going to be fixed in the short run. ALSO, the demo's wil probably want to raise taxes, basically undue what bush did in 2001, so then the demo's will have to work overtime to keep office in 2012. either way, whatever the demo's do, the conserv's will exploit to its fullest and therefore, will most likely win 2012 =\

    at least that is what i think, could be complete crap but yea..

    Republicans will win in 2008. Hillary isn't going to win in the general election.
    In 2012, democrats will win because by then we're going to have about 12-18 million more Mexicans voting which will end the 2 party system in this country. It will just be a one party system.


    • KinKyJ
      Platinum Poser
      • Jun 2004
      • 13438

      Re: Gore for President?

      Seems like the most probable scenario if the dems win, ddr. But I don't think you can call that a doom scenario. So what if the cons win again in 2012? You won't hear me say I'm anti or pro con/dem.: I find good things with both. I just think Bush is a douche.

      Subter: ow please @ the latter remark


      • emuler
        I'm Ignorant.... so sue me!!
        • May 2007
        • 469

        Re: Gore for President?

        can't believe how stupid yankz are specially with the ones that support republicans.

        here: my two cents



        • KinKyJ
          Platinum Poser
          • Jun 2004
          • 13438

          Re: Gore for President?

          Congrats for this useless contribution. I'm gonna watch some paint dry on my wall. Equally insteresting.


          • Jas
            Fresh Peossy
            • Nov 2005
            • 18

            Re: Gore for President?

            i read the article in time magazine, it was quite impressive. I had thought that after running for president and loosing this man would disappear, you know but he has not only survived but emerged as a much larger personality. I frankly do not think that there is any one else out there who is better than him but thats just me......


            • DancingQueen
              AVB FanClub | President
              • Oct 2005
              • 4061

              Re: Gore for President?

              Originally posted by KinKyJ
              But seriously, who'd want to become president after Bush? 4 years aren't enough to clean up the mess he's caused on a global scale...
              hmmm that's a good point. Maybe that is why he hasnt thrown his hat in....maybe he should wait it out one more.....but then again, if anyone can actually clean it up, I think he would be able to
              RIP Steve "Jibs" James - Your footprint is forever on my soul and in my heart xoxo
              RIP Jeff Shewchuk aka DJ Jeff Taylor (day_for_night) - You will live on in my heart forever xoxo

              Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


              • rubyraks
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Jun 2004
                • 5341

                Re: Gore for President?

                Originally posted by ddr
                yup. thats the key right there... people will want a democrat to fix the shit bush has put in place.. this is why i think a demo is going to win 2008, but then everything most likely is not going to be fixed in the short run. ALSO, the demo's wil probably want to raise taxes, basically undue what bush did in 2001, so then the demo's will have to work overtime to keep office in 2012. either way, whatever the demo's do, the conserv's will exploit to its fullest and therefore, will most likely win 2012 =\

                at least that is what i think, could be complete crap but yea..
                I completely agree with you and find this is unfortunately the most likely scenario...of course, unless the democrats could find another way to blow another election, which as we all know is always possible.

                the republicans have been getting very good at messing things up to the point where the dems actually have to come in and clean it up and then they exploit the dirty work the dems have to do to get it clean.
                "Work like you don't need the money.
                Love like you've never been hurt.
                Dance like nobody's watching.
                Sing like nobody's listening.
                Live like it's Heaven on Earth."


                • subterFUSE
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Nov 2006
                  • 850

                  Re: Gore for President?

                  Originally posted by rubyraks
                  I completely agree with you and find this is unfortunately the most likely scenario...of course, unless the democrats could find another way to blow another election, which as we all know is always possible.

                  the republicans have been getting very good at messing things up to the point where the dems actually have to come in and clean it up and then they exploit the dirty work the dems have to do to get it clean.

                  A lot of the mess we are in currently could be blamed on Bill Clinton. He raised taxes to the highest levels in history, and left the country in a recession. Bush lowered taxes and brought us out of it. Clinton crippled our military through cuts in defense spending. Now we need our military, and they are being stretched beyond the breaking point. Clinton had several opportunities to capture or kill Bin Laden, and he passed. He pulled out of Somalia, and made our country look weak.

                  There were numerous mistakes made by Bill Clinton which have affected the history leading up to where we are now. You can't just lay the blame squarely on Bush, or even Republicans in general. These problems were brewing long before Bush was in office. Truthfully, both sides have some responsibility.


                  • KinKyJ
                    Platinum Poser
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 13438

                    Re: Gore for President?

                    Originally posted by subterFUSE
                    A lot of the mess we are in currently could be blamed on Bill Clinton. He raised taxes to the highest levels in history, and left the country in a recession. Bush lowered taxes and brought us out of it.
                    Great, you don't have a deficit anymore? [/sarcasm].
                    Clinton crippled our military through cuts in defense spending. Now we need our military, and they are being stretched beyond the breaking point.
                    Yeah, Iras doesn't have anything to do with being stretched
                    Clinton had several opportunities to capture or kill Bin Laden, and he passed.
                    Bush has been hunting has been chasing him for years and failed too.
                    He pulled out of Somalia, and made our country look weak.
                    Bush pulled into Iraq and made your country weak.

                    Truthfully, both sides have some responsibility.


                    • superdave
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1366

                      Re: Gore for President?

                      Originally posted by subterFUSE
                      A lot of the mess we are in currently could be blamed on Bill Clinton. He raised taxes to the highest levels in history, and left the country in a recession. Bush lowered taxes and brought us out of it. Clinton crippled our military through cuts in defense spending. Now we need our military, and they are being stretched beyond the breaking point. Clinton had several opportunities to capture or kill Bin Laden, and he passed. He pulled out of Somalia, and made our country look weak.

                      There were numerous mistakes made by Bill Clinton which have affected the history leading up to where we are now. You can't just lay the blame squarely on Bush, or even Republicans in general. These problems were brewing long before Bush was in office. Truthfully, both sides have some responsibility.
                      Those are half truths that people aren't buying from the Republican party any longer. People are tired of the same Republican talking points crap. I won't waste my time debating each assertion you make.

                      As for Gore running, I think he'd have a great chance of winning. I'd probably even vote for him instead of the current candidates. The current candidates don't impress any one and we need a viable candidate. I just hope Gore doesn't try to run the same campaign he did in 2000. He should continue to fight battles and encourage people as he's done so for the last couple of years.

                      Gore could be the answer to help fight global warming, get us out of Iraq, raise taxes on the super rich, and repair the U.S reputation internationally.
                      Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                      • rubyraks
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5341

                        Re: Gore for President?

                        thanks kinky for making most of my arguments for me.

                        Originally posted by subterFUSE
                        A lot of the mess we are in currently could be blamed on Bill Clinton. He raised taxes to the highest levels in history, and left the country in a recession. Bush lowered taxes and brought us out of it.
                        There we go blaming the dems for doing the dirty work and while I'm at it, did we not have an early term recession with all of Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton as well? Let alone that Reagan had two, though I do agree that the early one was an absolute interest rate necessity and has provided many benefits going forward. Just making the point that recessions are cyclical and could only be put off for so long. Bush's economical success has nothing to do with our deficit...no that couldn't be. Frankly, Clinton and Bush tried to do it economically in quite opposite ways. One with the deficits and one without. The future will tell us how well Bush's has actually worked. Hell, in terms of economic cycles, how different has Bush's and Clinton's been during their 8 year terms? Almost identical with early recessions followed by later booms.

                        Originally posted by subterFUSE
                        Clinton crippled our military through cuts in defense spending. Now we need our military, and they are being stretched beyond the breaking point.
                        There certainly was a mistake made in our military strategy following the Cold War. Truthfully, they overshot by thinking that a more technically savvy military could overcome manpower.
                        Originally posted by subterFUSE
                        Clinton had several opportunities to capture or kill Bin Laden, and he passed. He pulled out of Somalia, and made our country look weak.
                        I'm gonna go with kinky on these.
                        Originally posted by subterFUSE
                        There were numerous mistakes made by Bill Clinton which have affected the history leading up to where we are now. You can't just lay the blame squarely on Bush, or even Republicans in general. These problems were brewing long before Bush was in office. Truthfully, both sides have some responsibility.
                        I didn't mean to imply otherwise. This I completely agree with.

                        Really, the only point I was trying to make is how the Republicans used to talk against big gov't and spending and how the dems were to blame for it, while the Republicans have consistently been the big spenders in office while cutting taxes, only to leave us with deficits that the dems have to clean up by both cutting spending and raising those taxes again. It's a vicious cycle and no one comes out looking good.
                        "Work like you don't need the money.
                        Love like you've never been hurt.
                        Dance like nobody's watching.
                        Sing like nobody's listening.
                        Live like it's Heaven on Earth."


                        • KinKyJ
                          Platinum Poser
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 13438

                          Re: Gore for President?

                          ^^^ thanks ruby for elaborating my points. Me so lazy today


                          • rubyraks
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 5341

                            Re: Gore for President?

                            I try and frankly, it's not easy to keep my big mouth shut
                            "Work like you don't need the money.
                            Love like you've never been hurt.
                            Dance like nobody's watching.
                            Sing like nobody's listening.
                            Live like it's Heaven on Earth."


                            • Localizer
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jul 2004
                              • 2021

                              Re: Gore for President?

                              Originally posted by subterFUSE
                              A lot of the mess we are in currently could be blamed on Bill Clinton. He raised taxes to the highest levels in history, and left the country in a recession. Bush lowered taxes and brought us out of it. Clinton crippled our military through cuts in defense spending. Now we need our military, and they are being stretched beyond the breaking point. Clinton had several opportunities to capture or kill Bin Laden, and he passed. He pulled out of Somalia, and made our country look weak.

                              There were numerous mistakes made by Bill Clinton which have affected the history leading up to where we are now. You can't just lay the blame squarely on Bush, or even Republicans in general. These problems were brewing long before Bush was in office. Truthfully, both sides have some responsibility.
                              Your ship is sinking.
                              Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
                              -Bertrand Russell


                              • Miroslav
                                WHOA I can change this!1!
                                • Apr 2006
                                • 4122

                                Re: Gore for President?

                                Originally posted by emuler
                                can't believe how stupid yankz are specially with the ones that support republicans.

                                here: my two cents

                                dude what the fuck kind of crack are you on?? that was the gheyest thing I've seen in a minute

                                back on topic... I think Gore is a smart enough guy, certainly no worse in that department than Bush (kinda hard to be)...but right now he'd have a long way to go before getting my vote.
                                mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav

