So the other day as I was walking into the gym, I notice this piece of white trash gazing at me. When I passed him, I saw in the mirror that he kept following me with his froggy eyes.
Anyways, after a few routines I weigh myself. Guess who's standing behind me when I step off the scale? Yeap, froggy.
(with the most pansy voice imaginable)"So did you lose some weight?"
"Errr no, I gained."
"Gained? That's wrong honey."
*wtf did he just call me?* "I gained muscle mass, you skinny simpleton"
"Oh, but I was watching your ass in your tight jeans when you came in and you sure could lose a little bit of that, you know?"

I have no problem with gays, but I swear that guy was effin' lucky he didn't make that remark near the dumbell rack, otherwise he'd wake up in the ER with 30 kilos of steel between his teeth. I guess he got off pretty easy with that left hook to the kidneys anyways, muthafucka
Now I know how women must feel when they hear a lame ass remark like that from us guys. Fucking shit, I still wanna beat him to pulp
Anyways, after a few routines I weigh myself. Guess who's standing behind me when I step off the scale? Yeap, froggy.
(with the most pansy voice imaginable)"So did you lose some weight?"
"Errr no, I gained."
"Gained? That's wrong honey."
*wtf did he just call me?* "I gained muscle mass, you skinny simpleton"
"Oh, but I was watching your ass in your tight jeans when you came in and you sure could lose a little bit of that, you know?"

I have no problem with gays, but I swear that guy was effin' lucky he didn't make that remark near the dumbell rack, otherwise he'd wake up in the ER with 30 kilos of steel between his teeth. I guess he got off pretty easy with that left hook to the kidneys anyways, muthafucka

Now I know how women must feel when they hear a lame ass remark like that from us guys. Fucking shit, I still wanna beat him to pulp
