Originally posted by djkix
This has been a top 'most played' on my iPod for the last couple of weeks and it just keeps growing on me. ESPECIALLY the 'felix the Housecat' track - Watching Cars Go By which is such a great mysterious tracks that leaves you hanging the first couple of times you hear it and then suddently sneaks up behind you - grabs you by the balls and throws them around the sound-universe with you hanging in the end...
The whole timing and tuning of that mix is just eminent and world class!
ADD is a great production album and will always receive frequent play in my car and home decks. Involver grows on me very similarly with every new rotation. Nice work from the progressive sound pioneer. Tasty indeed!^Existing Extraordinarily^
"Be the change you want to see in the world." ~Mahatma Ghandi~Comment
is that true that the LE comes with some additional tracks ... I got my order from borders and they 14 tracks listed not 10 ...dead, yet alive.Comment
sssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssshhhhhhhhhaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
this CD is seriously amazing. My ears thank Sasha. I'm highly impressed with this CD and I didn't think I would be. HE'S SO CRAFTY!!!! Hats off. Love him. Still love him. Will always love him. He totally pulled way ahead of the race with this one.Comment
Yep. He surely put the sugar on the creme. It's really a cool fucking sound he going for. DOPE! I could put that cd in a pipe and smoke it, it's so fucking dank.dead, yet alive.Comment
Ok. So I finally got a hold of the CD and listened to it. AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!!!
Listen if you want to go Sasha bashing, I'll be the first on on your doorstep with a six back of Heineken, a bat and Digweed - Live in beirut on cd.
There's is no way you can say this CD sucked. I absolutley hat ADD but He did an AWESOME job with this album. The first 5 tracks were sweet but from Spooky - Belong to the end this cd had me going.Comment
wow finally downloaded this and now i see what all the hype is about
spongle - dorset perception remix
That track gets it own special Twilo, fanfuckingtastic. That baseline
just does something to me.And the Spanish guitar breakdown is
pure class.
I also like:
spooky - belong remix---------------------------smooooooth
the youngsters - smile---------------------------a little cheesy but still nice
felix da housecat - watching cars go by---------solidComment
Overall I was pretty impressed with the cd and the concept of mixing his own remixes. For me the there are a couple of tracks that take the shine of what is a good cd and they are the UNKLE tracks and In a State in particular. I don't know what it is about them but they have me reaching for the skip button on the remoteComment