Starting to look that way:
Transfer them to other facilities and try them? That's madness! I thought if we weren't waterboarding them at Gitmo, we had to let them go!?!?!?!? The libs are going to be pissed!!!

OK, in all seriousness, this is probably a good thing. Gitmo has become one of a host of black marks for us, and actually trying these detainees means we might actually bring them to justice, which was supposed to be the whole point of capturing them in the first place, right?
The Bush administration is nearing a decision to close the Guantanamo Bay detainee facility and move the terror suspects there to military prisons elsewhere, The Associated Press has learned.
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The advisers will consider a proposal to shut the center and transfer detainees to one or more Defense Department facilities, including the maximum security military prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, where they could face trial, said the officials.
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The advisers will consider a proposal to shut the center and transfer detainees to one or more Defense Department facilities, including the maximum security military prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, where they could face trial, said the officials.

OK, in all seriousness, this is probably a good thing. Gitmo has become one of a host of black marks for us, and actually trying these detainees means we might actually bring them to justice, which was supposed to be the whole point of capturing them in the first place, right?