Sound Cards And Ableton

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  • nick jason
    Getting warmed up
    • Jun 2004
    • 68

    Production Sound Cards And Ableton

    Can anyone recommend a good sound card for my PC?

    Also, i've been playing around with the demo version of Ableton Live 6 and wondered if anyone can offer any advice.

    Is this THE best, most intuitive software out there? I want to use it to create mixes, record vinyl etc.

    Really appreciate any advice as Ableton aint particularly cheap!!!
  • unkownartist
    • Nov 2005
    • 4146

    Re: Sound Cards And Ableton

    depends on how much money ur willing to spend and how/what ur gonna be using the soundcarde for, m-audio do pretty decent soundcards for budget but if u want better a/d converters then prepare to pay big bucks


    • nick jason
      Getting warmed up
      • Jun 2004
      • 68

      Re: Sound Cards And Ableton

      Thanks red.

      Willing to spend around ?150 ($300) i suppose on a decent card.

      What about Ableton? any advice there?

      cheers again for your help.


      • jeffrey collins
        Not cool enough
        • Jun 2004
        • 7427

        Re: Sound Cards And Ableton

        well i've got a TASCAM US-144 that was under 150$ and has MIDI and everything else you could ask for. It's USB powered and sounds sweet.

        my advice on ableton....go buy the whole thing it's much better than the lite version and they just keep getting better.
        Jeffrey Collins: Painter
        My Painting Blog
        My Soundcloud page.


        • jeffrey collins
          Not cool enough
          • Jun 2004
          • 7427

          Re: Sound Cards And Ableton

          i just found out about a nice sale on the new Presonus firewire interface and it's right under 500$, good deal for the money...good quality too.
          Jeffrey Collins: Painter
          My Painting Blog

          My Soundcloud page.


          • rezno
            Fresh Peossy
            • Jan 2008
            • 5

            Re: Sound Cards And Ableton

            Ableton is the best program if you want to make electronic music if you ask me.It is the only program as far as I know that can timestretch within a loop (not the total) . So if you are planning on using a lot of audiosamples it is a good choice. Automating controls is also very easy. If you do not plan on using it to produce, there are other alternatives.

            To make mixes there are programs like Traktor, Virtual DJ, mixmeister or final scratch setup (to name a few)
            For recording vinyls there are many freeware programs that can do that. For more pro-audio editing programs you can look at Soundforge or Wavelab.

            But if you are prepared to spend some money then Ableton is a good choice cause it can do almost all of what the above programs can do. Only for serious sample editing you have to use programs like Sound forge or wavelab.

            On the soundcard part.....
            Like said before: The more money you spend the better a/d conversion you will have. Also just try to look at the future and think about what you might need in the future. Maybe more outputs, HQ Mic input (powered), direct turntable input (phones pre-amp),
            more inputs.....
            Also firewire/usb or build in. You can build it in and have it as your main and only soundcard. Or do you want it to be mobile to use on a laptop or other computer.

            Hope this can help ya out a bit


            • psypro
              Fresh Peossy
              • Sep 2004
              • 35

              Re: Sound Cards And Ableton

              I think m audio firewire 410 is one of the best for live. Just check it thats the one i use and i need no other i think so far


              • jeffrey collins
                Not cool enough
                • Jun 2004
                • 7427

                Re: Sound Cards And Ableton

                i've heard nothing but bad things about that piece. The 1814 is another three friends that have them and have always worked really well.
                Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                My Painting Blog

                My Soundcloud page.

