Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

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  • simonr
    • Jun 2004
    • 8796

    Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

    Report Renaissance @ Pacha Ibiza

    I'm still on a high after last night - what an amazing bill ... while the big festivals seem to draw a decent bill most clubs seem to just book one big DJ these days (I?m classing Sash and Digweed as a duo as they play b2b).

    So to have diggers and Hernan grace the worlds loveliest club, with Jimmy Van M warming up was a chance too good to miss.

    Haven?t seen Van M in years .. his warm up (12 til 2) was fantastic and and free of wimpy basslines and clicky drums that perports to be progressive house these days. Jimmy played some great tracks, so I?ll definately be checking out his Balance release.

    Onto the main event JD (2 til 5 a.m.) - all I can say is that he was Bonnarood up, and it is clear who was playing all the cool tunes (i'll provide a tracklist when I get home). His set was pure peak-time and a complete aural experience. Progressive, punchy, deep bass, banging drums and at times summery and trancey (thats "trancey" in a good way - think GU Sidney). It was nice to see Hernan hanging around for Johns full set and enjoying the quality. Typically with John its all new productions, although he did play a remix of Pushin Too Hard towards the end, and he then finished with a sublime new track to big applause.

    Hernan played 5 til 7.30 - capturing the best tracks from Sequential 2 (incl. that Muir track) and his recent Kiss100 guest. He never disappoints and ended with a remix of Ruhre and broughts things to a close with Eraser.

    Marcus James was even on hand to dole our freebie promos of his new Renaissance CD.

    All in all a top night, and great value at ?35 when you consider the setting and the sublime quality of the music.

    This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.
  • Jibgolly
    • Jun 2004
    • 20773

    Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

    decent lil review. i would ask for pics or stfu! but can you even get in that place with a time saver?


    • day_for_night
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jun 2004
      • 4127

      Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

      i hate you


      • circuit breaker 000
        Fresh Peossy
        • Jun 2004
        • 49

        Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

        i second all the hate you diserve!

        i you better bring those pictures


        • Erik Mitchell
          Gold Gabber
          • Oct 2004
          • 598

          Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

          Sounds like a good time! Would love to see Jimmy Van M
          soundcloud - facedbook


          • BureOne
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jun 2004
            • 3285

            Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

            sounds great. I've only seen JVM once. He opened up for Burridge...long ago. Would like to see him come here to l.a. again.


            • floridaorange
              I'm merely a humble butler
              • Dec 2005
              • 29116

              Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

              cool review, we're all very envious no really

              It was fun while it lasted...


              • fer_
                Platinum Poster
                • May 2005
                • 2041

                Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

                he always plays pushing too hardddd he doesnt like that track :P
                sounds like a unforgetable nightt
                and yeah bring pics !


                • JK224
                  Addiction started
                  • Oct 2005
                  • 372

                  Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

                  I saw JVM in Toronto in early 2006 opening for Nick Warren, he played a great set. I saw Hernan followed immediately by Digweed later in the year; amazing. To see those three djs in a row, wow, I'm pretty envious.


                  • GregWhelan
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 2994

                    Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

                    You can bring cameras into Pacha.

                    My avatar <----- is of me on the dancefloor of Pacha last summer!


                    • dusk
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 7266

                      Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

                      Originally posted by JK224
                      To see those three djs in a row, wow, I'm pretty envious.
                      My sentiments exactly.. definitely a night to remmember.. so any pics then?
                      ~ You are what you think you are ~


                      • berps
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 536

                        Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

                        Come on fellas with a line up that good the last thing that would be on my mind would be taking pictures! When i visit pacha or anyother club for that matter my intentions are to take pictures etc etc but you kinda get carried away get caked holed take a few pics (which 9 times outta 10 are pretty poor cos your cake holed) So come on SimonR Wheres the Pics AT???? hahahah Enjoy the rest of your stay man!!
                        "IM GETTING CAKED@THEWEEKEND!!!!!!!!! "


                        • simonr
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 8796

                          Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

                          I'm rather embarrased to say that, in this high tech day and age, I don't own a digital camera ! While my camera phone is meant to be decent the video sound is a distorted blur, and the DJ booth is too dark for me to get a decent quality picture (Diggers bobs and weaves like a boxer and is just a mass of unkempt hair when he's in the booth anyway - so you won't get any decent poses !) ... plus you can't move for people trying to take pics these days - I prefer to get into the music and enjoy my night. If I was going to do anything I'd actually try to tape the set ... but for that I'd need a decent set up that (i) has a small non-conspicuous microphone that can cope with loud music (ii) records to a hard drive with sufficient memory (so there's no changing tapes ... which would draw the attention of security), and (iii) is small enough to fit in my pocket. The sound in Pacha is loud, but crystal clear, so if anyone knows a decent recording set up please post, but bare in mind that i don't want to look like part of a TV Documentary sound crew when I try to get in the club !! In fact, what did the Bonnaroo guy use to record the S & D set ?

                          This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.


                          • sakio pod
                            SALAD TOSSER
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 6034

                            Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

                            HOLY CRAP the hole set is up in the promo section




                            • martin.ltb
                              Getting Somewhere
                              • Dec 2006
                              • 182

                              Re: Report - Digweed, Cattaneo, Van M @ Renaissance (Ibiza)

                              if only there were events like this in my country
                              It's all about the progressive!

