Any guesses who will win the election?

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  • kyyoon
    Fresh Peossy
    • Sep 2004
    • 24

    Any guesses who will win the election?

    My guess is still Kerry even though the polls now say Bush will win.
  • PhAntoM MeNaCe
    Getting warmed up
    • Sep 2004
    • 74

    Re: Any guesses who will win the election?

    Originally posted by kyyoon";p="
    My guess is still Kerry even though the polls now say Bush will win.
    With all due respect, there is no way in hell that Kerry will win this is being called by some democrats even, the worst campaign strategy ever in history. It takes 2 to tango and 3 to become vindictive. Even is own party doesnt believe a word he says, in general mind you. He will surely loose the electoral vote, and Bush has had some massive developments in the battleground states in recent weeks. People will be voting in November for homeland security first and foremost. Job Growth, health care, etc is not relative if we have another large scale attack. Bush will win with ease because he has balls and people trust him to defend the country, period.
    "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


    • bren
      Fresh Peossy
      • Sep 2004
      • 15

      Re: Any guesses who will win the election?

      It is not easy to guess, but I can hope Karry will win. Right now most polls are too close to be able to tell. This is a very interesting site that shows what the polls are currently saying.

      Track the 2026 Senate election with a red/blue map of the US updated daily using the latest state polls.

      Lots of interesting information there to read as well


      • bren
        Fresh Peossy
        • Sep 2004
        • 15

        Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="
        People will be voting in November for homeland security first and foremost. Job Growth, health care, etc is not relative if we have another large scale attack. Bush will win with ease because he has balls and people trust him to defend the country, period.
        First, you seem to suggest that Bush would loose if the country was voting on issues other then security. I believe you will find a decent number of people who are voting on this issue, although I agree it will not be the largest portion.

        Although you may trust Bush, I am not sure "people" do, as in the majority of people. Why trust someone who lied about WMD. Someone who has lied and mislead this country in a war against Iraq consistently.

        And there is very little evidence, aside from Fox news lies, that we are any more secure then we were before the war started. The president, because "he has balls" has gone and put the US in more danger by rushing into a war that over 90% of the cost and human life lost has been US. On top of that we are busy pushing away many countries that could be helping us. Now we have so much force commited that it is hard to imagine our response to a new crisis would be very good.


        • toasty
          Sir Toastiness
          • Jun 2004
          • 6585

          Re: Any guesses who will win the election?

          Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="

          With all due respect, there is no way in hell that Kerry will win this is being called by some democrats even, the worst campaign strategy ever in history. It takes 2 to tango and 3 to become vindictive. Even is own party doesnt believe a word he says, in general mind you. He will surely loose the electoral vote, and Bush has had some massive developments in the battleground states in recent weeks. People will be voting in November for homeland security first and foremost. Job Growth, health care, etc is not relative if we have another large scale attack. Bush will win with ease because he has balls and people trust him to defend the country, period.
          Maybe, but history doesn't support what you're saying. If you look at incumbents that have been elected to a second term, all of them had much bigger leads at this point in the race; obviously, Bush is ahead in most polls which is good for him, but that lead has slipped some since the RNC and is back within the margin of error in most polls, and Bush is not where he needs to be, if history is any guide. Undecided voters tend to swing away from the incumbent when it comes time to vote, which is why he needs a larger lead than he has to feel comfortable.

          Of course, there are very few undecided voters this time around, and we are in a unique election cycle by any standard, so who knows if history can be trusted in this situation. I do think it is fair to say, though, that we've got a long ways to go, and it is far too early to be predicting landslides.


          • Civic_Zen
            Platinum Poster
            • Jun 2004
            • 1116

            Originally posted by bren";p="
            Although you may trust Bush, I am not sure "people" do, as in the majority of people. Why trust someone who lied about WMD. Someone who has lied and mislead this country in a war against Iraq consistently.
            Bush didn't lie about WMD, all the evidence pointed to Saddam having WMD, and Congress agreed with him. Did Kerry lie by voting for the War in Iraq?? He had just as much say as Bush did being a congress representitive. Get your facts strait. Kerry voted to go to war for the same reasons, because he thought they had WMD too. He had the exact same information Bush did, with the exception (maybe) of what Vladimir told Bush. Which would have been more reason for us to go to war. And no I don't think Bush should have told America about what Vladimir said, because that could have put Russia in a very awkward position had we not gone to war. This scenerio was probably a contingency of Vladimir relaying the information any way, and rightfully so..

            Regardless, I think Phantom is right, even the democrat's look at Kerry and wonder. Was this really our best nominee?? Bush will most likely win, although I could in all reality care less either way.
            "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
            "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
            - Thomas Jefferson


            • suave
              Fresh Peossy
              • Sep 2004
              • 23

              iono, all depends on the debates, in which i expect bush to shaft the hell out of kerry. what a sad world we live in. -_-


              • Civic_Zen
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1116

                Originally posted by bren";p="
                The president, because "he has balls" has gone and put the US in more danger by rushing into a war that over 90% of the cost and human life lost has been US.
                And shite. I didn't even notice this ballocks. Your saying 90% of the lives lost in Iraq were allied, or just American lives?? Either way I can guarentee your stats are WAYYYYY off. I don't even have to look the numbers up, but it would probably be even more the other way around. Like 5% of the lives lost were American. Where the hell do you get off??
                "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                - Thomas Jefferson


                • toasty
                  Sir Toastiness
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 6585

                  ^^ I assume that means 90% of "coalition forces," which does sound about right, from what I've heard...


                  • LobsterClan
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Aug 2004
                    • 133

                    Re: Any guesses who will win the election?

                    Hello? Why would anyone trust George Bush on national security? The worst national disaster in our history happened under his leadership, just a few short weeks after he had taken the first of many month-long vacations.

                    Bill Maher said it best on his HBO show:

                    "And finally, New Rule: You can't run on a mistake. Franklin Roosevelt didn't run for re-election claiming Pearl Harbor was his finest hour. Abe Lincoln was a great president, but the high point of his second term wasn't theater security. 9/11 wasn't a triumph of the human spirit. It was a fuck-up by a guy on vacation.

                    Now, don't get me wrong, Mr. President. I'm not blaming you for 9/11. We have blue-ribbon commissions to do that. And I'm not saying there was anything improper about your immediate response to the attacks. Someone had to stay in that classroom and protect those kids from Chechen rebels.

                    But by the looks of your convention, you'd think that the worst thing that ever happened to us was the best thing that ever happened to you. You just can't keep celebrating the deadliest attack ever as if it's your personal rendezvous with greatness. You don't see old men who were shot down during World War II jumping out of a plane every year. I mean, other than your dad.

                    But even your dad didn't run for re-election based on a recession and his propensity to barf on the Japanese. Now, I know you'd like us all to get swept away with emotionalism and stop sweating the small stuff like the deficit and the environment, and focus on what's really important: how you look in a fireman's hat. But crying during your speech? I mean, come on! There's no crying in politics! It's not fair! That's a trick chicks use. How are we supposed to discuss this rationally if you're going to cry?! There's a name for people who exploit their participation in historical events for political gain. They're called the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

                    So I say, if you absolutely must win an election on the backs of dead people, do it like they do in Chicago, and have them actually vote for you."


                    • toasty
                      Sir Toastiness
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 6585

                      Originally posted by Civic_Zen";p="
                      Bush didn't lie about WMD, all the evidence pointed to Saddam having WMD, and Congress agreed with him. Did Kerry lie by voting for the War in Iraq?? He had just as much say as Bush did being a congress representitive.
                      ALL the evidence pointed to Saddam having WMDs? Have you seen the Senate Commission's findings on this? This isn't even close to correct -- there was loads of contrary evidence. It was just ignored.

                      Further, the suggestion that any member of congress has the same authority as the commander-in-chief with regard to the decision to actually go to war is, I think, a little naive.

                      This whole Iraq thing, and the obvious revisionist history that is being created by the Bush adminstration to justify going in there, leaves me with no trust in anything Bush says:

                      "We're going to Iraq to disarm Saddam of his stash of WMDs!"
                      "We went to Iraq because of his ties to Al Qaeda."
                      "Uh, we went to Iraq because Saddam needed to go..."

                      Anyone other than me think that Bush had every intention of going to Iraq from the moment he was elected, and was just looking for an excuse?


                      • devon
                        Addiction started
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 362

                        Re: Any guesses who will win the election?

                        if you remember kerry waited until the end to go after dean in the primary's. then he went for the throat. hopefully he will do the same in this election.
                        i really wish the floor would stop moving!


                        • superdave
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 1366

                          Re: Any guesses who will win the election?

                          I think Bush will win. But, it'll be kinda close since Kerry will get New York and California. Really close or Kerry may win if he gets Florida and Ohio too. Bush will take Texas of course.

                          I don't think Kerry is effective enough to inspire people to run out and make a difference. I think most people that vote for Kerry will be Bush haters and hard core Democrats. His campaign is really losing steam. He needs to do well in the debates or it'll get worse for him. He's just not a revolultionary politician that most people are excited about.
                          Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                          • PhAntoM MeNaCe
                            Getting warmed up
                            • Sep 2004
                            • 74

                            Superdave well spoken, infact not only dont people get excited about kerry, but sometimes I wonder if he even has a pulse. Now lobster, you should come up for air to get some oxygen, seems your not getting good circulation. Personally I dont see anything wrong with highlighting the achievements of your term, and making defense the platform of your campaign, and again the polls reflect that most americans feel the same way. The fact is Iraq is the central issue of the current campaign. Strategy? Maybe, but surely more prudent than making your platform based on a disingenuous vietnam tour, where you more or less spit in the faces of your fellow veterans, threw away your medals that were not even deserved, met with north vietnamese(THE ENEMY) while americans were still fighting and dying in Vietnam, then made America out to be the enemy by spreading nazi style propaganda at kerry and friends led rallys and protests. Well we will soon see. 3 debates, and kerry will prove that he shot himself in the foot again, except this time hes not winning any medals.
                            "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


                            • LobsterClan
                              Getting Somewhere
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 133

                              Re: Any guesses who will win the election?

                              I love how you don't actually mention anything I say, or deny any of my points, but just try to throw out some slander.

                              Iraq should be one of the primary foci of this election, but it really hasn't been. Let's face it, Bush has lead us into a miserable war where our boys are dying, and we are making little to no headway.

                              I am amazed that anyone actually believes that Swift boat veterans crap after how many times they were proven wrong, and what buffoons they were all proven to be. Well, I guess it goes to show you how your side will believe anything set in front of you, so long as it fits your preconceived notions.

