The Heinz co. has over 50 factories OUTSIDE the US. Another example of a confused candidate. I'd swear the only people that will vote for this guy are people trying to save the world without a fight and those that get all of their information from CNN and Dan Rather!
Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
"In case of doubt, attack." --- Gen. George PattonTags: None -
Bren, are you even an American?
No offense, but if you are, I would try brushing up on your English skills just a tad.
Here would be a great way to rephrase that run-on.
"The only people that would vote for Bush believe we should be the world's police, and who get all their information from Fox."
The comma does wonders. God, I feel like Beanz now. Sheesh. Sorry, I don't mean to be a Jerk or anything.
Seriously though, nit picking aside. We should be the world's police
Oh wait, Kerry obviously thinks we should be as well or he wouldn't have voted FOR the war in Iraq. Of course he will probably change his mind on that if he hasn't already."The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
- Thomas JeffersonComment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
The Heinz co. has over 50 factories OUTSIDE the US. Another example of a confused candidate. I'd swear the only people that will vote for this guy are people trying to save the world without a fight and those that get all of their information from CNN and Dan Rather!
1. Heinz has no doubt had those factories for many more years then Mr Kerry and Ms Heinz have been wed!
2. Surely as a good capitalist neur0t0xin64 you can appreciate that if Heinz, or for that matter any other company, sells to an international market, then their products become commercially non-viable if everything is being produced in a single country. The reason why Heinz has become so large is because they offer cheap products - something they would not be able to do if being solely produced in the USA.
neur0t0xin64 you have in recent past slagged people off for pointless posts, so what point are you trying to make here, except that clearly you don't like Kerry (which seems to be as much your mantra as slagging off Bush is for delirious)Comment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
This is a ridiculous accusation to make in the first place, and covered quite well here at:
Case in point: while it is accurate to say that the H.J. Heinz Company operates factories outside the United States, it is not true that Teresa Heinz Kerry ? much less her husband, John Kerry ? owns that business or has any say in, or culpability for, its operations. Therefore, the conclusion that Kerry is a hypocrite for decrying corporate outsourcing is based on false premises.
It's a baseless smear, in other words.
In a statement released on March 22, 2004, the H.J. Heinz Company affirmed the following:
Neither Mrs. Heinz Kerry nor Senator Kerry nor any of the Heinz trusts or endowments ? either individually or collectively ? holds a significant percentage of shares of the H. J. Heinz Company. In 1995 the Heinz Endowments and family trusts sold a large percentage of Heinz shares in a secondary share offering to diversify their holdings. As a result, their current holdings are under 4 percent.
Incidentally, the implication that H.J. Heinz has "relocated" U.S. factories abroad is equally fallacious. Like other food manufacturers who sell perishable products worldwide, from the outset Heinz has maintained local factories in various parts of the world to minimize the gap between production and consumption ? hardly the textbook definition of "outsourcing."Comment
now lobster, hahahahahah funny when the web address is from urban legends, hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF anyway um, it is a fact that Heinz & Co. outsources 70% of their work. Do the research you will see it within seconds. Its a fact, sorry lobster. Anyway thats not the point, Terrrreeeezza Heinz has 4% stock inherited ownership, and does not serve on the board of directors. So yes the point here is not relative, she is not calling the shots. However its very ironic that her husband tries to mystify people, and hypnotize the liberals into thinking that he can do something to control this. I am reading a book now called 'bringing the jobs home' by Todd G. Buchholz. I recommend this book to everyone to educate them self about where outsourcing began, and what we can do about it. But the fact is that we now live in a global economy, americans compete with jobs not just with americans but with the entire world. Can you believe there are still americans graduating from high school that are ILLITERATE. Yeah I know, why is it that 40% of our engineering degrees are chinese and russians each year, even more in some other advanced degrees. Real estate executives expect to expand thier offshore call centers by 45% over the next 5 years. Is the BIG GOVERNMENT in a capitalist economy going to say "NO" you as an independent corporation cannot save money by outsourcing??? Of course not, the fact is that manufacturing jobs are gone, their all in China. We can't compete there. But Americans are undereducated, underskilled, and because of unions and special interest groups are spoiled. If we want to stop outsourcing we need to get to the root of the problem, americans need to be more ambitious, more guile, and not rely on govt funding and welfare to make a living. Does anyone disagree?"when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".Comment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
Kerry is a gold grabber. I would love to see Theresa Heinz disclose her taxes. If Dick or W refused to disclose their tax forms, libs would demand them in a sec. Cheney has more wealth than Bush yet Kerry and Theresa put them to shame. Aren't you tired of all these double standards within your party?!
vote libertarian, [you] your vote is already wasted.JourneyDeep .into the soundComment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
Yeesh, did you even read what I wrote? The site is called, obviously because it is meant to dispel urban legends.
However, if that wasn't enough for you, try a response from Snopes, which is accepted as the standard-bearer for dispelling these myths.
"Currently, 60% of the sales of the H.J. Heinz Company are outside the United States and to accommodate those customers by providing facilities closer to those markets, the company maintains a number of overseas facilities that provide products for consumers in those markets. This allows Heinz to pack the freshest ingredients, tailor its recipes to local tastes and deliver the finished products in a timely and efficient manner. In the United States, Heinz makes its flagship ketchup in factories in Fremont, Ohio; Muscatine, Iowa; and Stockton, California."
Outsourcing is definitely a problem, but to go around repeating that Kerry is a hypocrite because you read some idiotic email message without doing research is just pathetic.Comment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
no shit she doesn't own Heinz.. but she is worth near $billion. read some past posts and get caught up a bit. Your source sucks and so do your comments. Do the research beginning with page five and work your way upto current. Once there come back and post some more propaganda. Your as behind as your boy Kerry.
JourneyDeep .into the soundComment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
Yeah, she probably is worth billions-- I fail to see your point. Are you actually saying anything?
I think it's fantastic to see anyone with a lot of money supporting the Democratic party. It shows they have principles, and realize that some things are more important than money.Comment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
"Teresa Heinz Kerry, through a network of investments in blue-chip corporations, venture capital funds and municipal bonds, controls a family fortune worth an estimated $1 billion, an examination of public records shows."
something else I found from your Urban legends:
1991, Senator H. John Heinz was killed when his plane collided with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb - the same helicopter that I often used to travel between Philadelphia and Washington, DC. The senator, his pilot and co-pilot, and both of Sun's helicopter pilots were killed. He was survived by his wife, Teresa, and their three young sons.
Four years later, after inheriting Heinz's $500 million fortune, she married Senator John Forbes Kerry, the liberal junior senator from Massachusetts. She became a registered Democrat and the process of her radicalization was set in motion.
JourneyDeep .into the soundComment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
WTF are you blathering about? My "research" just proved your buddy's ridiculous outsourcing comments completely wrong. It was real tough, it took a quick Google search.
Basically when your side is proven wrong, you try to change the subject, might I add to a subject that is completely and totally irrelevant to any poignant political discussion. So Theresa Heinz Kerry has a lot of money-- as I said before, WTF is your point?Comment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
check the source of your research. your blathering bullshit propaganda.JourneyDeep .into the soundComment
Re: Kerry talks about stopping outsourcing but wait a sec!
You're really a rather amusing troll. Do you even read something before you link to it??
You see, the way the site is set up, is the bit at the top is the UBRAN LEGEND, the bit that is BULLSHIT. The part that you quoted is all false. Why don't you try reading through an entire page before you list it as a link. It really makes you look foolish, and believe me, you don't need any help.Comment
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