And we just watch it happen

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  • Yao
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 8167

    And we just watch it happen

    And we're doing nothing to stop this. Mugabe is really crossing the line here, and if the West is going to keep this silent I'm gonna lose my last little bit of faith in Western politicians. (If it has ever been there, that is).

    Can't tell you how much I'd like to kick that guy Mugabe in the nuts, really, I can't...

    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway
  • factorg
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 265

    Re: And we just watch it happen

    Morgan Tsvangirai is the best chance Zimbabwe has of finding a path to recovery(at this point in time anyhow) and I hope a not guilty is the verdict!

    This guy(Mugabe) pisses me off to no end. A murdering theiving bastard, worse than fucknut saddam hussien. He has killed millions and the world sits on its ass and does nothing. And i for one would not mind if some fucker put a bullet in Mugabe's head!

    This is also what pisses me off about that fuckwad delerious that post's all the anti bush crap, his government(south african) does nothing to help prevent the crimes against humanity that happen in Zimbabwe eventhough South Africa is apparently the power house of Southern Africa, wtf?
    "..truth has a habit of marching on.."


    • PhAntoM MeNaCe
      Getting warmed up
      • Sep 2004
      • 74

      Re: And we just watch it happen

      Originally posted by Yao";p="

      And we're doing nothing to stop this. Mugabe is really crossing the line here, and if the West is going to keep this silent I'm gonna lose my last little bit of faith in Western politicians. (If it has ever been there, that is).
      Yao, um the key word you used is "WE'RE" doing nothing, because dont sit here and put blame on the "western world" which what I'm sure your saying is the United States. The truth is the US and the "western world" is doing a hell of alot more, acutally everything more than the United Nations who have proven that they trully are not willing to serve their purpose, which is to save innocent lives in the world, where people are powerless. In 2004, particularly after the biggest scandal in world history, the oil for food program (which it has been said that these funds were channeled over the years to fund terrorism, and put 10 billion dollars in the pocket of Saddam Hussein) you'd think the UN would would to reestablish some credibility. But of course not, who is the most outspoken person whos bringing this issue right to the US (today infact) is Colin Powell, backed by Pres. Bush. So personally I dont give a damn what kind of faith you have in western politicians, have none if you like, but dont pass the buck to blame 'the westerners', when YOUR COUNTRY sits around and does NOTHING.
      "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


      • Yao
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 8167

        Re: And we just watch it happen

        Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="
        Yao, um the key word you used is "WE'RE" doing nothing, because dont sit here and put blame on the "western world" which what I'm sure your saying is the United States. The truth is the US and the "western world" is doing a hell of alot more, acutally everything more than the United Nations who have proven that they trully are not willing to serve their purpose, which is to save innocent lives in the world, where people are powerless. In 2004, particularly after the biggest scandal in world history, the oil for food program (which it has been said that these funds were channeled over the years to fund terrorism, and put 10 billion dollars in the pocket of Saddam Hussein) you'd think the UN would would to reestablish some credibility. But of course not, who is the most outspoken person whos bringing this issue right to the US (today infact) is Colin Powell, backed by Pres. Bush. So personally I dont give a damn what kind of faith you have in western politicians, have none if you like, but dont pass the buck to blame 'the westerners', when YOUR COUNTRY sits around and does NOTHING.
        Ehm, Phantom, you kinda insult me big time by insinuating that with WE I mean the US. Look at my profile bro, and you'll see I'm not a US citizen. So when I say WE, I mean WE: The UN security counsel and Europe, ok?
        Second: read some of my other posts, and you may just find some in which I actually praise Powell for what he's doing on the Sudan case. I'm still praying for Kofi Annan to wise up and follow Powell's example, allright?
        By the way: the West is generally known as the US and Europe together. Usually I'd rather use it when I'm referring to Europe, and I'll name the US when I involve you guys in my story.

        I've been known to flame the fucking UN, because I really don't like the way they are handling things right now. As for Powell dealing with Zimbabwe: He's more into Sudan, not Z.

        So please do me favour: read it again, and now post your comment with what I said mind? I do African studies, with a specialisation in politics and development, so I am f**king well aware of all that you're saying mate.
        Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

        There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


        • davetlv
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1205

          Re: And we just watch it happen

          Originally posted by factorg";p="
          Morgan Tsvangirai is the best chance Zimbabwe has of finding a path to recovery(at this point in time anyhow) and I hope a not guilty is the verdict!

          This guy(Mugabe) pisses me off to no end. A murdering theiving bastard, worse than fucknut saddam hussien. He has killed millions and the world sits on its ass and does nothing. And i for one would not mind if some fucker put a bullet in Mugabe's head!

          This is also what pisses me off about that fuckwad delerious that post's all the anti bush crap, his government(south african) does nothing to help prevent the crimes against humanity that happen in Zimbabwe eventhough South Africa is apparently the power house of Southern Africa, wtf?
          The situation in Zimbabwe has been slowly getting worse since before their last elections, which can hardly be called free and fair as Mugabe has claimed. A friends father was forced off of his small farm last year and now has no income due to Mugabe's land 'reforms'.

          But what is really disturbing is the position South Africa is taking, or lack of position to be more precise. Some South African friends of mine worry that South Africa could eventually follow the route of Zimbabwe, this might explain whay their current leadership does f*ck all, or it could be because they actually agree with Mugabe and wanna see how the world reacts before venturing down a similar route. With a land reform deal off their own i would imagine that they are keeping a close eye on events in Zimbabwe.

          So delirious, as our [MS] man on the ground, so to speak, whats happening? Why is your government doing nothing?


          • PhAntoM MeNaCe
            Getting warmed up
            • Sep 2004
            • 74

            davetlv very good point, DELIRIOUS, hmmm why is your govt doing nothing friend?? YAO, I respect your insight, knowledge and backround on the subject, and didnt mean to insult you big time, your previous posts are admirable. My point is where is the rest of the fucking world on these issues. The 'western world' is at the forefront of every single humanitarian aid project. Why do you put more pressure on the western politicians when really we are only a portion of the globe. Others need to be accountable, and stop hiding from issues other than what might serve their own interests!!!
            "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


            • Yao
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • Jun 2004
              • 8167

              You're right about that Phantom, accountability should rest on the shoulders of everyone, not just a portion of the world. But as the saying goes: with great power comes great responsability, and Europe and the US have that power.

              It's also our colonial bonds that still tie us to the African continent. I just wish that Europe and the US could meet each other somewhere in the middle: the US a little less cowboy-ish, and Europe a little more balls. That would make an excellent combination I think.

              Anyhow, I'm also following the elections upcoming december in Ghana, my favourite country. I'm trying to arrange an 8-month stay there in which I'm planning to follow political courses at Legon, Ghana University in Accra, hoping this will give an improved insight in African politics. Because this time it's the African professor telling me the story, not the European one...
              Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

              There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


              • PhAntoM MeNaCe
                Getting warmed up
                • Sep 2004
                • 74

                Yao that combination would surely be effective. We'll call it a Euro cocktail with a splash of balls. lol Your trip to Ghana will be very interesting, and I wish that you might document that trip with a ton of photos and share.

                Why Ghana though?
                "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


                • Yao
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 8167

                  Re: And we just watch it happen

                  I went there before, travelled one month and then did a language course which also took one month. Been 9 weeks or so, and just fell madly in love with the easy going spirit over there. Even though the Ghanaians experience hardship, they're always friendly, and the music (hilife) is very relaxing. In fact, one of my Ghanaian teachers here is working at a university in Florida now, so there's a chance that I might visit the US of A sometime.

                  I'm gonna buy me either a professional second-hand camera or a digital one, depending on how much I can spend on it, but I'll share the pics, no doubt. I always keep a journal, maybe I'll open a thread and post some of it over here, if people want me to...used to be great fun last time. It's also an exercise in wrinting, I've followed a few courses on journalistics, so it could come at handy someday.

                  The last time I was there I met a group of Americans, and me and my travelling companion went with them on a day trip. We had a good time, they were really cool. I still have the adress of a woman from Chicago and am still planning to visit the US someday.

                  "A Euro cocktail with a splash of ballz" - I'm gonna keep this one alive, it's brilliant...maybe I'll use it someday in an article: I'll give the credits to Phantom Menace from [MS].
                  Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                  There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway

