Shit, a Belgian should've invented this. Ah well, at least he uses our beer for it 
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If the Good Humor man had moonlighted as a bartender, he might have invented the Hopsicle.
But he didn't, and so credit goes to Frank Morales, executive chef at Rustico Restaurant and Bar in Alexandria, Va. Rustico stocks about 280 brands of beer, and since taking over the kitchen in February, Mr. Morales has been happily incorporating them into his cuisine.
A mental lapse -- he left a bottle of beer in the freezer for three hours and it froze rock-hard -- led him to experiment with beer on a stick.
Rustico is offering its Hopsicles in plum, cherry, raspberry, banana and grape flavors. As a base, Mr. Morales uses Belgian fruit beers that are low in alcohol and minimally hopped.
But he didn't, and so credit goes to Frank Morales, executive chef at Rustico Restaurant and Bar in Alexandria, Va. Rustico stocks about 280 brands of beer, and since taking over the kitchen in February, Mr. Morales has been happily incorporating them into his cuisine.
A mental lapse -- he left a bottle of beer in the freezer for three hours and it froze rock-hard -- led him to experiment with beer on a stick.
Rustico is offering its Hopsicles in plum, cherry, raspberry, banana and grape flavors. As a base, Mr. Morales uses Belgian fruit beers that are low in alcohol and minimally hopped.