post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

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  • anonin
    Juvenile Delinquent
    • Oct 2005
    • 2347

    post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

    was walking home from a house party last night and this crackhead approached me and said "listen man, you like ps3's?" i'm like " hell yea i like ps3, who dosn't", then he says "i'm selling ps3's for $200" i told him "that sounds dodgy as hell", he then tries to convince me that he's legit, but i knew he was a crackhead cuz he was talkin real fast and he said "how much can you give me RIGHT NOW?, if you give me $50, i can give it to you, i also have digital cameras and laptops for $50 to"

  • runningman
    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
    • Jun 2004
    • 5995

    Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

    I got asked if I had money for a cup of tea before from a crackhead..


    • toasty
      Sir Toastiness
      • Jun 2004
      • 6585

      Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

      Originally posted by runningman
      I got asked if I had money for a cup of tea before from a crackhead..
      Dude, that's classic! Gotta figure that this happened in the guy's head:

      1. I need crack
      2. I have no money
      3. I've already sold all of my earthly possessions -- what do I have that I can offer people so that I can get money?
      4. I make a mean cup of tea.


      • BureOne
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Jun 2004
        • 3285

        Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

        hahaha funny shit.

        I was walking with my brother on some dodgy sidewalk / neighborhood in the middle of the night, we were making a beer run.
        A crackhead comes out of nowhere and calls my brother by his name...? wtf! We're like ookaay.. He says, I know you remember me? hahah fuuuck, We were both stoned so it was even more wierd/funny...

        After some bs exhange of words he ask's us for change.. sorry pal aint got any.

        Funny how some people out of high school end up being normal/successfull and some end up being crackheads

        end of story.


        • toasty
          Sir Toastiness
          • Jun 2004
          • 6585

          Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

          Back when I used to deliver pizzas in college, this dude that worked with me showed up at work one day obviously high as a kite and looking for cash to get more crack. He began offering forced "compliments" to people and then awkwardly transitioning into asking for money. The exchange that follows actually happened:

          Him: Hey, you're getting big [I wasn't]. You ought to consider becoming a professional wrestler
          Me: Uh, that's a new one to me, hadn't ever thought of that. Thanks?
          Him: Could I have $25?

          Truth is stranger than fiction. It was just that bizarre. When I turned him down, he stumbled around the place asking other people for money using different, but equally odd ice-breakers before jumping right into the request for money part.


          • tiddles
            Encryption, Jr.
            • Jun 2004
            • 6861

            Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

            i want to hear a crackhead say he needs money for his legal defense against the music industry because he shared a few tunes


            • KinKyJ
              Platinum Poser
              • Jun 2004
              • 13438

              Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

              Originally posted by anonin
              was walking home from a house party last night and this crackhead approached me and said "listen man, you like ps3's?" i'm like " hell yea i like ps3, who dosn't", then he says "i'm selling ps3's for $200" i told him "that sounds dodgy as hell", he then tries to convince me that he's legit, but i knew he was a crackhead cuz he was talkin real fast and he said "how much can you give me RIGHT NOW?, if you give me $50, i can give it to you, i also have digital cameras and laptops for $50 to"
              Hehehehe yeah, I came across types like that quite often. A friend of mine used to deal coke and dude, those freebasers would even trade their mother for a baggy. Actually quate pathetic, but fuggit: they've brought it upon themselves.


              • anonin
                Juvenile Delinquent
                • Oct 2005
                • 2347

                Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

                all things considered, crack must be fucking awesome!, i mean, if it turns entire city blocks into fiends, then the hype must be true! smoking cocaine!! cooool!!!!


                • chuckc
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 5459

                  Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

                  I love smoking crack


                  • lilsensa
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6675

                    Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

                    Chuck, I bet between you, me and Jibbs, we have seen enough crackheads in Tampa to build an entirely new city of them..God Tampa is wack...I almost got stabbed one night by a crackhead behind the Ampitheatre..Saying that I was kissing his girl in the club, pulls out a knife and demands my cash...Then out of nowhere, my boy runs up to his side and plows into him, knocking him to the ground...We ran like hell after that...
                    Sakio, this is the night we went to go see Sasha there...Good times up until then..
                    RIP ~ Steve James


                    • JK224
                      Addiction started
                      • Oct 2005
                      • 372

                      Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

                      Me & a few friends went to the strip joint a couple years back and tried to find a motel since we were all gonna get wasted and would eventually crash there. We were in the lot scoping one out from the car when this woman came out of fucking nowhere and asked if she could have a cig so my friend gave her one...dialog went as follows after that:

                      Her: Can I like, sit and smoke this with you guys?
                      Me: Nah we were just leaving...
                      Her: Guys...I'm not like trying to sell anything... can I have $10 for the bus, I'm really far from home right now and I'm all out of cash
                      Me: No, sorry
                      Her: $10 for head
                      Her: $5...I'll suck & swallow that shit

                      Cue the sound of me speeding off...until we found a motel far, far from that one my friend wouldn't stop laughing at my facial expression when she started offering head...and how nasty she was.
                      Last edited by JK224; April 27, 2008, 03:19:10 PM.


                      • stencil_cp
                        Addiction started
                        • Aug 2005
                        • 408

                        Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

                        my favorite crackheads are the guys who say they ran out of gas just down the block, and then show you their id so you know they're a real person, and ask you for a few buck for gas.
                        was disappointed last month to meet a guy who excelled at this same scam, only to find out he wasn't on crack when he didit, just heroin...


                        • palmer
                          Retired or Simply Important
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5383

                          Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

                          When I lived in Pittsburgh, I lived up near what is called "The Hill District" pretty gnarly area where people are often killed and also home to a shitload of crackheads. The area around my building was generally safe but there were always some strays around the block.

                          One night after getting back from class I grabbed a few beers and was hanging out front drinking and smoking cigarettes. So this guy walks up and asks me for a smoke, seemed like a regular ass bum. I used to skate and spent a lot of time in seedy downtown areas so I used to talk to bums and bullshit with them all the time. So I give this dude a smoke and the rest of the beer I was drinking. We are just chilling and talking. He's got a few funny stories. Tells me to stay in school and "get paid." I'm starting to think this guy is alright then out of the blue dude busts out the pipe. It was like a dirty glass one-hitter looking thing with what looked like about 10 green rubberbands wrapped around it. Super gnarly. I'm like ok that doesn't look he's smoking weed out of that thing. Next he's rummaging through all of his pockets like crazy... swearing... freaking out etc... Finally comes up with these 3 rocks. He holds them out right in front of me and pokes them around a little bit. I'm like "Shit, crack. Alright. This should be interesting." Dude packs it up real calm like and then asks for my lighter. At this point we'd been talking and I didn't want to just jet once he fired it up so I just sat there and gave him my light. I figure what's the worst that could happen. Next thing I know he's trying to pass me the pipe telling me it's not bad and that I'll get real fucked up. "No, sorry man." "Nah dude it's cool...... Really." He starts to get a bit forceful but then very quickly backs down and kicks it into high gear. He was sucking it down like mad. At this point I'd seen enough and try to ask for my lighter back, tell him I've had a long day and need to take off. Dude starts flipping out and talking about some wild shit. How all these things just happened to him that day and that he needs money immediately to fix everything. Crazy nonsense stories with totally outlandish scenarios involving broken down motor homes, formula for his baby, brother stuck on the other side of town waiting for him to get back, some guy that killed his parrot under the 6th street bridge. Total nonsense. I've never heard such crazy pleas for someones sympathy in my life. All within a few minutes of finishing that rock.

                          Alright. Fuck this. I need to be out of this situation. Now.

                          I start backpeddling, so I don't get stabbed blindly, towards the door of my building. I'm trying to get in without letting him in. "Change? You got any change up there? Smokes? Anymore smokes? How bout another beer? You tellin' me you ain't got money up there? Anything. How about a washrag? Let me get a washrag. Actually let me come up and get a shower. It's hot man... been sweating all day. How bout we go get some money? I know you got money in the bank. Anything. Fifty bucks. Give me something. Just let me in the building." I'm totally freaking out still slowly backpeddling as this barrage of questioning/demands are spit at me. So I tell him I'm going to run upstairs, grab him a beer and a washrag and I'll see what kind of change I can gather up. He didn't seem entirely pleased with my offer but was going to let me go."What room you in? Tell me what room you in. I know you ain't coming back. So if you ain't come back, I'm coming up." "Alright man. Fair enough. Apartment 715. Give me like 5 minutes." I lived in 315. I bolt upstairs. Immediately I call the front desk and tell them there is a non-resident/crackhead trying to get in the building on the mellon area side. I get a call like 20 minutes later. Apparently some brain trust let this guy in the building and they found him on the lower level trying to catch an elevator. They threw him out and called the cops. I don't know what became of him but I can't even imagine what would have happened had he made it any further into the building. I was pretty nervous being outside around the building for the next few days. Thankfully I never ran into him again. Pretty anticlimactic but it could have ended in a disaster.

                          I've never been around crack. Ever. It was so amazing to me how within a few short minutes it totally transformed this dude into the stereotypical crackhead.
                          art direction | design | animation


                          • palmer
                            Retired or Simply Important
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 5383

                            Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

                            Originally posted by stencil_cp
                            my favorite crackheads are the guys who say they ran out of gas just down the block, and then show you their id so you know they're a real person, and ask you for a few buck for gas.
                            was disappointed last month to meet a guy who excelled at this same scam, only to find out he wasn't on crack when he didit, just heroin...
                            I used to get this one ALL the time. Same guy every time. He must have tried me at least a dozen times always with the ID.

                            Another good one was this guy walked up to me on the 7th Street bridge, again in Pittsburgh, on a fucking cellphone stereotypical crackhead swagger.

                            CH: AYE MAN. Let me get fi-teen dollahs.
                            Me: Sorry man. I got nothin'
                            CH: Aight. Let me get 2 then.
                            Me: Sorry man. Nothin'
                            CH: Shit man how bout 35cents or 4 quarters.
                            Me: Nothin'
                            CH: Fuck you then crackah

                            I also had a crackhead try to sell me on this raggedy ass ziploc bag full of what looked like used and busted up batteries he found. I love how quickly and easily they go from super highball pricing to next to nothing in a matter of about 26 seconds.
                            art direction | design | animation


                            • stencil_cp
                              Addiction started
                              • Aug 2005
                              • 408

                              Re: post your "i got approached by a crackhead" stories here...

                              and then there's the manhattan crackheads whose pregnant girlfriend is freaking out on the sidewalk, who's just going to leave with us for a bit because he's got the exact directions to the obscure bar we're looking for, though she's screaming about how he's going to abandon her, and who walks us in circles positive he knows where we're going for 20 minutes... blah blah... my friend gave me ten bucks to give this guy just to get rid of him and he gave me a hug... i'm sure he's all better now...

