Comedy Club Unhappy With Dick's Behavior
By Associated Press

COLUMBUS, Ohio - David Stroupe said it was one of the worst experiences with a performer in the history of the Funny Bone Comedy Club.
He was referring to Andy Dick, a former co-star on the 1990s sitcom "NewsRadio," who appeared at the Funny Bone last weekend.
Stroupe, the club's managing partner, said the 41-year-old actor-comedian made inappropriate comments while on stage, groped patrons, took women into the men's room and urinated on the floor and on at least one person.
A limousine driver was to meet Dick early Monday morning at a hotel near the club, Stroupe said, but he couldn't be found and missed that morning's flight to Los Angeles.
Dick was across town, where he was issued a citation for urinating on the sidewalk by Columbus policeman John Fantin. Police eventually escorted Dick back to the hotel, Stroupe said.
Dick's manager, Max Burgos, did not immediately respond Friday to phone and e-mail messages by The Associated Press seeking comment.
Dick is scheduled to appear Thursday in Franklin County Municipal Court, but instead could pay a $126 fine and court costs for the misdemeanor offense, a court employee said.