where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

    I had just stepped out of the shower when my roommate started yelling as the second tower was hit. I still went into the office, briefly, which in retrospect seems ridiculous to me -- I guess I just wasn't sure what to do, so I did what I always did. I remember looking out my office window at a sky that is normally full of contrails from planes at Lambert and thinking how unnerving it all was to not be sure that the planes that were in the air were harmless.

    We weren't at work long at all -- spent all of it watching TV and checking internet web sites.

    We shared a floor with the St. Louis office of Aon, who lost a large number of people in one of the towers on 9/11. Suffice it to say that while we were numb in our office, it was a different scene across the hall.


    • GregWhelan
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jun 2004
      • 2994

      Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

      I was working at the amazon.co.uk distribution warehouse here in the UK when I heard it - we had Radio 1 piped into the warehouse all day and I'll never forget Chris Moyles voice when he announced it. I really just wanted to get home to see the TV, but we had to work, although management did offer anyone who had US relatives the chance to call them.

      Weirdest day ever - I also remember thinking 'Who's next' and just being really paranoid. I suppose because they just didn't have a clue who was doing it, or if the attacks had stopped.


      • TomTom
        Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
        • May 2002
        • 16206

        Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

        I was at the office when the boss came in and told something about a plane hitting the Twin towers. We thought it is a small accident but when I came home and turned the television on I saw what really happened..it still gives me the creeps when I think about all those people just living their lives and working there to have something in the fridge.


        • unkownartist
          • Nov 2005
          • 4146

          Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

          i was in my bed when the first plane hit, woke up not long after and switched on the tv and remember thinking to myself "what the hell is a film doing on @ this time of day" then it struck me that it was real life, i honestly thought that would be the day world war 3 kicked off


          • AndyH
            Platinum Poster
            • May 2005
            • 1786

            Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

            At work in an office.I remember everyone started spreading the word that a plane had crashed into the towers and everone was pretty shocked. Then when the other one hit it became clear it was no accident and everyone stopped working and switched on the tvs around the place.. I remember most the silence as everyone was watching open mouthed...
            [quote=lilsensa '] 'Who wants to sample size my ball sack?'


            • Jibgolly
              • Jun 2004
              • 20773

              Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

              was sleeping til noon that day as i had to work late the night before. neither of my punk ass roomates bothered to wake me up to tell me. later that night i hooked up with a co-worker, and she ended up moving in with me. that only lasted two months and ended with her trying to hit me in the face with a glass. i guess that relationship was doomed from the beginning. i remember watching the presidents speech that night around 8-9pm. tough day for a lot of people no matter how far or close you were to NY.


              • Mr.Big
                Platinum Poster
                • Nov 2004
                • 1390

                Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

                It was my first time in the states on a holiday Visa. I was on a bus on my way to NYC when the first plane hit. The bus driver told us that a bomb went off in the WTC so we would have to divert to Baltimore. Remember walking around Baltimore with no one in the streets and no cars on the road. The whole city was on lock down, looked like that scene out of Vanilla sky in times square.

                Finally got to a TV in time to watch the first tower fall. Very surreal and scary.
                Pimps up Hoes down.


                • hambino21
                  PFC Semen Ham
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 863

                  Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

                  I was working at Barnes and Noble and the lady working the cafe had a relative that lived right across from the towers and she called hysterically once the second plane hit. The store was pretty empty that day. everything just seemed twisted. Very odd vibe. I will never forget that day.
                  " Focus on the subtleties and the world becomes grander"

                  - Me-


                  • rainman
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 1869

                    Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

                    mother in law woke me up with a call to let me know what was going on. was working 2nd shift at the time. spent the rest of the day playing with my boys and wondering what was to come next.


                    • GregWhelan
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 2994

                      Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

                      Yeah I also had the same feelings as TomTom and red1. Initially I thought it was just a light aircraft, and that it was an accident.

                      Later that day I did start to think 'Here comes WW3'


                      • jarble187
                        • Sep 2004
                        • 2047

                        Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

                        I slept through it and woke up around 10:30 am to see it on the news. Sad day and a shitty loss for everyone. Cant believe its been 6 years and there is still a gaping hole at ground zero. BTW- MSNBC and Newsweek has put together a nice graphic to show the progress as well as other skyscrapers that have already been built since- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20714734/site/newsweek
                        Push the envelope, watch it bend.


                        Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011


                        • labmonkey
                          Addiction started
                          • Apr 2005
                          • 352

                          Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

                          Stuck in the Tijuana-San Diego Border listening to the radio for 6 Hours !!!!!!!!!!!!
                          "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted"


                          • Steve Graham
                            DJ Jelly
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 12887

                            Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

                            Originally posted by GregWhelan
                            Yeah I also had the same feelings as TomTom and red1. Initially I thought it was just a light aircraft, and that it was an accident.

                            Later that day I did start to think 'Here comes WW3'
                            same here, i was at work in my office and someone yelled out "a plane just flew into one of the WTC towers". I was thinking, my god, how the hell could that happen, not like they arent huge.. then when we got the tv on in the office, i dont think any one really spoke the rest of the day. i still cant look at pictures, nor do i want to see any footage of it.


                            • funkykarma
                              Gold Gabber
                              • Jan 2006
                              • 794

                              Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

                              Was fast asleep in my then gf's place in Brooklyn...had the day off...woke up and her mother, old Puerto Rican lady in her broken English goes 'World Trade Center gone'...Initially thought it was the ramblings of an old lady but got a huge shock when I turned on the TV...

                              I remember feeling seriously depressed about the state of the world for the next 1-2 months...f*cking media


                              • toasty
                                Sir Toastiness
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 6585

                                Re: where were you 6 years ago 9-11-01

                                Originally posted by Steve Graham
                                same here, i was at work in my office and someone yelled out "a plane just flew into one of the WTC towers". I was thinking, my god, how the hell could that happen, not like they arent huge.
                                Had a similar experience myself. I knew that a plane had hit the WTC before I hopped in the shower, but I had no idea it was a commercial plane, thought it was a Cessna or something. Thought it was a tragic mistake, but had no idea how tragic until a few minutes later...

