Since this board is all about facials, Britney and Kanye these days, I thought you people might appreciate knowing this stunning celeb news:
It's true: Madonna really does where the trousers in her marriage - as if we needed proof!
The Queen of Pop left Claridges last night with her hubby Guy Ritchie in tow, but she wasn't clutching the movie director's hand, rather Madge was gripping onto a see through plastic bag which contained a rather lethal looking strap-on dildo called the Predator.
Just how will Guy explain that one down the pub?
We already knew Madonna had balls of steel but now it seems, she's got a set of strap on plastic ones as well.
The Queen of Pop left Claridges last night with her hubby Guy Ritchie in tow, but she wasn't clutching the movie director's hand, rather Madge was gripping onto a see through plastic bag which contained a rather lethal looking strap-on dildo called the Predator.
Just how will Guy explain that one down the pub?
We already knew Madonna had balls of steel but now it seems, she's got a set of strap on plastic ones as well.
