Not that we didn't already know she is outthere. But this is the octane of gas Kerry is running on at this point. He himself has become a pathological liar in recents weeks. Comeon he first said that Bush plans on sending thousands of national guard troops the week after winning the elction- (when the pentagon already has a rotation schedule set until troops withdraw in '06), and now he is campaigning that Bush is 'likely' to sign the draft into affect (when it was the dems who proposed the draft to deter Republcans from goin to war with Iraq if their sons and daughters had to fight). And now this?!?! Fuck if Osama did showup before the election, Kerry better find himself a nice place to retire.
It is absolute nonsense that is coming out their mouths. I knew they were angry about the loss in 2000, but this is what they promised us- payback... and its downright lies. The worst attack on a president in history- its turned into a school-yard shouting contest rather than a real debate with real issues. They have accused the Republican party for doing things they have done themselves. A strategic game of reverse psychology from a pathetic party of double-standards. TAKE OFF YOUR MONKEY MASK AND SHOW US THE MEAT. I say it- fucking liberal scum.
Who believes any of their nonsense- oh wait, don't tell me its probably [you].
