the GPhone?

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  • FM
    • Jun 2004
    • 5361

    the GPhone?

    rumors have been abundant for a while...

    but how would you like to have a Linux-based iPhone-like model run through Google & a new network on T-mobile?

    Rumors about about a possible Google phone have run so hot and cold recently that it's hard to keep up, but AppleInsider is reporting that the big G is making a big push in developing their own handset. AI says that investment guidance firm Anian has issued a report quoting a development budget in the "hundreds of millions" of dollars and that HTC is being tapped to build a Linux-based Gphone to be launched on T-Mobile in the US in early 2008, with Orange getting the exclusive in France and other countries. Anian also says Google has been in talks with Verizon and AT&T, and that Verizon has already shot the big G down -- much like it did with Apple and the iPhone. As always, rumors are just rumors, so we'll wait and see, but it's hard to ignore the amount of buzz that the Gphone's been getting.


    "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

    What record did you loose your virginity to?
    "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

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  • cyrus32
    Gold Gabber
    • Jul 2004
    • 510

    Re: the GPhone?

    Possible Free Moble Phone Service

    It has been suggested that the GPhone offer an ad-supported phone service in which users watch a 10 to 30 second advertisement before making a call. Users would also have a advertisement banner across the top of the screen while browsing the internet. Mostly aimed at teens and young adults, the ads would be aimed accordingly. Professionals, or those not wishing to view the ads can have them removed by paying for cell service.
    that would be sweet!, i wouldnt mind a little advertisement for free service.
    Edited - Bossy to racey for work


    • toasty
      Sir Toastiness
      • Jun 2004
      • 6585

      Re: the GPhone?

      I guess it's great for some, but my cell is my primary phone and I use it a lot. that would drive me bananas after like 3 calls.


      • toasty
        Sir Toastiness
        • Jun 2004
        • 6585

        Re: the GPhone?

        Here's an even worse idea:

        Pudding Media, a San Jose, California, start-up launching at DemoFall 2007 on Monday, is offering free Web-based phone calls, if you let them monitor phone calls and show you onscreen advertisements based on the topic of your conversation.


        • beanzncheez
          • Jun 2004
          • 4442

          Re: the GPhone?

          ^ ^ Could you imagine what type of advertising they would gear towards ME?


          • webbie
            Fresh Peossy
            • Mar 2005
            • 34

            Re: the GPhone?

            Google is all about innovation. If they come out with their rumoured GPhone it, together with Apples iPhone, could deal a number of serious blows to the mobile phone manufacturers. For so many years it has been some kind of standard in UI and layout of the phones, something Apple showed isnt necessary.

            So if Google also gets in the fight then it could get really interesting and will problably benefit us all in the long run.
            - webbie


            • beanzncheez
              • Jun 2004
              • 4442

              Re: the GPhone?

              How many peole use 800-GOOG-411?


              • toasty
                Sir Toastiness
                • Jun 2004
                • 6585

                Re: the GPhone?

                Originally posted by webbie
                So if Google also gets in the fight then it could get really interesting and will problably benefit us all in the long run.
                That's definitely 100% right. Not for me, but hopefully it will drive down the cost of paid service.


                • FM
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 5361

                  Re: the GPhone?

                  Originally posted by beanzncheez
                  How many peole use 800-GOOG-411?
                  I text usually to 46645 (GOOGL)

                  "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

                  What record did you loose your virginity to?
                  "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

                  Download/Listen To My Mixes
                  A Journey Into Sound On MCast

                  Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


                  • SyntaxTerror
                    Occupation: Playtex Sales
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 964

                    Re: the GPhone?

                    Google won't bring out this phone. The idea has failed too many times in the past.

                    Remember the free dial up internet companies that give you ads floating across your screen, and similar deals for free pcs with ads on them?

                    No one was interested in such products and the model made no money. I don't believe google is even good enough to make it work.
                    "If not for Josh Wink, Sasha wouldn't own any Acid except for the paper stuff he dopes chicks with at clubs." - Jenks, 2004

