Re: Lose the B-word
"I'm a pothead, and I'm more right then I am left. Except for that political compass Jenks posted, which I was more left on.
Besides, you don't have to be a pothead to think Pot should be legal. You just have no clue what your talking about."
After reading through pages and pages of anti-Kerry bile, to see asdf say all of a sudden that if Kerry supported legalization of marijuana, it's no stretch to assume that marijuana is a major issue for him-- for it to be that much of an issue, the chances are pretty great he's a pothead. As a former pothead, I too favor legalization greatly--- amazing, something we agree on.
Finally, if you go to the Norml website scorecard
You'll see that Bush gets a thumbs down on all Marijuana related issues-- Kerry gets three so-so's and one thumbs up. Hmmm, who is the more marijuana-friendly candidate???
Oh yeah, I forgot, Norml is a tool of the liberal machine. HAHAHAHA
"I'm a pothead, and I'm more right then I am left. Except for that political compass Jenks posted, which I was more left on.
Besides, you don't have to be a pothead to think Pot should be legal. You just have no clue what your talking about."
After reading through pages and pages of anti-Kerry bile, to see asdf say all of a sudden that if Kerry supported legalization of marijuana, it's no stretch to assume that marijuana is a major issue for him-- for it to be that much of an issue, the chances are pretty great he's a pothead. As a former pothead, I too favor legalization greatly--- amazing, something we agree on.
Finally, if you go to the Norml website scorecard
You'll see that Bush gets a thumbs down on all Marijuana related issues-- Kerry gets three so-so's and one thumbs up. Hmmm, who is the more marijuana-friendly candidate???
Oh yeah, I forgot, Norml is a tool of the liberal machine. HAHAHAHA