Everybody's talked about their favorite mp3 ripping tools, and I've never had much luck with any of them. I finally found one that I had luck with: StreamRipper (Command Line version). I thought I'd share my findings with anybody else that wants to rip mp3s by making this guide. Hope somebody gets use out of this... Enjoy!
The complete idiot-proof step-by-step example for ripping Proton Radio sets.
...and here's a list of all supported command-line arguments (as of version 1.60):
Usage: streamripper URL [OPTIONS]
The complete idiot-proof step-by-step example for ripping Proton Radio sets.
- Download the latest StreamRipper Command Line Version (Win32)
-> http://streamripper.sourceforge.net/srdownloads.php - Select Run from the Start Menu
- Click the Browse button
- Browse to the folder that you saved StreamRipper in, select the StreamRipper executable, and click Open
- The StreamRipper executable will appear in the Run window... copy/paste the following arguments to the end of the executable: -d "%userprofile%\Desktop\Proton" -s -c -x - The line will look similar to this: sripper-1.60.10.exe -d "%userprofile%\Desktop\Proton" -s -c -x. Press the OK button to start
- StreamRipper will immediately begin ripping Proton Radio. All MP3s will be saved on your Desktop in a folder named Proton
...and here's a list of all supported command-line arguments (as of version 1.60):
Usage: streamripper URL [OPTIONS]
- -a <file> - Rip to single file, default name is timestamped
-c - Don't auto-reconnect
-d <dir> - The destination directory
-f <dstring> - Don't create new track if metainfo contains <dstring>
-h - Print this listing
-i - Don't add ID3V1 Tags to output file
-k <count> - Skip over first <count> tracks before starting to rip
-l <seconds> - number of seconds to run, otherwise runs forever
-m <timeout> - Number of seconds before force-closing stalled conn
-o - Overwrite tracks in complete
-p <url> - Use HTTP proxy server at <url>
-q - Add sequence number to output file
-r <base port> - Create relay server on base port, default port 8000
-s - Don't create a directory for each stream
-t - Don't overwrite tracks in incomplete
-u <useragent> - Use a different UserAgent than "Streamripper"
-v - Print version info and quit
-x - Invoke splitpoint detection rules (see online guide)
-z - Don't scan for free ports if base port is not avail