a little long for a haiku, but it will do. =P
I'm all for decriminalization of possession of pot. It ought to be on par with getting a traffic ticket or something. No way should users be sitting in jail. Sure, potheads have a tendency to contribute nothing to society sitting around their apartments stoned all day, but a pothead sitting in prison contributes even less and wastes taxpayer money.Comment
I'm going to have to agree with Jenks on this one. Lobster, your probably going to get really confused, so brace yourself.
I poke smot, yeppers. I do it freely, and pretty much wherever and whenever I feel like it. Yet, it is not legal. Nor do I think it should be. I definetely think it should be decriminilized, and the penalty for getting busted with a small amount on you should be nothing more then a slap on the wrist. Across the board, penalties regarding Mary Jane should be lessened significantly, but people should still pay the price.
I don't think it should be legal for a number of reasons, at least buy it over the counter legal like Jenks has said. It just wouldn't work, and would make any effort for the public to embrace Mary Jane on a whole less convincing. People in Colorado smoke it always, finding it is as easy as finding a tree to smoke it by. So what is the problem? What I dont see is what will change if it was legal in a recreational way. Cops would be looking for it more readily, and probably have some device invented like the breathalizer, only for THC. That wouldn't help the situation for me. I have been busted with a small amount, but the cops could really care less, all I got was a slap on the wrist. And that was when I was young, I'm smart enough and cautious enough now that I doubt I will ever be busted with it again. You just have to be careful. Where as if it was legal, chances are they would be taking more measures against people caught smoking it where they shouldn't be. Because if it was legal, it still wouldn't be legal anywhere in public. I just don't see any real advantages in it becoming legal.
All other drugs aside, Mary Jane is harmless, utterly harmless. Other steps should be taken on the other drug's front though, like coke and heroin addicts should get the help they need, not be locked away. As it stands, unless your a hollywood movie star, you get locked up. Yet Nader has proven time and again that it would actually cost tax payers millions upon millions less to help rehabilitate these people rather then pay for them to be in prison for 30+ years. Everyone wins. One of the reasons, actually probably the only reason why I love Nader.
Any way, thats just a bit of my 3 cents on the matter."The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
- Thomas JeffersonComment
here are many cents. i was an avid smokey bear before i was given the proud title of a baby maker. i believe in life moderation is the key to anything you do, and perhaps that does directly apply to substance.
i really could fucking care less what my neighbor(s) do in their free time as long as there are no direct effects towards me or my family. that is how simple it is.
a drug is a drug, and surly there are worse and better. advil is a fucking drug, and perhaps one of the most abused drugs out there, yet there are no statements or warnings. people just pop and pop away.
as you work up the scale in the drug world, there are many people who can not "handle" their own aka "tweakers". those are the people that fuck it up for the rest of us responsible people. it is sad, and unfair. yet i can see the concern of legalization of something so small. yet good old beer and wine is served to people all day, and some drive home and kill. at that level, i think is should be legal. for in my world alcohol is the worse of the two evils. if we could trust each other to make "good" choices, well everything would be fine and dandy. but i can assure if you ever had someone killed due to a drunk driver, you perhaps would want alcohol outlawed.
people and things. things and people.
la la la .dead, yet alive.Comment
After glancin' at some Poker Tournament shows on TV, I gotta say...anyone who can sit on the table and make bets like Gus Hansen and still keep a straight face will not leave the table empty handed. Those that dun know about the 'art' of calmness (Fook all those sunglasses and hats...just CALMNESS!) should not simply label ppl as gamblers or drug addicts because they tried stuff back in the days. As far a I'm concerned, Herbs is what helps keep the world sane and not always out killing each other. Perhaps kids are too young to snap of out that relaxing 'cus their being bombarded with BS and so are us. People claim that cigarettes and alcohol relaxes...so what about nature's HERBS! So cigarettes and alcohol is okay because the lobbyists say it's okay...I get it.Comment
Re: Drugs
I smoke, i drink, i snort. I don?t inject it?s a choice.
My drug of choice is cannabis, i enjoy a drink but i am more suited to getting stoned. I enjoy a good snort when going out and sometimes when i stay in. I am an adult, i make informed choices what i put into my body.
I don?t need a goverment to tell me what i can do with my own body, that is my choice, i am not hurting anyone, but i am sick of having to lurk on street corners to buy my drugs of a stinking little criminal who will probably rip me off, he doesn?t pay taxes, he lives outside the law.
The law of prohibition has failed, it failed because it is basically wrong.
This is one of numerous laws that should be changed, it is outdated and i firmly believe that the majority of people in the US and UK want it changed. IMO opinion we are to blame for not standing up and being counted.
I can walk into a licqour store and buy bottle of whisky, then go home and drink it all and kill myself. i am leagally allowed to buy poison and pay tax on this poison.
Yet i?m not allowed to fcuking buy spliff. We truely live in a crazy world."Pain is only weakness leaving the body."Comment
^^^^^LOL that is like so true... plus c'mon pot is all about peace and love... there is no way in hell that a pothead could harm the world... the problem is that if potheads ruled the world.. there wouldn't be any productivity so therefore it wouldn't be money and economy and all that bullshit that is sending the world to wars, hunger, death etc.... but well that is a theorical world and impossible to create... so yep.. let's keep the MOTAH semi-legal and everything will work... chemicals are the issue.. that shit should be illegal and very punished in every part of the world...
Re: Drugs
ooops I forgot... they should be illegal but they are fun as fuck specially when u know what to use, and how to use it.. USE IT DON'T ABUSE IT!!!