After my monumental stupidity last night (refer to the 'I am a cock thread' for details) I was unsuprisingly a bit chatty
and so my flatmate and I started talking about the most important subject in the, which lead on to the age-old (but highly important) question of if I you could only listen to 5 albums for the rest of you life what would they be? When i told him i didn't think my 5 would not include an EDM mix, album or compilation, he looked at me as if I'd just told him I was acatully a woman or something like that.
Now, I completely understand his suprise and outrage. I have, as he argued, spent the better part of 10 years clubbing, listening to EDM, DJing and basically devoting large portions of my life to it. All this is true, and I've been thinking about it a lot today and i stil think that no EDM would feature in my 5.
One reason for this is that although at the moment EDM accounts for about 75% of the music I listen to, there hasn't been one ( and by one I mean a single, standout piece) album or compilation that i have consistently listened to for years and years and years. Yes, there have been sets and mixes that i have spanked for months and months, but inevitably they all come and go, whereas they are some non-EDM albums that I've been listening to week in week out for years, and I know i will continue to do so. As cheesy as it sounds they have been the soundtrack of my entire life, and that's why i could not do without listening to them.
Anyway, for those of you who care, I think my 5 would be:
Radiohead 'The Bends'
Massive Attack 'Protection'
Zero 7 'Simple Things'
Snoop 'Doggystyle'
Sufjan Stevens 'Illinois'
Sasha 'Involver' and Leftfield 'Leftism' come close, but I think not close enough.
Would be really intersted to know what you guys think of this.

Now, I completely understand his suprise and outrage. I have, as he argued, spent the better part of 10 years clubbing, listening to EDM, DJing and basically devoting large portions of my life to it. All this is true, and I've been thinking about it a lot today and i stil think that no EDM would feature in my 5.
One reason for this is that although at the moment EDM accounts for about 75% of the music I listen to, there hasn't been one ( and by one I mean a single, standout piece) album or compilation that i have consistently listened to for years and years and years. Yes, there have been sets and mixes that i have spanked for months and months, but inevitably they all come and go, whereas they are some non-EDM albums that I've been listening to week in week out for years, and I know i will continue to do so. As cheesy as it sounds they have been the soundtrack of my entire life, and that's why i could not do without listening to them.
Anyway, for those of you who care, I think my 5 would be:
Radiohead 'The Bends'
Massive Attack 'Protection'
Zero 7 'Simple Things'
Snoop 'Doggystyle'
Sufjan Stevens 'Illinois'
Sasha 'Involver' and Leftfield 'Leftism' come close, but I think not close enough.
Would be really intersted to know what you guys think of this.