(for kinky)
Seriously, seri-ous-ly! How fucking retarded can things get? Even a 16-yr old Volkswagon Golf can do that, any new car these days, even a big fat gas-guzzling Audi Q7 can do that if you pay attention to your driving style. But in the US of A it's still impossible?
Heysoos christ, get off that other planet and start buying European/Asian cars. Wake the fuck up. You don't need a V8 to pump out a few hunderd BHP, you deffo don't need such an engine in city traffic anyways and you're still wondering why America needs more oil than any other country in world except China?
sorry, just had to rant. I just think that this is a ridiculous initiative since it's already there, and testifies of an unwillingness to take advantage of what's right in front of your nose for no other reason than that they want to keep that V8 engine alive, which must be one of the most uneconomical engines around at this point.