Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

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  • feather
    Shanghai ooompa loompa
    • Jul 2004
    • 20903

    Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

    Sunny days! The earliest episodes of “Sesame Street” are available on digital video! Break out some Keebler products, fire up the DVD player and prepare for the exquisite pleasure-pain of top-shelf nostalgia.

    Just don’t bring the children. According to an earnest warning on Volumes 1 and 2, “Sesame Street: Old School” is adults-only: “These early ‘Sesame Street’ episodes are intended for grown-ups, and may not suit the needs of today’s preschool child.”

    Say what? At a recent all-ages home screening, a hush fell over the room. “What did they do to us?” asked one Gen-X mother of two, finally. The show rolled, and the sweet trauma came flooding back. What they did to us was hard-core. Man, was that scene rough. The masonry on the dingy brownstone at 123 Sesame Street, where the closeted Ernie and Bert shared a dismal basement apartment, was deteriorating. Cookie Monster was on a fast track to diabetes. Oscar’s depression was untreated. Prozacky Elmo didn’t exist.
    WTF ... talk about thinking too much. Sesame Street beats Teletubbies anyday.



    Originally posted by Hoff
    a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
    Originally posted by m1sT3rL
    Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

    I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.
  • Dhar_2
    meat and potatoes
    • Jun 2004
    • 18925

    Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

    the grouch was cool!!!


    • Dhar_2
      meat and potatoes
      • Jun 2004
      • 18925

      Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

      how relavent!! Elmo looks like a gangbanger!!


      • rubyraks
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 5341

        Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

        This is the quote that gets me fired up the most:
        These early ‘Sesame Street’ episodes are intended for grown-ups...
        No, they were most definitely "intended" for parents weren't watching the show, I was!

        Just because there have been changes in perceptions of teaching doesn't change the intent...

        and frankly, I'm willing to put the education my and our generation got against these new brats any day!
        "Work like you don't need the money.
        Love like you've never been hurt.
        Dance like nobody's watching.
        Sing like nobody's listening.
        Live like it's Heaven on Earth."


        • rainman
          Platinum Poster
          • Dec 2005
          • 1869

          Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

          yeah, saw this on digg this morning and was a little confused about the whole thing. i somewhat understand where they are coming from as far as saying, that society has changed so much that the content is irrelevant to kids of this generation though.


          • BureOne
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jun 2004
            • 3285

            Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

            Sesame Street was awesome!! I loved watching it while I was a wee lad... I think I turned out aye-ok!

            I loved Cookie Monster, loved the Grouch and Snufflelupugus?... hahah, awesome.


            • |Thrax|
              Platinum Poster
              • Mar 2007
              • 1744

              Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

              just because the world is filty now doesnt mean the kids know better.. let them watch and fall into fantasyland..

              who cares if the grouch that lives in a trashcan, might not be PC...
              This is the voice from planet love. Have no fear we are your friends. To bring peace and love to your world, we are sending you our very special agent. Her name is love love love...

              Myspace::Facebook:: NIGHTMOVES.ME nightlife+lifestyle photography


              • floridaorange
                I'm merely a humble butler
                • Dec 2005
                • 29116

                Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

                ahaha, Dave Chapelle "Hiii Biird" "Get a job Grouch" funny sh*t!
                Last edited by floridaorange; November 21, 2007, 02:31:19 AM.

                It was fun while it lasted...


                • progressive420
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1862

                  Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

                  I guess kids should just watch Nip/Tuck instead.....
                  "Always........Dancing in My Mind"


                  • FM
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5361

                    Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

                    today's children's programming is sterile, lifeless, and quite frankly boring...I think I'd be pulling my eyes out if I had to watch that crap when I was younger.

                    "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

                    What record did you loose your virginity to?
                    "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

                    Download/Listen To My Mixes
                    A Journey Into Sound On MCast

                    Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


                    • trick12
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 4412

                      Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

                      Originally posted by FM
                      today's children's programming is sterile, lifeless, and quite frankly boring...I think I'd be pulling my eyes out if I had to watch that crap when I was younger.

                      GOTTA WATCH THIS...HILARIOUSSSSS, i hope i spelled that right...
                      Life's pretty fast..blup..blup...We made it!!


                      • floridaorange
                        I'm merely a humble butler
                        • Dec 2005
                        • 29116

                        Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!


                        It was fun while it lasted...


                        • rewing3
                          I really don't care
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5504

                          Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

                          This is a bunch of BS. Most people on here watched sesame street growing up and we turned out fine. What is next kids can't have christmas anymore.
                          Common Sense is not Common at all.


                          • rubyraks
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 5341

                            Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

                            actually there was a pretty interesting article in the ny times about this, see:

                            Children’s TV has changed so much that a preschool classic on DVD now carries a warning.

                            I watched the show as well growing up, but reading the article did make me realize how it was appropriate for a specific time and place, one of which I was a product of or familiar with at the time. Context, sometimes, is everything
                            "Work like you don't need the money.
                            Love like you've never been hurt.
                            Dance like nobody's watching.
                            Sing like nobody's listening.
                            Live like it's Heaven on Earth."


                            • Corven
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 4080

                              Re: Sesame Street unsuitable for the young?!

                              Originally posted by rewing3
                              This is a bunch of BS. Most people on here watched sesame street growing up and we turned out fine. What is next kids can't have christmas anymore.
                              if i were to compare the kids these days with all of us that grew up watching Sesame Street, i would say that the kids these days that grew up without Sesame Street are the ones that are real messed up
                              I broke my spoon on the viagra sundae.

