Any predictions on how they will do?
Bush Kerry Debate
Re: Bush Kerry Debate
Kerry vs. Bush ... whoever wins ... we lose. Kerry makes 'promises' while Bush embraces his 'stay the course' BS. A bunch of empty rhetoric designed to entice the 'right' and 'left' into believing their candidate is the one. Is it that hard to see thru Kerry or Bush that there is nothing really genuine about what they say compared to that of Kucinich and Dean?????
I want to hear some concrete plans about the environment and economy and healthcare ... I need to be inspired by the speaker, not by his salon tan or 'dumb-down' white collar 'plain-spoken-kinda-fella' attitude, but by true wisdom and passion (as Kucinich and Dean had) such that even "reverse speach" hoaxes would not be in anyone's favor but that of the one else...not the MILITARY,MEDIA,CORPORATIONS,you name it.
-Jun_K -
Re: Bush Kerry Debate
I hope I'm wrong, but here's my predicition:
Kerry, in love with the sound of his own voice, will be unable to resist the temptation to provide long-winded answers to questions which are indecipherable to the average voter and impossible for the press to cover because they do not lend themselves to the "sound bites" the media loves to use because they are more entertaining than actual discussion of policy and issues.
Meanwhile, regardless of what Kerry ever says, Bush will state that Kerry has taken yet another new position. That seems to be his schtick nowadays -- the flip-flop label stuck, so Bush continues with his "if I keep saying it enough it will eventually become fact" method of repeating the same charge over and over and over again. Oh, and there will be a lot of arrogant chuckling on Bush's part, too.
Because most people wait until after the debates to listen to the spin doctors tell them who won, and because the GOP tends to do a better job of having people that will proclaim victory regardless of the outcome, Bush will win.
There are two things that give me some hope, although they are both based upon what I have heard and not what I have seen, so who knows if I have actual reason to be hopeful or not.
1. Kerry evidently likes to see the horse's ass before he starts his charge, and he's squarely behind one now. I have heard that he does a great job in debates when he is behind.
2. Although Bush has had a large amount of success in debates, he does not do quite as well when he is the incumbent and cannot protray himself as an outsider.
Kerry, if you're out there listening, please pull something out of your ass and win this debate.Comment
"We feel like we're in a good position in this debate ... because the president knows what he thinks, why he thinks the way that he does, what he wants to do in the future, where he wants to lead the nation, and that stands in stark contrast to his opponent," said Mary Matalin, an adviser to President Bush's campaign.
ummmmm DUH! Where the hell do they find these idiots...FM
"Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers
What record did you loose your virginity to?
"I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan
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you ever tie yourself to a back of a car, when it does not work? yea. You might as well throw rocks in the street.dead, yet alive.Comment
Alas, I think that toasty probably has it right. The democrats don't have (and never really have had in recent years) much of an idea of being media-savvy. Kerry is going to be too long-winded to be accessible, and Bush is going to hound on Kerry's "inconsistencies". The Republican spin doctors are going to jump on it afterwards (they are excellent at that) and give the common perception that Bush won and Kerry switched sides once again on any issue he talked about.
Whatever the case, I'm definitly going to stay up and watch tonight's debate (starts at something like 2am German time). I might have to down half a bottle of Jack before it starts, though - nothing like seeing Skeletor vs. Georgey The Moron facing off while rip-roaring drunk.
Might also make it easier to swallow - whoever wins, we're still fucked.
I think the VP debate will be much more interesting.
"Ambulance Chaser vs. Death's Door Dick"Broken Symmetry on - archives & mixes - general tomfoolery
"It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
- StimutacsComment
haha...Krelm, the vp debate I will certainly have front row seats. nice nicknames too."when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".Comment
"We feel like we're in a good position in this debate ... because the president knows what he thinks, why he thinks the way that he does, what he wants to do in the future, where he wants to lead the nation, and that stands in stark contrast to his opponent," said Mary Matalin, an adviser to President Bush's campaign.
ummmmm DUH! Where the hell do they find these idiots...Comment
it's expected that over 50 million people will watch tonight's debate...
well at least some people still have a vested interest...FM
"Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers
What record did you loose your virginity to?
"I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan
Download/Listen To My Mixes
A Journey Into Sound On MCast
Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.Comment
i work ... so i will miss most of it. on my break i will watch to laugh a little ... perhaps even shake my head.
as bad as knowing before hand you are going to a really bad movie. you look for something ... anything ...dead, yet alive.Comment
Broken Symmetry on - archives & mixes - general tomfoolery
"It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
- StimutacsComment