My name is Muhammad.

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  • res0nat0r
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • May 2006
    • 14475

    Re: My name is Muhammad.

    anyone in this forum who believe that the us gov't was responsible for 9/11 please immediately shoot yourselves in the face with a shotgun because you are using valuable oxygen that belongs to the rest of us.


    • ownit
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jan 2007
      • 137

      Re: My name is Muhammad.

      haha poor miroslav.... sadly forced to believe his rotten junky media...this is too much, your mind does not have the capacity yet. The evidence is right in front of his own eyes, but he repells away from it because it wont suit him. Sad.


      • ownit
        Getting Somewhere
        • Jan 2007
        • 137

        Re: My name is Muhammad.

        Originally posted by feather
        Are you stupid or stupid?
        Are you a dumbfuck or a dumbass? pick one


        • chunky
          Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
          • Jan 2006
          • 10569

          Re: My name is Muhammad.

          Originally posted by Miroslav

          Building 7 was very closely within the perimeter of the towers and by eyewitness accounts sustained significant structural damage when the main towers fell. Despite a ton of conspiracy theories I've read about, that is the best evidence that I have seen is that the building fell as a consequence of the main towers going down. Read this:

          He was a firefighter. He was there and he saw it. There are plenty of other accounts from rescue personnel who were there and saw what was going on, and they give very similar accounts.

          I'll take their word over yours any day.
          For a start building 7 was the farthest away from the towers and sustained minimal damage. There is plenty of footage an TV and i witness reports to confirm this. There's also plenty of qualified witness who dispute this as well. Like i said before believers will believe and non believers wont
          Originally posted by res0nat0r
          OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


          • Dzone
            Platinum Poster
            • Jul 2004
            • 1978

            Re: My name is Muhammad.

            Originally posted by Miroslav
            I'm really struggling with a question here: Is this behavior really representative of the way most Muslims over in Sudan and other surrounding countries think about things? Or are these protesters just a few whackjobs, and everyone else around there is personally horrified about the notion of murdering a woman for a stupid, ignorant mistake? I'm sorry to say, but I honestly don't know.

            Certainly, there is intolerance everywhere. But at least when the KKK says ugly stuff over here in the US, others are quick to denounce it and to make clear that as a society this is not what we stand for. And while people may have differing opinions over Iraq, war, politics, religion...I would have to go far and wide to find anyone who thinks that a woman should be murdered for this kind of an offense.

            What concerns me is that I never hear other Muslims criticizing these sorts of extreme opinions. And this isn't a small isolated cult we're talking about, this is the expression associated with a major national religion over there. I never hear of people in authority within these Islamic states saying "Shame on you...this is not the way, and this is not what we stand for as Muslims." Why is this?? Is this just selective media over here...or does this never even happen?
            I am a Muslim and such thing disgusted me to death, i was watching the news with my wife the other day and we saw this on BCC and we were shocked !!
            I can tell you that most of Muslim do not have this attitude, but quit few have it , the reasons are endless and you can look any way in the ME to know why ( Poverty, ignorance.....) and the list can go on on.
            ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


            • chunky
              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
              • Jan 2006
              • 10569

              Re: My name is Muhammad.

              Originally posted by res0nat0r
              anyone in this forum who believe that the us gov't was responsible for 9/11 please immediately shoot yourselves in the face with a shotgun because you are using valuable oxygen that belongs to the rest of us.
              Interesting maybe you should join the Muslims in Sudan. Calling for deaths because you don't like peoples opinions
              Originally posted by res0nat0r
              OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


              • Morgan
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 2234

                Re: My name is Muhammad.

                9/11 would be a hoax on the scale of the faked moon landings, i don;t beleive the people involved would be able to keep their mouths shut.

                ownit you should be as ashamed chunky for spouting loads of shit. The mad mullars in Sudan are making a big fuss to gain favour in the muslim work, they would like to keep raping and pilaging in Dafur without western oversight. What a good distraction some dumb women and a teddy bear.

                Just for the record I bet GWB was overjoyed at 9/11 it has provided an oppertunity for a nice war, gain some oil, finish daddys work, enslave the American populace and greatest of all re-elect a shaved monkey who couldn;t run a 7-11 let alone a former superpower.

                And as for the Muslims, if your so clever and you want to teach the great satan a lesson then stop selling your oil. Turn off the taps and amercia is back in the stone age.
                "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


                • feather
                  Shanghai ooompa loompa
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 20903

                  Re: My name is Muhammad.

                  Originally posted by ownit
                  Are you a dumbfuck or a dumbass? pick one
                  Don't need to, at least I can read


                  Originally posted by Hoff
                  a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
                  Originally posted by m1sT3rL
                  Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

                  I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


                  • Morgan
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 2234

                    Re: My name is Muhammad.

                    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

                    Shes been pardoned and released. Shame i was looking forward to firing squad.
                    "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


                    • Miroslav
                      WHOA I can change this!1!
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 4122

                      Re: My name is Muhammad.

                      Originally posted by ownit
                      haha poor miroslav.... sadly forced to believe his rotten junky media...this is too much, your mind does not have the capacity yet. The evidence is right in front of his own eyes, but he repells away from it because it wont suit him. Sad.

                      Great, I'm getting my intelligence critiqued by the guy who seriously advocates beating or killing people over names mistakenly given to teddy bears??...anyone else find this ironic?

                      And I'm glad you see so many so-called clear things "right before (YOUR) eyes", although I can only wonder at what those are given your earlier arguments I'm sorry, I just can't take anything you say seriously anymore. So really, I'm done with you now...thanks again for all the laughs.
                      Last edited by Miroslav; December 3, 2007, 12:50:27 PM.


                      • Miroslav
                        WHOA I can change this!1!
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 4122

                        Re: My name is Muhammad.

                        Originally posted by chunky
                        For a start building 7 was the farthest away from the towers and sustained minimal damage. There is plenty of footage an TV and i witness reports to confirm this. There's also plenty of qualified witness who dispute this as well. Like i said before believers will believe and non believers wont
                        uh huh...fascinating...keep going...

                        Hey, mind if I post a few things while you talk?

                        And there was NO DAMAGE...oh wait, unless you post pictures of something other than the North side


                        Boyle:"...on the north and east side of 7 it didn’t look like there was any damage at all, but then you looked on the south side of 7 there had to be a hole 20 stories tall in the building, with fire on several floors. Debris was falling down on the building and it didn’t look good."
                        - Chris Boyle, NYFD Captain
                        Engine 94, 18 years of service

                        Now, what is it that you were you saying again?


                        • ownit
                          Getting Somewhere
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 137

                          Re: My name is Muhammad.

                          Originally posted by Miroslav

                          Great, I'm getting my intelligence critiqued by the guy who seriously advocates beating or killing people over names mistakenly given to teddy bears??...anyone else find this ironic?

                          And I'm glad you see so many so-called clear things "right before (YOUR) eyes", although I can only wonder at what those are given your earlier arguments I'm sorry, I just can't take anything you say seriously anymore. So really, I'm done with you now...thanks again for all the laughs.
                          Ehem...when did I ever say that I advocate beating or killing people over names mistakenly given to teddy bears? WOW. Not very good at interpreting peoples thoughts but good at skewing them in a direction which you like eh? I SAID, that it is Sudan's gov. decision what to do with her either letting her go, beating her, slapping her, giving her a farewell trip back to Britain. Thats not my decision. I made that clear. But of course, I am a terrorist right? lol ... who goes clubbin once ina while.


                          • AntonyM
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Oct 2004
                            • 6415

                            Re: My name is Muhammad.

                            Damn it
                            missed all the fun.
                            Originally posted by Shpira
                            So came back last night...
                            Sven Vath was amazing...he played a god damn killer set...ended up going to that and came to at like 10 am in some whore house in south idea how I ended up there...friday was a bit of a blur got really drunk and visited several parties can't remember a whole lot to be honest hehe...saturday was probably the best day that I recall...started up in the nearest coffee shop and going from party to party...beautiful woman, beer and weed...finished the night by taking some shrooms and listening to an amazing elke kleijn set...sunday...i met a nice girl who worked at one of the coffee shops and ended up talking to her for like 6 hours...was supposed to meet her at some DnB party...but instead went for a steak and walked around red light district bars drinking and smoking...monday took it easy went to a coffee shop and took a taxi to airport....

                            All in all...I think I will be going back there some time soon
                            Originally posted by Illuminate
                            Let me get this straight.

                            So white-middle class Americans have been told by their Television sets to be fearful of:

                            1. Mexicans/Latinos from the South bringing drugs and killings n' shit.
                            2. African Americans cause mos def they are raging a race war and want to occupy America like how the plebs occupied Wall St.
                            3. Iranians/Afghans/Any one of middle eastern origin to be quite frank, cause you know Islam...
                            4. North Koreans/Chinese cause you know everything...

                            Am I close here?


                            • dannyboy
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2006
                              • 1934

                              Re: My name is Muhammad.

                              Originally posted by threehills
                              Quick! Somebody pick up the red phone and call TheSightless
                              MERCURY SERVER IS MY LIFE


                              • KinKyJ
                                Platinum Poser
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 13438

                                Re: My name is Muhammad.

                                LMAO @ this thread. Whatever the title is, the posts remain the same. I'll contribute something when I have sth new to say about the matter. I've already posted enough ballanced shit.



