Rossonera - Leftfield Righthand - 30-11-2007
Artist: Rossonera
Album: Leftfield Righthand
Date: 30-11-2007
Runtime: 119:12
mpeg ver. 3
Bitrate: 192 kbps cbr

01 - Leftfield - Release The Pressure
02 - Leftfield - Afro-Left
03 - Leftfield - Melt
04 - Leftfield - Song Of Life
05 - Leftfield - Original
06 - Leftfield - Black Flute
07 - Leftfield - Space Shanty
08 - Leftfield - Open Up
09 - Leftfield - Inspection (Check One)
10 - Leftfield - Afro-Left (Afro-Ride)
11 - Leftfield - Release The Pressure (Release One)
12 - Leftfield - Storm 3000
13 - Leftfield - 21st Century Poem
14 - Leftfield - Filter Fish
15 - Leftfield - Afro-Left (Afro-Central)
16 - Leftfield - Release The Pressure (Release Four)
17 - Leftfield - Original (Live Dub)
18 - Leftfield - Original
19 - Bomb the Bass - Empire (with Benjamin Zephaniah & Sinead O'Connor)
no story behind this, just my 1st try inspired by the best band ever, have fun and leave some feedback
Artist: Rossonera
Album: Leftfield Righthand
Date: 30-11-2007
Runtime: 119:12
mpeg ver. 3
Bitrate: 192 kbps cbr

01 - Leftfield - Release The Pressure
02 - Leftfield - Afro-Left
03 - Leftfield - Melt
04 - Leftfield - Song Of Life
05 - Leftfield - Original
06 - Leftfield - Black Flute
07 - Leftfield - Space Shanty
08 - Leftfield - Open Up
09 - Leftfield - Inspection (Check One)
10 - Leftfield - Afro-Left (Afro-Ride)
11 - Leftfield - Release The Pressure (Release One)
12 - Leftfield - Storm 3000
13 - Leftfield - 21st Century Poem
14 - Leftfield - Filter Fish
15 - Leftfield - Afro-Left (Afro-Central)
16 - Leftfield - Release The Pressure (Release Four)
17 - Leftfield - Original (Live Dub)
18 - Leftfield - Original
19 - Bomb the Bass - Empire (with Benjamin Zephaniah & Sinead O'Connor)
no story behind this, just my 1st try inspired by the best band ever, have fun and leave some feedback
