im new here and i was thinking about some things.
First is:
Isnt it right that u wanna safe bandwith?
So why u dont use bittorrent instead of http downloads?
This would have another great advantage.
chemicalbeavis rips the show in high quality waveformat and converts it to 192kbps mp3.
Everybody knows, mp3 isnt lossless. But there is a compressionmethod available called flac.
It allows lossless compression and uses only 50 percent of discspace.
Example: a 500 mb wavefile could be compressed !lossless! to 250mb flacfile.
there is also a plugin for winamp and xmms (linux) available.
So why dont safe bandwith by publishing the Kiss100 shows via bittorrent.
And rip them in a higher quality.???
Sorry for my noobish english
im new here and i was thinking about some things.
First is:
Isnt it right that u wanna safe bandwith?
So why u dont use bittorrent instead of http downloads?
This would have another great advantage.
chemicalbeavis rips the show in high quality waveformat and converts it to 192kbps mp3.
Everybody knows, mp3 isnt lossless. But there is a compressionmethod available called flac.
It allows lossless compression and uses only 50 percent of discspace.
Example: a 500 mb wavefile could be compressed !lossless! to 250mb flacfile.
there is also a plugin for winamp and xmms (linux) available.
So why dont safe bandwith by publishing the Kiss100 shows via bittorrent.
And rip them in a higher quality.???

Sorry for my noobish english