After taking probably a year and a half off of recording, I've finally taken a stab at doing a new mix.
Any comments or feedback are welcome.
Jeff Taylor - Winter 2007 Demo
1. Aural Distortion - Plasma
2. Chris Wood - On My Mind
3. Scoopa-Fi - Rock That Spot (Tom Clark Remix)
4. James Harcourt & Udaye Rana - Schadenfreude
5. Presslaboys - Goritown
6. Tiefshwarz - Ghostrack (Radio Slave Remix)
7. Olivier Gregoire - Empechement
8. Blake Monroe - Summer's Gone (Bushwacka Dub)
9. Pedro Madeira - Long Shadows (Christian Prommer Remix)
10. Hernan Nunzi - My Big Time
11. Kiki & Sasse - Grand Cru
12. Sebastien Leger - Cosmonite
13. Underworld - Crocodile (Innervisions Orchestra Mix)
Any comments or feedback are welcome.
Jeff Taylor - Winter 2007 Demo
1. Aural Distortion - Plasma
2. Chris Wood - On My Mind
3. Scoopa-Fi - Rock That Spot (Tom Clark Remix)
4. James Harcourt & Udaye Rana - Schadenfreude
5. Presslaboys - Goritown
6. Tiefshwarz - Ghostrack (Radio Slave Remix)
7. Olivier Gregoire - Empechement
8. Blake Monroe - Summer's Gone (Bushwacka Dub)
9. Pedro Madeira - Long Shadows (Christian Prommer Remix)
10. Hernan Nunzi - My Big Time
11. Kiki & Sasse - Grand Cru
12. Sebastien Leger - Cosmonite
13. Underworld - Crocodile (Innervisions Orchestra Mix)