You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

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  • hambino21
    PFC Semen Ham
    • Jul 2004
    • 863

    You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

    So after spending New Years Eve in Amsterdam and at a Danny Howells show, I figured I really Accomplished my mission, job well done, Lets hop on a train and head back to the hotel. I made 2 connections in the we hours of the morning(starting at 600am). The next to last train I was on stopped at the correct stop but the switch wasn't working to open the door so we could get out, needless to say, we ended up at a stop way past ours. Well, we just hopped on the first available headed back to Neuiw Vennep which is where needed to go.
    Well about 5 minutes into the train ride whenwe had reached the max speed, A huge jolt and racket struck through the train. Mind you, we were right behind the engineer. So after the jolt( and I mean f'n loud!! we thought we were about to derail or something) The train came to an abrupt stop. One of the ticket dudes comes running up to the front of the train. He talks to the engineer for a minute and then gets on the phone. As he was on the phone, he threw me a bag of tobacco and somes papers to roll a cigarette for the engineer( kinda weird already). I was like ok. but i was too hung over and tired and offered the engineer one of my cigarettes but he was really distraught and kind of just wandered off somewhere else for the time being.
    Well we sat there in the train for what seemed like forever. We were just able to start to see things outside because it was still early morning, and the sun hadn't quite rose yet. I noticed the engineer getting tended to and escorted off by a paramedic. We still can't figure out whats going on. We start seeing cops and firefighters show up, but still noone explains to us what is happening.
    The giveway showed up in the form of two coroners in a black stretched mini van looking thing. We found out that someone had decided to take their own life by jumping in front of our 80mph train. The workers were spending so much time cleaning body parts and matter from underneath and on the side of the train. We couldn't figure out what was going on for the longest time, but when we found out, we were very shocked/stunned. we watched as they sprayed blood and such from the undercarriage.This was not the way I wanted to start the new year

    The scariest part of the whole thing is I had mentioned that morning when the trains came racing by," Hell if you're going to kill yourself, this would definitely be the way to do it". I feel very weird about the whole thing

    Just thought I'd share
    " Focus on the subtleties and the world becomes grander"

    - Me-
  • chuckc
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 5459

    Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

    pure that musta been crazy to experiance after clubbing all night....


    • beanzncheez
      • Jun 2004
      • 4442

      Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

      I would have been jerking off had I seen that. You got pics?


      • Digger
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Nov 2004
        • 2739

        Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

        damn, defently the first bad expirience in 2008!....

        sorry to hear that mate....i think you need to party tonight and forgot those things to remplacement with nice things!...">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%">">
        All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.


        • DancingQueen
          AVB FanClub | President
          • Oct 2005
          • 4061

          Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

          Wow that's horrible
          I have never witnessed anything like that, I don't know how I would react. I hope you are ok
          RIP Steve "Jibs" James - Your footprint is forever on my soul and in my heart xoxo
          RIP Jeff Shewchuk aka DJ Jeff Taylor (day_for_night) - You will live on in my heart forever xoxo

          Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


          • Digger
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Nov 2004
            • 2739

            Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

            Originally posted by DancingQueen
            Wow that's horrible
            I have never witnessed anything like that, I don't know how I would react. I hope you are ok
            if i see blood, i pass out!

  ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%">">
            All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.


            • unkownartist
              • Nov 2005
              • 4146

              Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

              Originally posted by beanzncheez
              I would have been jerking off had I seen that. You got pics?

              on a serious note though thats a pretty heavy start to the new year


              • day_for_night
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 4127

                Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

                brutal man, thats awful. on a lighter was howells?


                • Troklo
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 2012

                  Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

                  That sucks dude. So how was Howells?
                  Quiero brincar al agua para caer al cielo


                  • fer_
                    Platinum Poster
                    • May 2005
                    • 2041

                    Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

                    wow sorry to hear that def not the best way to start a new year


                    • jeffrey collins
                      Not cool enough
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 7427

                      Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

                      Originally posted by Digger
                      if i see blood, i pass out!

                      yeah i'm not too good with that either. I've got one hell of a graphic imagination.

                      Truly sorry to hear about that happening around you guys on NYD.
                      Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                      My Painting Blog

                      My Soundcloud page.


                      • feather
                        Shanghai ooompa loompa
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 20903

                        Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

                        At least this was AFTER Howells.


                        Originally posted by Hoff
                        a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
                        Originally posted by m1sT3rL
                        Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

                        I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


                        • Wanni
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 423

                          Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

                          ooph. That's fucked up.
                          NOT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          • DIDI
                            Aussie Pest
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 16845

                            Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

                            ^^^ Someone I know was coming home from a dance party a few years ago [NYE] and saw a girl hit and killed by a car Awful experience
                            Originally posted by TheVrk
                            it IS incredible isn't it??
                            STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                            Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                            The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                            • hambino21
                              PFC Semen Ham
                              • Jul 2004
                              • 863

                              Re: You would never believe what happened this New Year's morning!!!!!!!!

                              Yeah, I'm definitely going to remember that forever. I didn't get any pics or anything, just what I remember seeing. I will start another thread on the Howells show. I've got vids anfd pics. all in all, it was a totally unforgettable New years. I still feel bad for the engineer because he saw the whole thing happen
                              " Focus on the subtleties and the world becomes grander"

                              - Me-

