Thanks again for making the long journey drive to the Florida Panhandle. It has taken a few days to recover from the 36+ hour marathon "Fuck Me is already 2008" house party. Also thanks to Hafid Atzel, Hunter and Miami Mark for additional tune support.
Thank you Steve James.
Re: Thank you Steve James.
got pics? would love to see the visual representation of the night. -
Re: Thank you Steve James.
my pleausre oliver. had a great time as usual in p-cola.
as far as pics, i was too busy playing with my dong and dex to snap anything. will have to rely on the attendees for such proof. hopefully we'll make a repeat offense sometime this year.
Re: Thank you Steve James.
we've got pics but not for public consumption. we'll leave that too imaginative minds only. it did get pretty ugly at the end.
quote of the day - as Hafid poked his nose into your room "Hmmm...smells like Simon's in here."
who did that Sarah McLachlin remix you played on the last set you played before the Underworld megamix set?Comment
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