It doesn't matter

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  • elove
    Fresh Peossy
    • Jul 2004
    • 38

    It doesn't matter

    It really doesn't matter who wins long run strategic planning will proceed for the country no matter who wins.

  • Jun_K
    Fresh Peossy
    • Sep 2004
    • 30

    Re: It doesn't matter

    I clicked on the link...skimmed thru it and...more BS!!! The world MUST free itself from the hegemonic practices of Bullies & Crooks Inc. aka U.S.A. I got this from Sept/Oct Issue of Adbuster Magazine:

    "Newscasts consistently indicate taht life if good because GDP if goin up. But for a real measure of progress, nescasters and policy-makers should look to the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). In 1995, Oakland think tank Redefining Progress unveiled the GPI to provide a more balanced measure of the economy. It gives value to leisure time, unpaid housework and volunteerism. It subtracts value for crime and family breakdown, resource depletion, traffic accidents, and other negatives. Ultimately, the GPI recognizes the importance families, communities and nature play in economic well-being. Under the current national accounts system, these factors are ignored. Thus, while the GDP has been rising steadily since the 1950s, the GPI levelled off in the 1970s, and has even experienced prolong dips. This begs the question, are going forwards or backwards?"

    This sounds very promising if implimented from the ground up....not from the State's been almost ten years since the Oakland report and if we haven't see much change we the people must learn and take matters into our own hands...true power!


    The True Cost Revolution (Sept/Oct Adbuster)
    -not corporate largesse
    -not venture capitalists
    -not fair trading
    -not social entrepreneurs
    -not green taxes
    ---->but full-cost accounting upgrading the capitalist system.
    < >


    • stuntman
      Fresh Peossy
      • Sep 2004
      • 16

      thats an interesting website....truecosteconomics.


      • palmer
        Retired or Simply Important
        • Jun 2004
        • 5383

        thanks for sharing its information like this that I can actually read.... facts.....well you know what I mean
        art direction | design | animation

