Acidalcohol - 2008 January (promo)
Download link: http://www.beats.hu/index.fcgi?cat=dload&id=832&ac=d
Size:130,85 MB
01. talisman - leaving planet earth -dousk
02. the quasar - together -yvel & tristan still together
03. pole folder - babylon days -dousk yadda mix
04. tanja la croix - save me -original vocal
05. probspot - stalker -fine taste remix
06. noel sinner - pull over -dabruck & klein
07. tom de neef - dragonfly -rocco mundo & onno
08. terry numan - electric boogaloo -original
09. butch - on the line -oxia mix
10. david west - welsh morphology -original
11. moonbeam - i love mornings -original