Dear Mr. Murdock
It is disturbing to note that your Fox's The Family Guy is listed by Parents Television
Council (PTC) as among the worst shows considering family values. Respectfully, we
It is disturbing to note that your Fox's The Family Guy is listed by Parents Television
Council (PTC) as among the worst shows considering family values. Respectfully, we
ask that you reconsider your policies and practices.
Our Lord has instructed us, as follows:
Rid yourselves of all malice, and all guile, insincerity, envy, and all slander.
Like newborn infants, long for the pure, spiritual milk, so that by it you may
grow into salvation-if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.
1 Peter 2:1·2
We desire His blessing. We need His blessing. We fear that ifwe turn from Him we will
not maintain His continued kind hand over this republic.
We pray that you will use your position ofleadership to adopt policies which will please
Him.bGod bless you and God bless America.
Our Lord has instructed us, as follows:
Rid yourselves of all malice, and all guile, insincerity, envy, and all slander.
Like newborn infants, long for the pure, spiritual milk, so that by it you may
grow into salvation-if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.
1 Peter 2:1·2
We desire His blessing. We need His blessing. We fear that ifwe turn from Him we will
not maintain His continued kind hand over this republic.
We pray that you will use your position ofleadership to adopt policies which will please
Him.bGod bless you and God bless America.
Complaint Summary:
During South Park, a character became ashamed of the lengths that he had to go to retrieve $10 from another
character. The character proceeds to tell a group of characters that they were going to teach a pony to bite the
penis off of a before mentioned character. While teaching the pony to "bite his wenier off" it started to lick and
preform fellatio. This is an act of beastiality and should never be shown. You may expect something like this on
HBO, Showtime, etc. but not on the Comedy Channel.character. The character proceeds to tell a group of characters that they were going to teach a pony to bite the
penis off of a before mentioned character. While teaching the pony to "bite his wenier off" it started to lick and
preform fellatio. This is an act of beastiality and should never be shown. You may expect something like this on
some of these complaints absolutely kill me.
here's one for the daily show:
Last night I was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, on the Comedy
Channel, 7 PM, during one of the pieces about Madonna visiting Isareal, he
mentioned her "TIT CONES" on TV. This type of 'humor' shocks and offends me. What
do you plan on doing about this type of behavior and what type of constraints
will be put in place to prevent this type of behavior again?
Channel, 7 PM, during one of the pieces about Madonna visiting Isareal, he
mentioned her "TIT CONES" on TV. This type of 'humor' shocks and offends me. What
do you plan on doing about this type of behavior and what type of constraints
will be put in place to prevent this type of behavior again?
there's just too many