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  • petesbeats
    Soccer 4 EVA
    • Sep 2005
    • 174


    Hello there party people. I used to frequent this board a lot a year or so a go until i had my internet access privilidges taken away at work. I am now back online and remembered about this great site and thought id say hello.

    Peace =]
    Loose Lipped Controller in da Mothafukin Hizzows!!
  • Huggie Smiles
    Anyone have Styx livesets?
    • Jun 2004
    • 11837

    Re: Hey

    no internet at home?

    so you WAM?
    W.A.M. is a cool acronym for Work Avoidance Mode. Now it is like 9:10AM already and I just want to slack off or go read a google API example instead of calling people trying to get shit coordinated. Now usually in W.A.M. I just go to the intarwebs and watch video after video of useless shit but I need your help. I am willing to

    welcome back
    ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


    • petesbeats
      Soccer 4 EVA
      • Sep 2005
      • 174

      Re: Hey

      To be honest mate when i lost access at work i didnt have it at home and through my short term memory issue i totally forgot about this site. It was only through trying to find an old set that my gfriend has lost of mine that google brought this site back up and i thought "shit man ive not been there for ages".

      Glad ive remembered it though.
      Loose Lipped Controller in da Mothafukin Hizzows!!


      • TheMightyGreg
        Editor Shmeditor
        • Nov 2006
        • 1361

        Re: Hey

        ...you've got to hide your love awaaaaay!
        Catch my bi-monthly show on UB Radio



        • fumanchu182
          Angantyr The Ruthless
          • Jun 2004
          • 962

          Re: Hey

          Welcome back to the intarwebs. Please to be doing you.
          The sailors of the United States Navy are among the most disciplined, devoted, and well-trained fighting men the world has ever known. They drink gasoline and piss fire, The spit bullets and shit bombs, and will swim across the ocean with a knife in their teeth just for the chance to carve up those that threaten their homeland.

