Re: WARNING!!! Extasy laced with Meth!...
absolutely wrong. and who cares if there are binders? binders are in most drugs in pill form, from ecstasy to asprin. they're inert, and have no medical effect.
trust me, i've done hundreds of hours of research on this, taken courses at the university level, and worked in harm reduction since 2000. ecstasy has always been mdma, unless you're getting bunk pills. most pills tested turn out to be just mdma + binder. buy a testing kit and you won't have to worry. check out to buy one...
absolutely wrong. and who cares if there are binders? binders are in most drugs in pill form, from ecstasy to asprin. they're inert, and have no medical effect.
trust me, i've done hundreds of hours of research on this, taken courses at the university level, and worked in harm reduction since 2000. ecstasy has always been mdma, unless you're getting bunk pills. most pills tested turn out to be just mdma + binder. buy a testing kit and you won't have to worry. check out to buy one...