Ankle injuries..who's had them?

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  • pisana
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jan 2008
    • 140

    Ankle injuries..who's had them?

    Managed to rip a few ligaments a few days ago playing basketball. The swelling is getting worse everyday. I'm hoping to wake up in the morning and have it looking normal. The photo doesn't do it much justice but next to the other foot i look like i have elephantitis.

    Nice eh?

    So, cos my doctor is a clueless fuck and all my friends have different opinions, I'd like to get an idea of how long it took you to get back to normality, maybe not sports but being able to leave the house without using retard sticks {crutches}. There's only so much tv and computer i can take, I'm literally about to lose it. I almost miss work...and that in itself is fucking wrong.
    Last edited by pisana; April 24, 2011, 07:10:27 AM.
  • nick007
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Oct 2007
    • 6095

    Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

    Missing work! F*&k that! Have you tried hot and cold compresses on it to get swelling down? Voltaren injection? Lots of rest going to be order of the day regardless!

    The largest room in the world, is the room for improvement!


    • pisana
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jan 2008
      • 140

      Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

      Originally posted by nick007
      Missing work! F*&k that! Have you tried hot and cold compresses on it to get swelling down? Voltaren injection? Lots of rest going to be order of the day regardless!
      I've been on it with the hot and cold compresses since it happened. I have it elevated 90% of the right now, can you imagine a 6"5' bloke with his leg up over a computer desk with a keyboard on his lap and a little side table for the mouse! haha I've even knocked my monitor resolution down so i can read {my eyes are cactus}.

      Voltaren injection? Is that a pain killer? I don't think that's so readily available here in aus...not legally i think. My doctor has prescribed me some anti inflammatory's / pain killers which seem to be doing the trick, when i'm not moving

      I don't know how people could be hermits. I've been at home 3 days straight and as i said, it's mentally painful. The only thing that's keeping me going is having my wife doing EVERYTHING for me
      Last edited by pisana; April 24, 2011, 07:10:37 AM.


      • KinKyJ
        Platinum Poser
        • Jun 2004
        • 13438

        Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

        Voltaren might relieve some pain but it's mainly anti-inflamatory. It won't do the complete trick. Go see the doc dude


        • Dhar_2
          meat and potatoes
          • Jun 2004
          • 18925

          Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

          i did my ligaments in years ago.

          its a slow recovery and u will need to exercise your ankles.

          first thing u need to do is go to the doctor.


          • Jibgolly
            • Jun 2004
            • 20773

            Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

            i was born with a calcium deposit on my right ankle. it caused pain all throughout highschool and finally when i was 20/21 it was unreal pain. i managed to get a free surgery through something called Vocational Rehabilitation and they sawed off the excess bone. couldn't walk on it for a month. the pain is nonexistent now, but it sure hurt like a bitch before that surgery. imo, take the advice the others have offered and get in to a doctor. as i tell my friends who are in the military overseas - protect your feet and your balls - because you will need them for the rest of your life.


            • Global Eyes
              Gold Gabber
              • Jun 2004
              • 715

              Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

              Rolled my ankle in the same fashion two summers ago jumping outta the back of a cube van, rolling it on the side of a dried out rut. The night of, i dragged it around to a few bars, bad call. Took about a week and a half to actually be able to walk on it without some assistance. Turned from the ugly black/blue color, to an even uglier yellow nearer the end. They always say it's better to break, than sprain. Either way, your looking at a long recovery. Still fails on me from time to time when you put it in an awkward position. Makes you realize what you take for granted. Take it easy eh.


              • Jenks
                I'm kind of a big deal.
                • Jun 2004
                • 10250

                Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

                Tore three of four ligaments in my right ankle playing baseball a few years ago. I heard them snap. Thought i broke my ankle, but nope, just tore the ligs. Doc said it probably would have been better if i would have just broken the thing, because ligament damage is something they really can't do a lot for. Wrapped it up, stay off it, take some meds, that's it. The key to recovery is- when you are able to walk on it, physical therapy is a must. If not professionally, then at least get some ankle workouts from someone and do them regularly to build strength back up in your ankle. Really a fucking pain in the ass injury man. And to this day, my ankle isn't the same, never will be. I still favor it playing sports, and i feel like it has a higher tendency to roll now. I wrap my ankle if going wake boarding, or doing any high pressure ankle sporting stuff. Guess that's why i'm so into fishing now. lol.

                Best of luck, ligament damage = ball suckage.


                • chanty
                  John, John, where art thou!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 4622

                  Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

                  I sprained my thumb about 3 weeks ago and it still not right. I can't open a fresh jar and many other things. It's going to take some time to heal, but get yourself to the doctor. It looks bad!
                  Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....


                  • Miguel
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Oct 2005
                    • 3182

                    Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

                    i get em all the time
                    apply ice every night ... 7-9 days


                    • GregWhelan
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 2994

                      Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

                      Have had the misfortune of doing it a few years ago, and like everyone else on here, it's never been the same since and never will be.

                      Got a bad tackle playing football (soccer) and ever since then I've never been as strong as I once was.

                      Bitch of an injury really, good luck with your rehab!


                      • simonr
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 8796

                        Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

                        Did my ankle within the 1st few days of 4-week euro back-packing hols : keeping weight off it/using critches for a few days worked .. depends how damaged the ligs are ... best see the doc.

                        This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.


                        • pdowney
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 326

                          Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

                          Sheesh, I guess we've all done in our ankles. I did mine about 14 years ago, skating.

                          Consider yourself lucky you tore the outer ones (there are two), because they will heal. The inner one almost never heals correctly.

                          I didn't have crutches, but I probably should have. I can't remember how long I limped around.

                          It was about nine months before my ankle felt "normal", and maybe close to two years before all the twinges were gone.


                          • threehills
                            I heart Lollergirl
                            • Jun 2005
                            • 3641

                            Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

                            A doctor told you you ripped ligaments or you are assuming?
                            It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.


                            • Bender420
                              Tickle me Elmo!
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1512

                              Re: Ankle injuries..who's had them?

                              years ago i hurt mine. went to the doctor and got an x-ray. he said it was just a severe sprain. after about 8wks of it looking alot like yours i went to a bone doctor. before he even had the x-ray completely out of the envelope he said it was broken deep in my ankle and the only way to fix it would be to rebrake it, but b/c of the location it would be almost impossible to brake it in the same spot. to this day, it bothers me in bad weather and the knuckle is bigger than the other.
                              Don't let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

                              "some things simply aren’t meant to be bootybumped. Hard liquor is a prime example, as it will burn like a motherfuck."

