more strong ownage done by mustang guys

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  • shosh
    • Jun 2004
    • 4668

    more strong ownage done by mustang guys

    Forum member's house get burglarized a couple of times, he notices a custom Titans jersey is missing, to blow off some steam he heads to the gym....and ends up passing the guy on the street wearing his jersey. Member also gets his computer back which had been stolen and his keylogger has logged the guys myspace site and password;, which has now been Rick Rolled and homoed

    Original thread -

    So a couple of you may have wondered where I have been over the past 2 months. So here is the update.

    Ok so a little over a month I noticed some small items missing from around my house. I really didn't think much of it till a few days later when I noticed a money jug with change was missing. I started looking around and noticed that my 12 gauge shotgun was also gone. I called the police and filed a report that my house had been broken into.

    So fast forward to New Years Eve. I went out with some friends of mine and got back the next day. As soon as I walked into my room I saw that my desktop computer tower was gone. My house had been broken into again. Everything was locked and there was no sign of forced entry.

    I didn't know who the hell was doing this but I was determined to find out. So the next day I started questioning neighbors to see if they had seen anyone and to let them know what was happening. By the way, the house I was renting was way out in the country and about 10 miles from the nearest town so this was highly unusual.

    The next 2 days my step dad and I camped out in the house on shotgun patrol and parked our cars a few miles away hoping to catch the guy. I figured he would be back because I still had alot of valuables in the house. Well he never showed.

    On Jan. 3rd I decided to park my car at my parents house and camp out with my dog and shotgun. At 4am I was sleeping light and the electricity went out. I thought someone was outside so I went to check it out. Apparently it was just an electrical outage in the area...all the homes down the street were without power as well. I went back to bed. At 5am I woke up because I thought I heard my screen door open. I thought I was just hearing shit so I sat up in bed and grabbed the gun. Then I heard someone at the front door turning the door knob....then BANG BANG BANG on the door. Someone was trying to kick it in. I jumped up and grabbed the gun and ran by the front door. Whoever it was took off running. I waited about 30 seconds and ran out the front door to see if I could see anything. car, no movement...Nothing. So I just let of 2 shots in the air just so whoever it was knew I wasn't ****ing playing around. I called the police again and filed another report.

    I knew it had to be someone close because they only stole things that can be carried away and there was never any signs of vehicles on my property.

    So the next Sun. I was packing up. At that point I decided it really was not safe for me to be there, mainly because I have a 4 year old daughter that stays with me and I didn't want her in that situation. Well as I am packing my stuff up I was going through my clothes. Being from Tn. I am a pretty big Titans fan so I was packing my jerseys and such and I noticed one was missing. For Christmas my parents had bought me and official Vince Young Jersey. This was not one that you just buy anywhere. They are good friends with a few of the players and this was a game jersey that actually came from the Titans facility. I looked all over and sure enough the S.O.B. had stolen it too. At that point I was just pissed and fired up and decided to head to the gym to relieve some stress. It was a nice day so I rolled the windows down and cranked up some music and started driving down the street. I get to the end of my road and sit there for a second when I see my neighbor walk out of his house. This ******* was wearing an official Vince Young Titans jersey. At that point rage just took over. I spun out and ran my car up in his front yard and jumped out. Here is how the conversation went...

    (btw: this kid is 19 and all of 5'0 even, maybe a buck forty at below)

    Me: Hey come here!

    Kenny: What's up man? (walks up to me wearing my jersey and it is hanging to his knees because he is a borderline midget)

    Me: Where in the **** did you get that jersey?

    Kenny: Oh my uncle got it for me for Christmas...

    Me: Where did he get it?!

    Kenny: Uh, the mall...

    Me: BULLshit!! That is an official jersey you don't get that shit at the mall

    Kenny: I swear man...

    Me: Look ****er, that is my jersey...I want it and the rest of my shit on my front porch by 5pm or I am coming back up here and crawling 10 feet in your ass!!! (at this point I am about 3 inches from his face making sure my spit is getting all over him)

    Kenny: (looks at the ground silent for an awkward 30sec) Man.....I swear I didn't take your stuff

    Me: Have my shit on my porch or I will be back up here!!

    At that point I left and went to my parents to let them know what was going on. We called the police and informed them of what was happening. About 15mins later a cop showed up and we explained the situation. I told him I know it is all just circumstantial but my house had been broken into twice in a week and the 3rd time I had to chase the guy off with a gun. The least he could do is go talk to this kid and shake him up a bit. He said he would go talk to him. About an hour goes by and me and my bro figured we'd ride down the street and see what was going on. Well as we pass my house I look over and see my computer tower sitting on my front porch. "**** Yeah". We get to his house and see 2 cop cars and the dectective that was working on my case there. We head back to my house and just wait. A couple hours later the dectective shows up and informs me he confessed to breaking in. Luckily I got nearly all my shit back and Kenny is now facing 3 felony counts of burglary. comes the fun part. It just so happens on New Years Eve before I left I installed a "keylogger" on my computer. While that ******* had my PC he made the mistake of logging onto several websites which I was able to see and even able to get his passwords to.

    Ladies and Gentlemen of 3.8...I present Kenny!!! The dipshit cocksmoker that broke into my house. If anyone want to do any photoshops just post them here and I will put them on his myspace!!! 411

    Here is his myspace...I am now taking care of it for him so if you wanna be his friend hit me up.

    Discover, share and connect with culture, creativity, sound, images and people.
  • Mr.Big
    Platinum Poster
    • Nov 2004
    • 1390

    Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

    Thats funny.

    Pimps up Hoes down.


    • Kamal
      • May 2002
      • 28835

      Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

      you buying a mustang shosh ?

      Jib says:
      he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
      Originally posted by ace_dl
      Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
      I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


      • lilsensa
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 6675

        Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

        Or maybe he has a fetish with getting owned.
        RIP ~ Steve James


        • Funky Dredd
          Are you Kidding me??
          • May 2005
          • 3701

          Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

          Mutations presents Change The Music

          Mutations (original show)

          Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


          • Huggie Smiles
            Anyone have Styx livesets?
            • Jun 2004
            • 11836

            Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

            sure the admission of guilt and actual charges is far better than a shitty change a myspace account?!
            ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


            • clintlove
              Hey girl, ya Hungry?
              • Jun 2004
              • 3264

              Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

              good stuff

              Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



              • hypoluxxa
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 3371

                Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

                Nothing like that happens on the M3 board.


                • shosh
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 4668

                  Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

                  no mustang and no fetish... buddy of mine has a stage 2 roush and sent me these links...


                  • AntonyM
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • Oct 2004
                    • 6415

                    Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

                    Some weird ass shite
                    surprized the guy did not
                    beat his ass right there.
                    Originally posted by Shpira
                    So came back last night...
                    Sven Vath was amazing...he played a god damn killer set...ended up going to that and came to at like 10 am in some whore house in south idea how I ended up there...friday was a bit of a blur got really drunk and visited several parties can't remember a whole lot to be honest hehe...saturday was probably the best day that I recall...started up in the nearest coffee shop and going from party to party...beautiful woman, beer and weed...finished the night by taking some shrooms and listening to an amazing elke kleijn set...sunday...i met a nice girl who worked at one of the coffee shops and ended up talking to her for like 6 hours...was supposed to meet her at some DnB party...but instead went for a steak and walked around red light district bars drinking and smoking...monday took it easy went to a coffee shop and took a taxi to airport....

                    All in all...I think I will be going back there some time soon
                    Originally posted by Illuminate
                    Let me get this straight.

                    So white-middle class Americans have been told by their Television sets to be fearful of:

                    1. Mexicans/Latinos from the South bringing drugs and killings n' shit.
                    2. African Americans cause mos def they are raging a race war and want to occupy America like how the plebs occupied Wall St.
                    3. Iranians/Afghans/Any one of middle eastern origin to be quite frank, cause you know Islam...
                    4. North Koreans/Chinese cause you know everything...

                    Am I close here?


                    • rainman
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 1869

                      Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

                      lesson learned to never cross a guy with a mustang


                      • AndyH
                        Platinum Poster
                        • May 2005
                        • 1786

                        Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

                        Did u see on his myspace page he has written 'sorry that my ex is being a trick ass bitch && fuckin with my myspacepage''....? Is this u doing this Shosh? And of not, why not..??

                        What a scumbag
                        [quote=lilsensa '] 'Who wants to sample size my ball sack?'


                        • shosh
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 4668

                          Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

                          Originally posted by AndyH
                          Did u see on his myspace page he has written 'sorry that my ex is being a trick ass bitch && fuckin with my myspacepage''....? Is this u doing this Shosh? And of not, why not..??

                          What a scumbag
                          haha no not me... looks like he got his password back but he still cant figure out how to get rid of the major homo pic and the rick roll... lol


                          • Weizy
                            MCast Resident DJ
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 3225

                            Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

                            Wow that is quite a story! Good for you for catching that punk red-handed. The whole myspace thing is just priceless...maybe I will install a keylogger in case I ever get robbed...again


                            • FM
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 5361

                              Re: more strong ownage done by mustang guys

                              awesome are so fucking dumb these days

                              "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

                              What record did you loose your virginity to?
                              "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

                              Download/Listen To My Mixes
                              A Journey Into Sound On MCast

                              Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.

