MCast sessions on Proton radio

For those who missed the show when it aired last month on Proton radio and in case you do not own your own on demand account already, here is the third edition of the MCast sessions show which lead us in January 2008 into the realms of Techno provided from our resident DJ CJ Tari.
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You can read further show details on Proton's website:
01 Dominik Eulberg - Der Traum Vom Fliegen [Cocoon]
02 Italoboyz - At De Stella [Get Physical]
03 Pablo Akaros - Birdy The Bird [Greelpound]
04 Maik Loewen - Bright Night [Poker Flat]
05 Friendly People - Music Is Improper(Martin Buttrich Remix) [Apnea]
06 Partial Arts - Telescope(Radioslave's Prenzlauer Blur Remix) [Kompakt]
07 Dusty Kid - Kore(Marek Hemmann Mix) [Boxer]
08 Jonas Kopp - Androgeno [Spectral]
09 Butch - Helau [Great Stuff]
10 Nico Purman - Tuesday [Vakant]
11 Agaric - C'est What? [Raum..musik]
12 Jack Rock - Formation Flying(Guy Gerber Remix) [Tic Tac Toe]
13 Pascal Feos & Marc Miroir - Rezolution [Level None Zero]
14 Nudisco - Hezklabaster [Great Stuff]
15 Zander Vt - After The Crash [Bpitch Control]
16 Kaliber - 17.3 [Kaliber]
17 Luciano - Nunca Tiene Bastante [Cadenza]
18 Harry Axt - Tag Der Befreiung(Holgi Star & Miro Pjic Remix) []
19 Domink Eulberg - Haifischfluegel [Cocoon]
20 Kill - Catch My Drip [Spectral]
21 Namito - City Of Gods [Great Stuff]
22 Seth Troxler - Muse [Spectral]
23 Mauro Picotto - Contaminato [Alchemy]
24 Mike Parker - Hiss [Dozzy]
25 Oliver Huntemann - Sorgenbrecher [Confused]
26 Anna - Black [Regular]
27 Wehbba - Gafiera [Great Stuff]
28 Xpansul - Forumula Humo [Adltd]
29 Mauro Picotto - Acid Sex [Alchemy]
30 Marco Bailey - Verket(Danilo Vogorito Remix) [Mb Selektions]
31 Johannes Heil - Tronic [Metatron]
32 Paul Ritch - Shester [Resopal]
33 Donato Dozzy - Fullonica De Stephanus [Dozzy]
34 Dave Lopez - Artificial Serenity [Unsigned]